Meanwhile, back in the game, *somebody* has managed to find the merge tribe idol with zero clues

And that same *somebody* is aware they are potentially a target at the next council
buuut what they don't know is whether they'll have two, three or four votes incoming if the target lands on them.
A few other morsels to whet your appetite;
After being bffs back on Chorotega, then falling out over the Lisa/Jo vote, Tom & BJ voted the same way to boot Mia yesterday. But neither knew in advance the other was going to do it, and both were lying to each other about who they
were going to vote for

And when zero votes came out for either of these 'targets' they both know exactly what happened. So Tom sent BJ one of *the most* condescending (but still well-intentioned) apologies I've seen in an ORG. BJ accepted it to his face about as ungraciously as he could muster - then proceeded to tell all & sundry that Tom is being an a*hole in PMs to him. So while both are keeping up appearances with each other, both *really* want to abandon the boot-one-of-last round's-minority-voters plan to target each other. But the common default plan is still to either take out threat Ami, or slaughter the goat in Lisa before it's too late and she gets dragged to the end.
Meanwhile Ami is working that minority position and is the only person wise to Chad's masterful playing of both sides, so she's making sure everyone knows about it. She could get onboard with either a Tom or a BJ vote easily enough, but her preferred option is that everyone realises Chad is mondo snako right now and takes him out for it, and yes, there are some people nibbling at that idea, but also some people afraid she is just desperate and pulling straws out of her arse and *they still trust Chad is with them*

He has really played everyone so well it's hard to believe, especially coming from her.
Ibe is of course immune. Kim is masterfully staying well out of any spotlight and is no-bodies target.
Five targets, one idol. Even I have no clue what happens tonight.
I'm dropping this here since you've all been such good lurkers. I shouldn't even have to remind you that this is all extremely privy info and obviously it is not to go anywhere outside this subforum.
kk? kk.