The vote went as expected, except for Chad's non-vote. I don't respect that style of play - step up and make a mother fucking vote - but it has actually helped me in my damage control with Ami and Mia. If I had voted for Jolanda it would have been a tie and nobody wants that. Ami and Mia also appreciate that Chris was playing the game too hard and was out of control, so I've still got them on my side should I need them.
I'm weighing up whether to stick with the original Chorotega majority for the next vote or not. It would be great to get rid of Jolanda as she is a big threat, but I can't go flipping back and forth without seriously risking some potential jury votes. I plan on letting the dust settle a little more before committing one way or another.
Perhaps I'm reading too much into it, but I think the fact I wasn't picked for a face-off in the immunity challenge until it happened automatically at the final 3 was an insight into my position in the game. Apparently I'm not seen as much of a challenge threat, which is good, and apparently people wouldn't mind if I won immunity, which tells me I'm in no immediate danger. Just like John Carroll, I think people are really supporting my success in this game, and are really rooting for me