Helen Glover wrote:What's the plan for this round? Who are your biggest threats to take out?
What do you think your odds are of making the endgame with the current alliance setup in the tribe? Who would you want to see be there with you?
Leading into this round, I immediately thought that it was going to be a split vote between Gregg and Chad. Okay, cool. I signed out right after the challenge last night because I had to work early the next day.
I know that Mia and Chris are on a charge to keep the original Guatuso together and get the majority, and I didn't believe that they could maybe manage it...but when I signed in today, Mia tells me that she and Chris successfully got Tom/BJ to flip and vote out Jolanda
At first I was thrilled because she wasn't someone that would want to let me advance, so I was down. Then I sat and thought about it.....I'm slowly turning into just "a vote". I played a pretty socially strong pre-merge game, and even though we have had 1 merge boot, I feel like I'm slipping as a player. There's two ways this can get played out in my mind: I take a bit of a back seat as certain players let their strategic game get shown and become huge threats sooner than later, or I find myself in a position to being perceived as playing a weaker game than others. I'm not sure if my ego can take being placed in the latter part.
I'm becoming well aware that Chris and Mia are each others crutch in this game, as they have made it obvious to me that they have bounced plans off of the other, as they simply tell me and Lisa and Chad what's going to happen.
*IF* Jolanda is successfully voted out tonight, I'm going to guage just what happens after the F10 challenge tonight. If it is clear in my mind that those two will continue to make the plans for "us" then I am going to give them some harsh reality for the F10 vote. If there's one thing that can be said of me as a player in this game, it's that I truly hate HII's, and original tribal lines from ROUND FUCKING 2 will not dictate who I plan on going to the endgame with.
To answer one of your questions Helen, I don't know exactly who I would like to sit in the finals at this point, because there is way too much game to happen for me to make the call. But you can believe that Gregg/Jolanda/Ibrehem absolutely do not fit into my endgame plans at all right now.
I'm going to be taking this game round by round. There's always room to maneuver in the game of Survivor.