I expect the majority of the votes from now on to be blindsides. Everybody is paranoid that the targeted person will find out and somehow flip the script, not to mention there is still an idol out there waiting to be played.
My plan to force a tie didn't work out, and in hindsight it was a mistake to try to get Chad to vote for Lisa. It wasn't worth the risk given that it ultimately wouldn't have changed the outcome. I have worked my ass off after the vote to reassure everybody that I voted how I told them I would. I told Ibrehem and Gregg the truth that I voted with them for Lisa. I told Tom, Kim, Ami, and Mia the lie that I voted with them for Jolanda. I told Chad that I had been tricked into voting for Lisa and that I was clearly on the outs like he is. The crazy thing about this is that they all seem to believe me!
Naturally, the other players have talked to each other and have noticed some discrepancies in my story. Firstly, Chad has told some people that I had tried to get him to vote for Lisa. I acted outraged at this 'lie', and said that Chad must have been the fourth vote for Lisa and is trying to run a smear campaign against me. Chad is the perfect scapegoat for me to deflect any unwanted attention onto. He isn't trusted by anybody, whereas I have historically been seen as a very trustworthy player. Secondly, Kim told Ibrehem what I told her - that I had voted for Jolanda. I was able to explain to Ibrehem that I lied to Kim in order to keep her thinking I was on her side, because she is currently considering flipping back to original Chorotega (without Tom).
It hasn't been easy playing everyone like this, but I have them all convinced that I proved myself to them with this last vote. However, I am not going to get myself into this position again in the future. I need to begin to step out of the shadows, and I would eventually be caught in a lie that I couldn't talk my way out of anyway. This one was too close for comfort.
Despite being told by Chad, whom I consider to be an independent party in the game, that he has never heard my name come up as a target and that he has only heard people say good things about me, I am increasingly concerned that I will be seen as a dangerous under-the-radar style of player. I don't mind being "forgotten" in challenges and at Tribal so much as I mind that jurors might "forget" to vote for me if I make it to the end. I am well aware that Jeff was thinking of me in the discussion he led about the "Scooby Doo reveal" and it made me reevaluate how well such a strategy might be received by a jury. It is now the second half of the game and I'm due for a revamped style of play. Expect to see me speaking up more in public discussions and not being quite such a shady character.
Here's a quick rundown of my remaining opponents:
Ami: She was upset at me for blindsiding Chris, but since she believes I voted for Jolanda this round there is no bad blood. I don't think she completely trusts me though. Voted as the juror's favourite, I don't want to sit next to her at the end.
Chad: Useful for me to keep around for a while longer. He is seen as untrustworthy and a free agent in the game. He is very honest with me, but also tells others what I have told him in confidence. Is likely to vote with me as long as he can be reassured he'll be voting with the majority.
Gregg: Feels defeated after the Jolanda blindside. Even began talking about what he will do as a juror. After giving him hope that Kim might flip back his head seems to be back in the game. Loathes Tom. Loves me. Very possibly the next person to go home.
Ibrehem: Fiercely loyal to me now that Jolanda is gone. He dislikes original Guatuso, distrusts Tom and Kim while aware that he probably needs one or both of them to survive, and is only cautiously trusting of Gregg given their history on NuGuatuso.
Kim: A snake in the grass. She flipped with Tom, but acts as though she immediately regrets it. Quite possibly a beacon of hope for Ibrehem and Gregg. My vote for most likely to win. Very smart and probably the person most suspicious of my activities.
Lisa: A waste of space. A puppet. It's no surprise she was voted as worthless in challenges and most easily controlled. She is playing so far under-the-radar that I don't think she even knows what she has been doing. Likely to be loyal to Ami and Mia until the end. An ideal final 3 goat.
Mia: I don't trust her at all. Known for her supposedly "All-Stars" worthy outspokenness, she doesn't have a whole lot of social game going on. I think she is incapable of higher level strategy, but might be lucky enough to get to the end by being part of the right alliance.
Tom: Thinks of me as his right-hand-man, while Mia is his right-hand-woman. I genuinely like the guy and have enjoyed playing the game with him from the start, but the power has gone to his head. As I predicted from the beginning, people are starting to see him as a big threat. I have used him as shield to hide behind, but the time is fast approaching for me to throw the shield to the ground and expose myself to some slings and arrows. The challenge exposed him as most trustworthy, in control of the game, and likely to win. I have been able to use this to plant some seeds of doubts about keeping him around into people's minds.