Fallen Comrades

Postby Ami » Wed Dec 05, 2012 8:05:59 pm

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    JEFF - All I knew of you was Tom's love of your voting confessional against Gregg.

    JULIE - The first night or most of the first weekend you showed promise. I really wish you gave more of an effort, because it really could have chabged the dynamic on Guatuso.

    WANDA - You and I never technically met, but you seemed like a truly negative bitch icon_wub

    DOLLY - I really did like you. I think considering you were in another timezone, you did the best you could. I was disappointed to hear that you basically asked to be voted out...so if that's true, I hope it was for a good reason. You were a fun sweetheart character.

    JOHN - You were by far one of the biggest headaches I've ever experienced in this game icon_laughing I think you were by far the only outstanding pre-merge boot, and if there's a season where pre-merge players get redemption? You deserve a slot totally. On the flip side? Getting away from you at the swap was the best thing ever. Thank you so much for not picking me!

    BROOK - For a short period of time on original Guatuso, I did think you and I could have made a great team. Trouble is, I didn't actually believe that I was someone you wanted to PLAY the game with. I always felt as though you and Chris, and you and Chad were far tighter than you and I. I really did think you were going to go far in the game, and I think many others would agree with me.

    CARYN - You REALLY needed to put more effort into this game and you should have been here more often. The small bits I've seen of you, you were hilarious and pretty fun on the main boards. You could have made a great standout character, but alas, I guess you were too busy to be here more often than you were.

    CHRIS - Aside from the first day and a half of this game....you were absolute torture. You were sneaky, frantic and just downright unpleasant to talk to. I think you were busy with another game while this was going on, but shit man...I dunno. If you managed to sneak past your tribal council and made it even further, I would have feared what really would have happened to my game because you were such a loose cannon and not reliable as an ally to me.

    JOLANDA - Out of everyone on Chorotega, you were the one I wanted to meet most of all. Then we met. <crickets>....I think once the merge hit, there was too much guarding going on on your part, and later obviously I find out because you wanted the 6 Choro's to be in the end. I do admire your sense of loyalty. Obviously, that trait was indeed a rare one to have.

    GREGG - I have a pretty good idea who you are outside of this game, and if I'm right... icon_wub I fell in love with you the second you did that Gregg Skupin deal when you couldn't put that puzzle together in the first episode. Sometimes people try to be funny and it is obvious that they....TRY. You didn't have to, you are just a hilarious guy with a ton of charm.

    MIA - You're a cunt. I mean, I really did like you in the game and throughout and all that good stuff.....but were you seriously just READY to get rid of me in the pre-merge? What the fuck did I ever do to you? icon_rolleyes I fucking defended you every time your name came up on Guatuso, and I did nothing but try to further your game with my talks with Tom, BJ and Kim. Obviously someone who picks an ally in you needs to watch their back in the future like seriously. But IN the game...I did love you icon_wub

    CHAD - I called you in those first few days, and I'm glad that I ended up being right. You were by far one of the most gung-ho, paranoid messes I've ever encountered and I think you would literally die if you kept a secret longer than 5 minutes icon_laughing I will say though that if this is your very first game? You did a GREAT job in making people believe that they were one of your #1's. The skill of "being real" is hard to pull off (something I think I'm good at), but I could tell that THAT is what helped you in this game. Never lose that if you continue to play.

    IBREHEM - I think out of everyone in the merge, you were the one person that I connected to the least. I got SO much out of how you are as a player in the round that Chad left and I knew right then and there that you had to leave. I wish I could have played the game with you at some point, because obviously if someone had you on their side, they had a loyal ally. With WALLS OF TEXT icon_eek

    Then the F4 in alphabetical order:

    BOBBY JON - You idol'd me out. I fucking hate you for that......but I did see it coming a mile away. You didn't try AT ALL in the endurance challenge, so I was expecting to get idol'd out at the F5 since there was no way I could have kept up with Kim. I may have exaggerated my reaction at my boot, but the fact remains that I fucking hate you icon_rolleyes

    KIM - You were a mystery to me for the majority of this game. I was impressed though how you made the exact moves as Tom did up until the F6...yet you came out completely unscathed. But on the flip side of that....you will be seen as his follower by some. I can respect your gameplay if that was your strategy, and I do respect it......but I'm not entirely sure if I will be giving you my vote if you make the end. If you put up a convincing argument, I will absolutely consider it, for real.

