Episode 12

Postby Helen Glover » Thu Nov 29, 2012 11:35:12 pm

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    You have the whole weekend ahead of you, so lots of questions that I hope you can give us some serious insight into where your mind is at, closing into this final week of potential mayhem.

    Is it a relief that Mia's gone? Are you satisfied with the move? How does it change the game, now?

    Talk me through the four others that joined you in voting her out tonight. What are the dynamics of that group?

    Do you want that group of five to go to the top? If they do, what would happen next?

    Do you think anyone within that group of five will turn on you specifically, or defect to the two outsiders who voted for Bobby Jon tonight? Is there anyone among that five who you think needs to go before the two outsiders?

    Then, let's focus on jury. Who do you ideally want to be in the end with? Why? Who do you definitely NOT want to be in the end with? Why? If you make it to the end, who do you think you'd most likely be with? Based on feasibility of them making it that for, or working with you to get there?

    Re: Episode 12

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Fri Nov 30, 2012 3:29:50 am

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    I am particularly interest in the state of the Mogwai alliance now. You guys voted the same way without actually letting each other know in advance. Once upon a time you considered him your #1, but that soured lately y/y? So where does that duo stand now?

    Re: Episode 12

    Postby Tom » Fri Nov 30, 2012 4:53:15 pm

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    Alright, I'll start on some of this and try to deliver a lot throughout this weekend.

    Right now my biggest fear in the game is Ami/Lisa/Ibe/Bobby Jon coming together.

    The Magui alliance died the moment Bobby Jon voted Lisa. Actually, it died when he was ridiculously transparent and obvious about it. I mean, if you're going to stab me in the back, that is perfectly fine by me and is a respectable decision. But... god, at least tell a GOOD lie. That's why I'm mad, not because Bobby Jon lied to me, but because Bobby Jon basically made Ozzy's speech at RI look like an Oscar winning performance. I was actually offended that Bobby Jon thought that I would believe that and I found the charade to be over the top and somewhat pathetic (that was a Sophie quote by the way, replacing "the six of them" with "Bobby Jon" icon_lol Sophie icon_wub )

    After the Jo vote, I didn't fully believe Bobby Jon voted Lisa... until I talked to him about it icon_lol icon_lol icon_lol Bobby Jon might as well have named his PMs "Yo, Everything in this Message is a Lie" with how OBVIOUS he was about it. My PMs with him changed from long messages filled with Maguis and talk of how much we trusted each other to "k, I didn't vote Lisa and Chad is lying ._. (PS I'm the one who's lying)" in like a day icon_lol HOW did he not expect that to tip me off? icon_laughing Not to mention If I leave Sunday, I credit Ami for it completely, or Kim and Chad if THEY blindside me (except I told Kim to vote for me anyway icon_surprised ), since Bobby Jon and Ibe will be the ones picked up by someone else in my mind, not the prime orchestrators of a grand scheme or anything. Unfortunately, they're still jury threats for being "honest" icon_rolleyes or something, but that's actually good because it encourages people not to go with them, especially when you add in the fact that they're EXTREMELY tight.

    More will come, I promise.

    Re: Episode 12

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Fri Nov 30, 2012 5:17:45 pm

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    Tom wrote:(except I told Kim to vote for me anyway icon_surprised )

    Wait wat? That deserves more than a bracketed passing reference.

    Re: Episode 12

    Postby Tom » Fri Nov 30, 2012 5:37:22 pm

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    Brenda Lowe wrote:
    Tom wrote:(except I told Kim to vote for me anyway icon_surprised )

    Wait wat? That deserves more than a bracketed passing reference.

    icon_lol I know it does, I wanted to give you guys a little sneak peak icon_razz

    I actually planned to say some on my own, but these two PMs I sent to Kim/Chad explain my position perfectly:

    Tom wrote:If we're sure Ami and Lisa are with us, I have a potential plan for Sunday that, if it works, will guarantee us to survive Monday even if Ibe does win immunity, but we should only do it if we're SURE everyone will vote like they say. Basically, Kim would vote for me, and it would look like she was blindsided as well, making the vote 4-3. Ibe and Ami definitely won't vote together after that, and we can split their votes and take out whoever we want with our three. Obviously it's a risk, but if we're sure Lisa and Ami will vote Bobby Jon then I'm willing to take that risk, since it should basically guarantee that we're in the Final 4, and then all we have to do is win the FIC.

    Also, I'm playing up to everyone that Kim is the one who persuaded me to vote the way I did to make sure to downplay my relationship with Chad like hell, and am trying to keep up the image that I don't have anyone who really trusts me and that everyone more or less wants me out soon.

    Tom wrote:I thought it was risky at first too, but now that I think about it it really isn't THAT risky? If Mia and Kim are going to work with Bobby Jon and Ibe, they have the numbers no matter how we vote, and making it 4-3 will pretty much assure us safety since Ami and Lisa will be fine voting one of Ibe or Kim on Monday, and Ibe CLEARLY won't do that if Kim is the only person who votes with him Sunday given how much he values "loyalty." So that should pretty much guarantee us a 2-1 split between the other three, where we can vote wherever we want out of them with our 3.

    I also trust Chad more than I do Kim (although I do trust Kim) but this leaves Chad as the "swing vote" position, not Kim, (while Kim would be in the "swing vote" position if he were the one I told to vote me) and I really don't see Chad betraying me and if he is playing me and stabs me in the back on Sunday then I hope he makes it to the end so I can vote for him (although I don't see why he would, since I'm completely with him right now and he'll probably lose a Final 3 with Bobby Jon and Ibe, although he SHOULDN'T lose that Final 3 if he's there.)

