Apologies for being a shit lurker :(

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OfflineLurker Penny
Posts: 143
Joined: Thu Nov 08, 2012 6:39:36 pm
Ugh im so busy atm. You know I love following these games obviously. And I feel bad for not turning up some days but im so busy right now.

Im hosting Aus Stranded right now which is good. And then I actually started a new job last week and that is going great atm too. Finally I start a series of summer classes tomorrow (its summer here in Australia atm), which will basically make my final year of university in 2013 a little easier and hopefully I can graduate at the end of 2013 and start teaching! Yay.

But yes, thats basically why I turned down the opportunity to lurk the PMs and write summaries for you Poods as I literally would not have had any time to do it. Ill try and help you out in the future with stuff. Atm its very hectic though. icon_sad
OfflineLurker Lisi
Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Nov 20, 2012 11:17:11 pm
You got a job?
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OfflineLurker Penny
Posts: 143
Joined: Thu Nov 08, 2012 6:39:36 pm
I had a job prior to this you doofus. I just got a NEW job tyvm.
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OfflineLurker Penny
Posts: 143
Joined: Thu Nov 08, 2012 6:39:36 pm
And also, you're the one playing ORGs at your job. When I am at work I am actually... wait for it... WORKING.

Lolpwnt Lisi. Also, get an avatar.

Actually no, I'd rather you didnt you fuggo piece of shit.

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