Bobbi-Jon wrote:Since I'm immune at tonight's vote, I have decided to stir the pot and have a little fun.
In all likelihood Caryn will be voted out tonight, but I am going to ensure it's not the unanimous vote many people are expecting. I am voting for Lisa and making it seems as though my vote is actually Caryn's vote. I am telling Caryn to vote for Ibrehem, in the hope that Ibrehem thinks the vote comes from Chad. Ibrehem already hates Chad as Chad has voted for him on two previous occasions, and Chad publicly promised not to vote for Ibrehem this time around, so it should make for some good post-tribal drama. This should serve to keep the attention away from myself for the next vote, and nobody will suspect I was behind it.
Ami Confessional wrote:The overall dynamic according to Tom is that Ami-Tom-BJ-Chris-Mia will be the F5 and he said in order his boot list would be: Caryn, Chad, Gregg, Ibe/Jo, Kim/Lisa, Chris, Mia...then a F3 of Tom-BJ-Ami
I don't buy it, and I won't let HIM dictate how the game is going to go.
Caryn SEEMS to be the one leaving tonight, and the next round should be a mess. Tom claims he wants to split the vote between Gregg and Chad (to force Chad using an idol....he thinks Chad has the idol), but we want to either have Tom and a few others just fully on board with going after Gregg....or we try and do a power play while they fuck their votes up. It's a long shot, but hey, you do what you think you should do.
I do not want to play this game safely. I've played far too safe in basically every other game I've played. You only get one shot in Stranded.
Jolanda wrote:With my alliance, I think it's a GREAT possibility that I will make the endgame with them. I trust Ibe, Bobby Jon, Tom, and Gregg fully, and I really like them. They are all great people, and I hope tried like and trust me as much as I like and trust them.
Jolanda wrote:When Tom told me that he was ready to hook back up with Ibe and I, I literally started jumping around and fist pumping everywhere. I was that excited. I think I almost cried, too. I was that excited.
Jolanda wrote:The plan for this round is flipping in my mind every second. Should I take out Chris, a huge threat in challenges, and a pretty sneaky social player, but outing the Chorotega alliance earlier than it should? Or should we split the votes between Chad and Ami, and possibly take out an idol, but Chris will still be here? No matter what, those three are the biggest threats I need to take out sooner than later.
Ibrehem wrote:There are about a hundred different plans. Supposedly Chris and Mia are with us 6 Original Chorotegas. Last elimination, Chris told Caryn she was going before the vote. He's obviously starting to win over jury votes. On top of that, he's a shady guy, a challenge threat and an Original Guatuso member. I hate all of them, by the way. So, my idea is to lie and tell Chris and Mia to vote for Chad. The 6 of us O-Choro's are gonna vote Chris. This way, if Chris/Mia flip, we'll have numbers, and if they get Chad to use his idol on himself (thinking they've got us) it'll go to waste. I mean, duh. And if Chris/Mia don't flip the vote is still something like 6/2/3. We'll just apologize to Mia afterward. It's brilliant, and I came up with it.
I don't know if the rest of the O-Choro's are up for it. I'll have to see. A few of them liked the idea but they don't want to risk losing Chris. Not like it matters, because we'll be 6/4. 7/3 if Mia stays true to us. (I swear Tom mentioned Mia wanted me gone last vote, or something?? Bitch.)
Of course in the end I'd rather go up against Jolanda and Gregg. Jolanda would most likely win. If I didn't I'd rather it was her. Or Bobby Jon. I like Gregg, and he came through for us. But, I don't know, my trust in him has really took a beating. It feels wrong rooting for him to win the whole season.
Oh, and I know I was picking on Tom for his poor decisions, I was joking (sort of). I like Tom a lot, duh. He's kind of a threat though. He seems on good terms with everyone... Too good terms... It's really just his decision-making for when it counts I think is laughable.
