Please post give a small look back paragraph or sentence about each of your fallen comrades.
You can post this here or in private. The jury can not see this forum, but if you feel more comfortable, you can post this in your confessional instead.
It's a great way to reflect on the game, complete your experience and also a great way to figure out a great jury speech since you will be going over every boot in the game and your experience with that person (or lack their of).
Good luck and I hope you can take the time out to do this:
Jeff (Chorotega)
Julie (Guatuso)
Wanda (Chorotega > Guatuso)
Dolly (Guatuso > Guatuso)
John (Guatuso > Guatuso)
Brook (Guatuso > Guatuso)
Caryn (Chorotega > Chorotega > Terrabas)
Chris (Guatuso > Chorotega > Terrabas)
Jolanda (Chorotega > Guatuso > Terrabas)
Gregg (Chorotega > Guatuso > Terrabas)
Mia (Guatuso > Chorotega > Terrabas)
Chad (Guatuso > Guatuso > Terrabas)
Ibreham (Chorotega > Guatuso > Terrabas)
Ami (Guatuso > Chorotega > Terrabas)
Finally, reflect on the final four, including yourself.