Re: John - 14th Place

Postby John » Sun Nov 25, 2012 4:32:19 am

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    As for the night you were voted out I can't see why you were turned on?
    Chad might have had immunity but you should have been safe as Gregg was meant to be a close ally of yours? Even with Chad having immunity, you, Chad and Gregg should still have been in the majority to take out Ibrehem or Jolanda.

    I had no control in me being voted out as you managed to turn the tables as you had it in for me and there were 3 desperate people who saw an opportunity to save themselves.

    As I said I felt it was a poor play on your part not because I was voted out but because a move like that should have taken you much further in the game and not be voted out the following tribal.

    Re: John - 14th Place

    Postby John » Sun Nov 25, 2012 4:39:11 am

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    And as for my gameplay, my motives were pretty clear and I will say everything I was discussing or planning I had my reasons as to why I did and said the things that I said and did.

    You might not have appreciated and agreed on everything I said but my hopes was to remain tight with you and Chad which I thought was the case.

    I was informing you on everything I was discussing with the other 3 so if they played on that they succeeded as I know some things were edited and requoted and I wouldn't be surprised if that wasn't the case with how they communicated with you.

    Re: John - 14th Place

    Postby John » Sun Nov 25, 2012 4:44:38 am

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    Lastly, where do I state I played a fantastic game?

    I gave it my best shot and it wasn't meant to be.

    My game ended because you turned on me and that move cost you in the end too so you might have beaten me by one place but by me stating that you fucked up doesn't mean I am a sore loser and a BITCH it's stating what I feel is the obvious.

    Re: John - 14th Place

    Postby Lurker Penny » Sun Nov 25, 2012 4:51:21 pm

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    John wrote:Can Penny see this thread?

    I am here for you now John John. :)

    Re: John - 14th Place

    Postby Lurker Penny » Sun Nov 25, 2012 4:56:11 pm

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    OfflineLurker Penny
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    Holy shit this thread is amazing!!

    Re: John - 14th Place

    Postby John » Sun Nov 25, 2012 5:58:28 pm

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    Lurker Penny wrote:
    John wrote:Can Penny see this thread?

    I am here for you now John John. :)

    Yeah Brook and I had a pretty heated argument LOL.

    Do you know who I am Penny?

    Re: John - 14th Place

    Postby Lurker Penny » Sun Nov 25, 2012 6:07:36 pm

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    I would have no idea sorry. I have barely been lurking so I do not know what has been happening.

    Re: John - 14th Place

    Postby John » Sun Nov 25, 2012 6:08:37 pm

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    Lurker Penny wrote:I would have no idea sorry. I have barely been lurking so I do not know what has been happening.

    You will laugh when you find out Penny or should I say Brenda?

    Re: John - 14th Place

    Postby Brook » Sun Nov 25, 2012 9:07:09 pm

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    John wrote:To make fun of me as the leader when 1 I didn't volenteer for and 2 I wasn't keen on in the first place and 3 was stuck with as no one else wanted it is a cheap shot by you. Besides switching up the tribes the role didn't involve much so I have no idea what you were expecting? More wins maybe but the loses can't be blamed on the leader.

    icon_cry icon_cry icon_cry

    Did that hurt your feelings John? Playing the victim when you throw the first punch is the sign of a weak man

    Re: John - 14th Place

    Postby Brook » Sun Nov 25, 2012 9:10:17 pm

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    John wrote:As for you getting the shits with and no longer trusting me when I suggested getting rid of Dolly confuses me a little. I could understand if it was you I was suggesting and you found out but to turn on someone all because of a suggestion puzzles me.

    No, i never trusted you. You just would have lasted a little longer if you didnt want to vote Dolly out because i would have still had my ally around and would have been happy to go along for a little longer

    Re: John - 14th Place

    Postby Brook » Sun Nov 25, 2012 9:13:09 pm

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    John wrote:As for the night you were voted out I can't see why you were turned on?
    Chad might have had immunity but you should have been safe as Gregg was meant to be a close ally of yours? Even with Chad having immunity, you, Chad and Gregg should still have been in the majority to take out Ibrehem or Jolanda.

    I had no control in me being voted out as you managed to turn the tables as you had it in for me and there were 3 desperate people who saw an opportunity to save themselves.

