Geez Brenda, don't you know I'm furiously counting right now?!

Below are my thoughts on the current jury members. It's impossible to predict the votes with five players remaining, but I have indicated where the votes are likely and unlikely to fall. I have limited myself to two names for each category.
CarynWill vote based on: likability / deservedness
Likely to vote for: Bobby Jon, Kim
Unlikely to vote for: Lisa, Ami
ChrisWill vote based on: loyalty / gameplay
Likely to vote for: Ami
Unlikely to vote for: Lisa
JolandaWill vote based on: loyalty / gameplay
Likely to vote for: Bobby Jon
Unlikely to vote for: Lisa, Ami
GreggWill vote based on: loyalty / gameplay / randomness
Likely to vote for: Bobby Jon, Lisa
Unlikely to vote for: Ami
MiaWill vote based on: loyalty
Likely to vote for: Ami, Lisa
Unlikely to vote for: Bobby Jon, Kim
ChadWill vote based on: likability / gameplay
Likely to vote for: Tom, Ami
Unlikely to vote for: Lisa
IbrehemWill vote based on: loyalty
Likely to vote for: Bobby Jon, Kim
Unlikely to vote for: Tom, Lisa
These completely unbiased predictions reveal that I am on track to win the game. My biggest competition for jury votes is Ami, while Lisa is playing the part of my little mute goat very well. Tom is very much an unknown factor - his popularity with the jury will largely depend on who he is sitting next to.
When it comes to the final five players, here are brief synopses of their games as they might best present them in the finals:
Ami: Loyal to her alliances. Never turned on anyone unless they turned on her first. Didn't need individual immunity or hidden immunity idols to get to the end.
Bobby Jon: Played a subtle game, pulling strings from behind the scenes, until after Jolanda's boot when he started to make bold moves. Orchestrated Mia's blindside. Ousted Chad and (hopefully) Ami with hidden immunity idols he found with no clues. Was not afraid to flip the game on it's head to give himself a better shot of winning.
Kim: Flipped back and forth a number of times until she realised she was just following Tom's orders. Committed to an alliance at the final 6 even though it meant she was put at risk in a tied vote. Didn't need to make 'big moves' to get to the end. Was a quiet assassin.
Lisa: Played an under-the-radar game that worked to get her to the end. Didn't need to rely on immunity. Didn't betray her alliances, even if it meant putting her game at risk by picking a rock.
Tom: A leader pre-merge, he had a target on his back for most of the game. He had no problem flipping between alliances and will claim to have been in control of most of the votes. Was not afraid to go to rocks in order to give himself the chance at a perceived better position in the game.