And I love Kim, duh. :D
Gregg wrote:Oh yeah Ibe is the only original person from chautaoterssjs or whatever who is not a tard. What kind of imbecle tries to do a vote split with 11 people.
Hopefully people will see that keeping someone who is not so set in their vote is a good idea if they ever want to make a power shuffle.
Gregg: Wow people are giving you the cold shoulder.
Personally for my own game I would like to work with you but it seems like people whatever they have in place they are already working towards. In general I feel like people clearly must have been making some kind of long term deals when they were a tribe of 8 on new Chorotega and unless someome slips or tries to make some kind of move me and you are gonna be picked off. I feel just as much out of the loop as you.
Chad: We need a twist or something!!!!
Oh and BTW....... do you know who those two votes for Jo were tonight? One of the messages said "I have to protect myself if an idol is played". So I'm assuming it was Lisa and Chris. But as soon as I saw that I was like OH GREAT! They're going to pin that shit on me. And no one has said a word to me. It was obvious that Caryn was the Lisa vote, so it wasn't her...
Gregg: I really have no clue. I figured Caryn was the Lisa vote or someone pretending to be her. Some people are not talking to me either I am still waiting for a simple reply back from the hellos i sent to people like lisa and kim.
I think I'll ask around about that tomorrow. If they try to pin it on me to make Jolanda even more mad at me Imma be
Gregg: Alright dude. If you hear any info let me know. And if I hear your name as the target I will let you know.
Chad: OK. Sounds good. I did *hear* from someone when we first got here that if we were not immune, they were going to split the vote between you and I in case one of us had an idol. I think Ami maybe said that to me.... asking me what I did to piss everyone off so much? I think it may have been Ami. But that was days ago and I haven't heard anything about this vote since that. I did send out a few PMs to try to make amends with people. But obviously no one contacting me first makes me feel great about any of this....
Gregg:It's shortsighted though. And then what? I don't get why people are not trying to get either you or me on their side and use our vote how many people really think they have the numbers.
Chad: That's why I'm worried. I mean I'm a dead man walking right now. So why aren't people trying to use that and pull me over for a vote? Why get me out? It doesn't make any sense. Unless there really is a plan and I just don't know about it because no one trusts that I won't spill the beans. That is quite possible too. And if they really think you aren't part of anything either.... it's the same for you. No one from Chorotega has PMed me AT ALL. Except you. And Kim sent me a hi tonight because I had never even spoken to her. And Jo just sent me a very short PM and clearly did not want to engage in a convo telling me everyone was voting for Caryn. That's it. And obviously the old Guatusos PMed me saying OMG HI I've missed you kind of stuff. And trying to get info about what happened over there during the swap. But they haven't told me ANYTHING about nuChorotega at all, so it was pretty clear to me that there were alliances that formed and they were all keeping pretty hush hush about it.
Gregg: I really feel like we are dead men walking now unless I am just reading too much into things and certain people are just not very social or really busy this weekend. Pretty much besides Ibe,Bobby and you I am like almost getting no replies from people its pretty frustrating.
So right now since I think my original cuateugor or whatevers are disorganized I am gonna let people from original Guatuso know Greggs loyalty is open for business. Right now I will open myself up to as many votes as people need.
I got completely screwed by John being annoying and Brook being an idiot. I have no alliance. I am quite certain everyone will vote me out the first chance they get. And I'm on vacation so I haven't been able to really think about this. But I think I'm screwed. LOL
It just doesn't make sense. I am no threat at all. I highly doubt I will ever win an IC. No one likes me apparently.... holy shit wait until they see my confessionals. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha But anyway.... why take me out? But then again why did we vote Caryn out tonight? Unless that was just a gimme vote while everyone got organized. And they still have the numbers. But what was the point of voting Caryn out? She's one of the people you WANT to be around at the end. So anything is possible with these people.