    As I said I felt it was a poor play on your part not because I was voted out but because a move like that should have taken you much further in the game and not be voted out the following tribal.

    I thought gregg was with me, he wasn't - oh well, im not going to try to flame him in a tantrum if he ends up getting voted out

    He said he voted me because he was sure i had the idol and wasn't telling him

    Re: John - 14th Place

    Postby John » Sun Nov 25, 2012 9:13:45 pm

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    Brook wrote:
    John wrote:To make fun of me as the leader when 1 I didn't volenteer for and 2 I wasn't keen on in the first place and 3 was stuck with as no one else wanted it is a cheap shot by you. Besides switching up the tribes the role didn't involve much so I have no idea what you were expecting? More wins maybe but the loses can't be blamed on the leader.

    icon_cry icon_cry icon_cry

    Did that hurt your feelings John? Playing the victim when you throw the first punch is the sign of a weak man

    No it didn't hurt my feelings.
    You seem to think I am hurt and bitter.
    I am not. All I've done is state that you made a shit move.
    You might not agree.

    Re: John - 14th Place

    Postby Brook » Sun Nov 25, 2012 9:16:23 pm

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    John wrote:Lastly, where do I state I played a fantastic game?

    I gave it my best shot and it wasn't meant to be.

    My game ended because you turned on me and that move cost you in the end too so you might have beaten me by one place but by me stating that you fucked up doesn't mean I am a sore loser and a BITCH it's stating what I feel is the obvious.

    and you FUCKED up big time and ruined your game with your retarded idea to vote out Dolly. That was the worst move i have ever seen in a game of survivor and was the move that handed back the numbers advantage. Absolutely pathetic move that got you voted out! No respect what so ever for how you played that!

    icon_wink icon_smile

    Re: John - 14th Place

    Postby Brook » Sun Nov 25, 2012 9:19:04 pm

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    John wrote:
    Brook wrote:
    John wrote:To make fun of me as the leader when 1 I didn't volenteer for and 2 I wasn't keen on in the first place and 3 was stuck with as no one else wanted it is a cheap shot by you. Besides switching up the tribes the role didn't involve much so I have no idea what you were expecting? More wins maybe but the loses can't be blamed on the leader.

    icon_cry icon_cry icon_cry

    Did that hurt your feelings John? Playing the victim when you throw the first punch is the sign of a weak man

    No it didn't hurt my feelings.
    You seem to think I am hurt and bitter.
    I am not. All I've done is state that you made a shit move.
    You might not agree.

    Umm no, you just mentioned the "cheap shot" for having a go at your effort as leader. Time to eat spoonful of concrete and harden the fuck up if you want to come in here swinging. Dont start playing the victim halfway through and have a go at me for calling you names back.

    Re: John - 14th Place

    Postby John » Sun Nov 25, 2012 9:19:11 pm

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    Brook wrote:
    John wrote:As for the night you were voted out I can't see why you were turned on?
    Chad might have had immunity but you should have been safe as Gregg was meant to be a close ally of yours? Even with Chad having immunity, you, Chad and Gregg should still have been in the majority to take out Ibrehem or Jolanda.

    I had no control in me being voted out as you managed to turn the tables as you had it in for me and there were 3 desperate people who saw an opportunity to save themselves.

    As I said I felt it was a poor play on your part not because I was voted out but because a move like that should have taken you much further in the game and not be voted out the following tribal.

    I thought gregg was with me, he wasn't - oh well, im not going to try to flame him in a tantrum if he ends up getting voted out

    He said he voted me because he was sure i had the idol and wasn't telling him

    Still if someone I assumed had the idol and I was aligned with I wouldn't vote them off especially if they were a number.
    Perhaps he was playing you all along and he was aligned with Ibrehem and Jolanda the whole time?
    He looks pretty buddy buddy with them.

    You not trusting me for suggesting to get rid of Dolly in hindsight ended both our games. You chose to trust the wrong people because Chad and I were on your side the whole time.

