Alright guys, congrats on making it as far as you did. I admit that I feel somewhat underwhelmed by this Final 3, and like most of the big players ate themselves throughout the game and are sitting on the jury, but I still feel like there’s a pretty clear choice as to who should win. But you never know what will happen, because let’s face it, this game is crazy.
Lisa, I’m going to start with you. I feel a little bad for you honestly, because I feel like a lot of people are md at you for being here and feel like you didn’t “earn it” and would be a lot more satisfied if you were on the jury. But the fact is, you are the ONLY person in this game who never got half or more of the votes at Tribal Council. For how much some of these jurors seem to think that results oriented thinking is the law, you’d think they would respect you a bit more. Either way, I might not vote for you tonight, but you made the end and you’re the only person in this game who was never truly in danger of leaving. So even though I personally don’t apply to results oriented thinking policies, it’s hard to deny that you did something right, even if that something was to just sit back while all the bigger personalities ate themselves.
Bobby Jon, I truly believe you were the Idiot Savant during the merge portion of this game. Because other than playing your idol at Final 7, I can’t think of anything you did RIGHT after the merge. You say you went with Gregg, Ibe, and Jo because you didn’t want to be left out by me and Guatuso, when in reality Gregg, Ibe, and Jo had every intention of sticking together and voting you and me off before the finals, AS I TOLD YOU. You told Gregg it was your social game that made it so he left at nine instead of you, but on the contrary it was your awful strategic decision to flip to the minority that made it where you were even a target. You expected a tie at Final 8, when that was never even possible since Kim, Chad, and I were always going to vote as a unit that round, with Chad basically taking the spot that you previously had before you took a dump on our alliance. And then for god knows what reason you didn’t even play the idol on Ibe at Final 6, despite wanting to go to the end with Ibe and Kim when that would have pretty much locked you three there. And then it turns out that may have been the right decision for the wrong reasons, since now you’ll be getting the self-righteous Onion-esque “you played for me to win” votes. So try to tell me a single thing not related to the idol you did after the Chris boot that helped your game with that purpose in mind. Because I got nothing.
Kim, I feel like your game has been pretty accurately described in this process: weak but strong enough to get by pre-merge, stronger throughout the merge, and fantastic from Final 6 onward. I just want to ask one thing, and if you answer what I think is the “correct” answer, my vote is a lock for you. If not, I’ll still consider voting you, but it isn’t a lock anymore. The question is: If Ami, Lisa, and I vote for Ibe at Final 6 instead of you, once you realize that Lisa and I aren’t flipping and that it will go to rocks, do you flip? Or do you take a one in three shot of going home?
Inb4 Ibe uses results-oriented arguments to say that Bobby Jon ACTIVELY played a better game than me. (This line isn't part of the "question: btw.)