I have no idea what I am going to do tomorrow night. But I'm not buying this split the vote between Gregg and Chad plan at all. Not one bit. I'm attempting to get info out of Gregg. Not that that will do a fucking thing because he's a fucking liar. But maybe I can try to pick up on SOMETHING.
No. I have no frigging idea what is going on. At this point I have no choice but to work with the old Guatusos, but they could be playing me too, although I fail to see the point of an elaborate ruse if everyone is just going to do the easy, and dumb, thing of voting me out. If I had to bet, my money is on the old Chorotegas are voting out Chris. I actually thought that may happen at the vote last night. I'm just going to keep PMing people to look for inconsistencies and try to piece together what may be really going on. And if they are going to vote Chris out, do I do something crazy? I have to do SOMETHING at this point. I'm almost thinking that since I have about a .1% chance of winning this game I might as welll just play like a lunatic. Of course Chris and Mia could be playing me. I really don't see what the point is though because I think it's fairly obvious that the Chorotega people don't like me so much. So they would be expending a lot of energy to trick me just to vote me out. That seems pretty pointless.
The problem with these games..... is you have to play the game with other people. And other people are fucking idiots.
LisAdorable wrote:Ok so things are really confusing right now. I don't really know who I can trust for sure anymore. I need to talk to everyone some more and feel things out. The game really got turned on it's head in the last few days I was told that GREGG was the mastermind of NuGuatsuo and he was the reason all that crazy stuff was going on over there I never would have expected that. He was one of the people that I kinda wanted to get to the end with cause I thought he was a loose cannon that annoyed people but it turns out he's a mastermind so going to the end with him may not be a good idea afterall lol.
I think the person I trust the most is Chris now. I don't fully trust Ami anymore cause of what Chris told me before, but I think sticking with her for now is probably the best. She's probably just using me but at least that means she wants to keep me around for awhile. I wuld be on the bottom of the totem pole if I went with Ibe/Jo/Caryn. I still need to get a lot of things figured out!! There's so many alliances, I just need to find out which one truly has my back!
Yay I survived the first merge TC! I was a little nervous there for awhile! Caryn got booted which is fine cause I never really talked to her. When the votes were being revealed, Caryn voted for me and said on her vote that Chris told her that she was going and that I was next
This makes me super nervous. idk why people want me out. I guess it's cause I'm quiet but I've really been trying to talk to people more and thought I was improving there. I guess I just need to try even harder now
Going into the Immunity challenge right after TC was a must win for me because of that but sadly I couldn't pull it off I really like Kim a lot though so I'm happy that she won if I couldn't.
I was feeling like a dead-person-walking after that loss, but then I got a message from Mia. She said that her, Ami and Chris are working on a plan where all 5 of the original Guat's can survive and then go super far. I would LOVEEEE that soooo much I hope it works. Me/Ami/Mia/Chris/Chad would really be perfect. I would love to go to the end with that group.
Kim wrote:I regret voting out Caryn now. We got rid of a lot of our power by doing the right thing and getting rid of the least active persona and now it could just bite us all in the ass.
The plan tonight is to split the vote between Ami and Chad and normally I'd be a little iffy and paranoid to make a move like that but since I have immunity I don't really mind. No matter what, if it fails it's not gonna blow up in my face, and least not instantly. The thing is, in order for that plan to work, Mia and Chris need to be on our side 100% and I'm not really sure if that's the case. The thing is, I don't trust Chris at all and I know for a fact he isn't the biggest fan of me, and Mia's nice and seems to be on my side but I doubt her apathy of Ami. She claims to hate her but they always act buddy-buddy around each other and it's giving me the hardest time.
I just hope this all works. But I mean, if it doesn't, Tom's probably gonna take the heat for it which buys me some more time. And if I can challenge whore my way to the end I will certainly do so. I think I have what it takes.
Tom Confessional wrote:So I'm in some kind of alliance with everyone except for Chad :P I am playing so hard right now. Either something goes terribly wrong and I possibly get idoled out in these next few boots, or I go to the end and probably win the game. I honestly don't see another realistic option right now.