    Re: John - 14th Place

    Postby John » Sun Nov 25, 2012 9:21:02 pm

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    Brook wrote:
    John wrote:
    Brook wrote:
    icon_cry icon_cry icon_cry

    Did that hurt your feelings John? Playing the victim when you throw the first punch is the sign of a weak man

    No it didn't hurt my feelings.
    You seem to think I am hurt and bitter.
    I am not. All I've done is state that you made a shit move.
    You might not agree.

    Umm no, you just mentioned the "cheap shot" for having a go at your effort as leader. Time to eat spoonful of concrete and harden the fuck up if you want to come in here swinging. Dont start playing the victim halfway through and have a go at me for calling you names back.

    Dish it out!
    You're only making yourself look like a moron.

    Re: John - 14th Place

    Postby Brook » Sun Nov 25, 2012 9:23:36 pm

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    John wrote:
    Brook wrote:
    John wrote:As for the night you were voted out I can't see why you were turned on?
    Chad might have had immunity but you should have been safe as Gregg was meant to be a close ally of yours? Even with Chad having immunity, you, Chad and Gregg should still have been in the majority to take out Ibrehem or Jolanda.

    I had no control in me being voted out as you managed to turn the tables as you had it in for me and there were 3 desperate people who saw an opportunity to save themselves.

    As I said I felt it was a poor play on your part not because I was voted out but because a move like that should have taken you much further in the game and not be voted out the following tribal.

    I thought gregg was with me, he wasn't - oh well, im not going to try to flame him in a tantrum if he ends up getting voted out

    He said he voted me because he was sure i had the idol and wasn't telling him

    Still if someone I assumed had the idol and I was aligned with I wouldn't vote them off especially if they were a number.
    Perhaps he was playing you all along and he was aligned with Ibrehem and Jolanda the whole time?
    He looks pretty buddy buddy with them.

    You not trusting me for suggesting to get rid of Dolly in hindsight ended both our games. You chose to trust the wrong people because Chad and I were on your side the whole time.

    Maybe he was, no doubt Gregg was playing both sides and Chad's effort to make him think i might have the idol obviously backfired. But who cares thats how this game is played, im not going to lose sleep over thinking i had an alliance with Gregg when i didnt.

    Re: John - 14th Place

    Postby Brook » Sun Nov 25, 2012 9:25:02 pm

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    John wrote:
    Brook wrote:
    John wrote:
    Umm no, you just mentioned the "cheap shot" for having a go at your effort as leader. Time to eat spoonful of concrete and harden the fuck up if you want to come in here swinging. Dont start playing the victim halfway through and have a go at me for calling you names back.

    Dish it out!
    You're only making yourself look like a moron.

    Lol, you're precious John icon_wub

    Re: John - 14th Place

    Postby John » Sun Nov 25, 2012 9:31:52 pm

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    Brook wrote:
    John wrote:Lastly, where do I state I played a fantastic game?

    I gave it my best shot and it wasn't meant to be.

    My game ended because you turned on me and that move cost you in the end too so you might have beaten me by one place but by me stating that you fucked up doesn't mean I am a sore loser and a BITCH it's stating what I feel is the obvious.

    and you FUCKED up big time and ruined your game with your retarded idea to vote out Dolly. That was the worst move i have ever seen in a game of survivor and was the move that handed back the numbers advantage. Absolutely pathetic move that got you voted out! No respect what so ever for how you played that!

    icon_wink icon_smile

    The exact same can be said about your game mate.
    My moves were more realistic and if you read Jeff's first post in this thread HE states I played an "epic" game. I don't see him make that comment for you.

    Furthermore, that move might have ended it for me because you had a bee in you bonnet but to do what you did and turn on me over a suggestion show's what a weak game you were playing and that you weren't playing a game for yourself to try and win!
    Didn't see you suggest much. You just disagreed.
    I said I was happy to go with the majority of our supposed 4 man alliance.

    Looks like that move FUCKED you up too as you chose to trust the wrong people.
    You can keep being in denial and coming back with insults but face the truth a little!
    You're the one coming off like a crying 3 year old throwing a tantrum not me.

    Re: John - 14th Place

    Postby John » Sun Nov 25, 2012 9:33:42 pm

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    John wrote:
    Brook wrote:
    John wrote:
    Dish it out!
    You're only making yourself look like a moron.

    Lol, you're precious John icon_wub

    Glad you think so!
    I love you too! icon_wub

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