    Right now my plan outside of IC hiccups is for a Chad-Kim-Lisa-me Final 4 (with me-Chad-Kim as the alliance and Lisa being there because Ami and Ibe are bigger threats) where I may have to decide whether I want to stick with the people who I have put trust in and would love to see win, particularly Chad, and vote out Lisa, or whether I want to try to scoop up Lisa and possibly Kim and take out Chad (although if executed incorrectly the latter plan could backfire on me, I acknowledge that, and I also have to remember that a few days ago I wanted a Final 4 that NONE of these people were in icon_lol So you never know what will change in this game icon_lol .)

    Re: Episode 12

    Postby Tom » Fri Nov 30, 2012 6:18:11 pm

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    And I just unnecessarily read through ALL of the previous challenges just in case there was an idol put into an old post somewhere there icon_lol (since it's not like there's a board for the HII now, even though the idol theoretically should still technically be hidden.)

    Re: Episode 12

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Sat Dec 01, 2012 5:40:23 am

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    I saw you in there, and here I thought you researching people's strengths and weaknesses for the home stretch.

    What thoughts on making a play for the it, by nabbing a clue come challenge time?

    Re: Episode 12

    Postby Tom » Sat Dec 01, 2012 12:54:20 pm

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    Brenda Lowe wrote:I saw you in there, and here I thought you researching people's strengths and weaknesses for the home stretch.

    What thoughts on making a play for the it, by nabbing a clue come challenge time?

    The chances of me doing that are zero. I can't remember if Mia told me that the idol expired at Final 5, or if Final 5 was the last chance to use it, (I lean the latter though) but either way Sunday is the first vote in the entire game that I don't feel 100% confident about, and so if I found the idol, I would use it then (and probably tell Chad and Kim I was using it so they didn't get blindsided by it), but if I make it past this vote without needing an idol, I think I'll feel secure again until Final 4 (or Final 5 on the off chance that whoever remains of Ibe/Ami wins immunity), a round where the idol will be useless, and grabbing the idol would just lessen that feeling and put a bigger target on my back. I have no qualms about quietly hunting for the idol on my own, but publicly? Nu-uh, I've already put ENOUGH of a target on my back without doing that.

    Re: Episode 12

    Postby Tom » Sat Dec 01, 2012 12:56:28 pm

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    Also, NOW I see you HII board icon_glare

    Re: Episode 12

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Sat Dec 01, 2012 1:29:19 pm

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    You must have just missed it before icon_shifty


    Re: Episode 12

    Postby Tom » Sun Dec 02, 2012 3:06:23 pm

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    Brenda Lowe wrote:You must have just missed it before icon_shifty


    Mmmmm I wasted a hell of a lot of time. I think I should have a clue for compensation icon_shifty

    Or just the idol icon_blink

    Re: Episode 12

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Sun Dec 02, 2012 3:07:34 pm

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    Perhaps you should ask for one tonight. Image

    Re: Episode 12

    Postby Tom » Sun Dec 02, 2012 3:15:24 pm

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    Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit I KNEW this would happen! I tried to warn Chad and Kim so hard that Ami was smart enough to go to Ibe and Bobby Jon if we blindsided her again at eight. SHIT!!!!

    Now Ibe wants me to go blindside Chad and it sounds like the numbers are there with Ibe-Ami-Lisa-BJ. Shit!

    Re: Episode 12

    Postby Helen Glover » Sun Dec 02, 2012 3:48:48 pm

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    So what's your game plan? Go with the flow, or try to stop it? And how?

    Re: Episode 12

    Postby Tom » Sun Dec 02, 2012 4:03:32 pm

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    Helen Glover wrote:So what's your game plan? Go with the flow, or try to stop it? And how?

    Stop it.I temporarily thought about going with the flow, but that would put me in a terrible spot moving forward. Chad is my partner in crime and I need him. I'm mentioning changing it to Ami to Ibe, and trying to get Ami to stay the course with Bobby Jon. I actually now regret telling Ami to switch it to Ami since I fear that will get back to her, but that was before I got Ami's PM about being told that I was in on the plan.

    And it sounds like Ibe is FINALLY playing the game sneakily, and honestly, good for him! Makes him more of a threat, and he's underestimating how much all of us are telling each other, but still, good for him.

    Re: Episode 12

    Postby Tom » Sun Dec 02, 2012 5:22:13 pm

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    And now I'm starting to feel more comfortable again as long as Ibe doesn't spill shit, asking him to vote Ami was a huge mistake and I fear he'll make me pay for it.

    Re: Episode 12

    Postby Tom » Sun Dec 02, 2012 7:27:32 pm

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    And unless I'm not being completely played, I somehow managed to keep myself from being a target tonight and I don't even understand it. Why are people not voting me out yet? They talk about it so much, but they never actually do it icon_no

    Re: Episode 12

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Sun Dec 02, 2012 7:33:03 pm

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    Are you a goat Tom?

    lol, that is blunt. Do you think anyone here sees you as a goat, or an easy win if they just get to the end with you?

    Re: Episode 12

    Postby Tom » Sun Dec 02, 2012 7:59:00 pm

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    I think that I could be a goat depending on the perception of the jury. Ultimately, if I make it to the end, I feel a huge question will be whether or not the jury respects my backstabbing game. If they don't, I'm the biggest goat left outside of maybe Lisa. If they do, I have a genuine chance of winning.

    Re: Episode 12

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Sun Dec 02, 2012 8:00:06 pm

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    Who has Lisa backstabbed?

    What makes her a goat?

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