Meanwhile, Bobby Jon and I hold the power to decide who goes home. This will definitely be a huge decision and we need to tread very carefully right now.
I don't have numbers in any way except in the Tom/BJ/Mia circle. I could just stick with them until the FInal 7 and hope that I can use numbers then, but that's NOT my style. I'm going to be social as a motherfucker this next round, try to build rapport and trust, and I'll get back to you on that bootlist. Time to get CPM mode.
I hate Gregg already.
11-9. Ami/Chad
8-7. Kim/Lisa
That rids of the variables because Tom gets to keep his lackey in Gregg. However I want everyone to get this "set boot order" in their mind so they feel safe, and I want to turn that upside down so I can get control. I want to propose the best possible boot order for everyone to feel happy (Ami thinks that's the boot order but that she's not involved in it, same with Kim probably).
Fuck you Probst for making Kim give a shit now. Ugh that's another variable to deal with.
Chad essentially came to me saying that he has no one and that he feels desperate. This is the kind of number I need if I'm going to gain power or control.
Chris wrote:Prior to the round I told Jolanda that Tom has a lot of power, but I didn't necessarily want him out. I did this to see if she'd respond with a paragraph or an 'oh honey I know'. It was the latter, and it kinda signaled to me that I can't trust her. I didn't think she would go to Tom, but she did. Tom is also pissed that I told Caryn she was leaving, I guess because he has control issues. So Tom's no longer a fan of me, and I can't say I'm upset about that. Mia is at the forefront trying to convince him to vote out Gregg.
Well Jolanda has now deemed me as a threat due to my "Tom" comment. I honestly didn't think that one little statement could put such a target on me, but it has. She is trying to rally votes to get me out this round, and Mia has apparently convinced Tom and Bobby Jon to vote out Jolanda along with the 5 old Guatuso members. I don't exactly know what I need to do to make sure Tom & BJ stay that way, but I'm going to do just about anything.
MiAmazing wrote:I'm turning on Tom not because I don't like him or that I don't trust him much (I do still trust him, but I'm naturally paranoid and skeptical, so I want to be cautious), but I really don't believe I can beat him in the Final 3. If the F3 consists of me, him, and someone else that we would probably take as a goat, there would be no way I would get many votes from the Chorotegans on the jury. Bobby Jon, Jolanda, Ibe, Gregg, and Kim would all easily vote for him over me. I would probably get Chris's vote, and maybe Ami and Lisa's, but I don't think Chad would vote for me. Caryn is a wild card because she didn't connect with anyone and she'll be on the Jury for so long, so maybe she'll vote based on gameplay, but who knows.
But yeah, I don't think I can beat Tom, and I want to win this thing. That's why I'm secretly making a move against him. And I would like to take Chris and Lisa to the end with me.
Nobody in their right mind would vote for Lisa to win. She's in the same boat as Caryn, albeit a little more lucky. I hate to play the goat game, but it's my best shot at winning.
Chris would also be tough to vote for. Tom doesn't trust him much, and Jolanda/Ibe have basically turned against him too. I may be mistaken, but I think I can get the most votes this way. I just have to use Tom properly and dispose of him when I no longer need him.
Basically, I have to survive tonight and make sure everyone from Guatuso stays. If not, I'll have to reevaluate. I hope that Tom pulls through. Jolanda needs to go. If that happens, I have all of Guatuso on my side, plus Tom and Bobby Jon thinking they're still with Chris and I, and they would totally not expect all of Guatuso to be sticking together.
Regardless, if Jolanda goes, Guatuso will easily take back control. I can string Tom along and make him think that he's still aligning with me, but in reality, I'm just using him to take out all of Chorotega.
I can string Tom along and make him think that he's still aligning with me, but in reality, I'm just using him to take out all of Chorotega.
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