    LISA - Lisa, you were a sweetheart. Despite the fact that I have maybe 20 whole messages from you in this entire game....you were THE most loyal person to me. I have a lot of respect for a good UTR game, but I have to be honest...in some cases it gets way too outshined by stronger games. I think in this game, you have been outshined and I'm not sure if I will be voting your way if you make the end. I truly think you have been unfairly treated in this game, but I want you to know that I have absolutely nothing negative to say about how you played in Costa Rica icon_wub

    TOM - Tom...you were the biggest piece of shit to practically everyone here icon_laughing I knew that most of our messages were tripe and we both repeated just about everything we each said in our previous message....but for the most part I did enjoy our chats. I think out of everyone left in the game...YOU deserve to win. But perhaps I'm biased because looking solely at actions, I was one of the only people you didn't fuck over at all. You played a strong bad ass game and at this point I do plan on voting for you if you make the F3. Make no mistake, it is NOT because of the constant ass kissing you tried to pull on me. It's solely because you played the strongest game in my opinion.

    Re: Fallen Comrades

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Thu Dec 06, 2012 5:49:31 am

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    OfflineBrenda Lowe
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    Aw, these are sweet. I want one :P

    Better do Helen & Jeffrey too I guess.

    Re: Fallen Comrades

    Postby Ami » Thu Dec 06, 2012 5:15:08 pm

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    HELEN - You were a fantastic co host. I mean, its easy to see why you were one of Jeffs right hands in this game. You put so much effort into the confessionals and tribal council with your questions and comments. Not knowing how you really felt about anyone here, you were completely professional and i appreciated your role as the serious co host. Sometimes its nice not knowing a bias through the game.

    BRENDA - You were the funniest presence in the game. You were the yin to Helens yang. I loved how you contributed in the way Helen did, but you added your touch of pepersonality in the councils and on the main boards. You were a Shit stirrer with the elimination Costa Rica game lol. I wanted to continue it with you but everyone else were pussies. You were a blast for a co host.

    JEFF - Im thoroughly impressed as you as a host. You obviously found a lot of great people to play in your games and this was no exception. I do remember a lot of Shit people has said about you in the past, but YOU know that i never believed it and there was a common respect between us for a long time. Too many people throw this around, but this is one of my favorite gaming experiences i have ever had and Im so glad i decided to apply. You managed this game very professionally and i look forward to maybe lurking in future games.

    Re: Fallen Comrades

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Thu Dec 06, 2012 5:19:23 pm

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    OfflineBrenda Lowe
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    waaaaaaiiiiitttt a second you're calling me biased??

    I am shappalled at this revelation.

    Re: Fallen Comrades

    Postby Ami » Thu Dec 06, 2012 5:21:42 pm

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    You weren't biased at all Wtf.

    I was referring to other co hosts in other lines of games i played in.

    Re: Fallen Comrades

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Thu Dec 06, 2012 5:26:18 pm

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    OfflineBrenda Lowe
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    I am pulling your leg :P

    I am actually incredibly biased and do have my favorites. They just happen to be all 18 of you.

    Re: Fallen Comrades

    Postby Helen Glover » Thu Dec 06, 2012 7:10:52 pm

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    OfflineHelen Glover
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    Brenda Lowe wrote:I am actually incredibly biased and do have my favorites. They just happen to be all 18 of you.

    I, on the other hand, am easily annoyed by people in general. And you will probably realize that soon enough. You were wonderful though icon_thumbup

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