What's the plan for this round? Who are your biggest threats to take out?
What do you think your odds are of making the endgame with the current alliance setup in the tribe? Who would you want to see be there with you?
Alright. I'm thinking about this a ton, and I think that Chris is bluffing about the idol. And it does make me want to vote for him. So I say we vote for Chris, and then try to flip back on the next vote if possible.
If Chris does have an idol played, we say we knew he was going to have it played and voted for him to keep up illusions of us still being with Chorotega. We then try to target Chad and hope Mia will go with it.
If Chris doesn't have an idol played, things get a lot easier for us since we're able to use that to justify Chris as sneaky. We can either proceed to vote off people like Ami and Chad before we flip back, or we can do so immediately.
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