Sorry to side track. BUT, I would never, ever, ever resort to rocks and I would have totally flipped if we'd gone to rocks that Tribal. You can never truly predict what the next episode will bring, you could win Immunity, somebody on the opposing alliance may want to make a move etc etc.
No see this is absolutely all wrong because, with the exception of twists that players can’t control, a good player CAN predict what will happen next episode. That is essentially what it means when good players say they can think 2/3 steps ahead. Besides the Ted boot, which I think was the only true Helios error, I was able to understand how every player would rationalize each vote. Being around the players, I knew how they would vote IF they were to play for their own benefit and in an intellectual manner. (That is why idiotic players are the biggest wildcards in the games see Rob/Daniel and if I DIDN’T have to play with them, I wouldn’t). So if I knew that going to a final five would not benefit me whatsoever and take me out of the running for the final three, why in hell would I do it? To survive one more round? No that’s fucking stupid. If you cant think long term, then you’re doing it wrong.
Putting yourself in the position to have your fate essentially decided by luck is the most retarded thing you can do seriously and it would totally not be worth the risk.
False. A smart player willingly putting themselves in a minority with three people whose best interests are to go to a final three together, that is the most “retarded” thing ever.
My proviso has always been my survival takes priority, then my alliances survival is secondary.
This is such a stupid saying. Loyal alliances are the best way for consistent survival and leaving it up to banking that something might switch up next episode is absolutely insane and irrational.
At F6 you're two Immunity wins away from the Finale. Im not about to be voted out because of a stupid rock after playing hardball for 20 something days.
So you’d rather leave it up to thinking that you can win two immunities in a row? Not all ORGs will you have your Robs still around at final 6, I’m sure you know that.
Also at F6 I couldnt care less about my alliance, im weighing up who I can beat at the end
Not smart, you have to get there first. When alliances are solidified by that time, you can’t afford to think like that.
Uh…. Maybe more later