A confessional!

Postby Tom » Thu Nov 22, 2012 11:37:34 pm

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    Finally somewhere that I can come to speak freely here!

    So yeah, to answer Brenda's question, my picks make me care even less in regards to who goes home of the other six. Whatever happens I'll just have to move forward from there. If Bobby Jon or Mia (especially Bobby Jon since we had our little communication Magui thing) were on the other side, then I would feel like winning was less of a necessity since I would have someone that I really trust on the other side, but I don't. And with Caryn's recent fuck-up (since I sincerely believe she just didn't show up... man she really should have been eliminated a long time ago icon_rolleyes ) I imagine that everyone on the other tribe will agree to vote for her just so they can feel secure. And I might try to persuade my people that way as well.

    Obviously I would love to do something bigger for this first Tribal Council, but booting Ami leaves me options. I can make the defense to Old Chorotega that we still have numbers and she wasn't reliable anyway, I can make almost the exact same defense to NuChorotega, and as long as I get Chris back the me-Mia-BJ-Chris alliance should still exist, with Ami available as well if we need. If Caryn does leave Sunday, I plan to try to pull off a Chad-Ami split on Monday, with Chad leaving if he doesn't play an idol. Ami and Lisa can leave next, and then at Final 8 I would try to have Mia play her idol on whichever of her and Chris is being targeted (assuming I don't feel confident getting any of the other four to turn on Old Chorotega and that Chris does rejoin our four.) Hopefully Bobby Jon still feels comfortable with that foursome and things stay simple (with another idol NOT being put into play please) as we Pagong the four Old Chorotegas, giving a me-Mia-BJ-Chris Final 4. Not taking individual immunity into account, if it's a Final 3, we eliminate Bobby Jon. If it's a Final 2, I try to convince Mia to get rid of Chris. And hopefully.... Tom Westman wins.

    Obviously that's a very rough outline of the game, nothing is set in stone, I could leave this week and I'm keeping my options open. But as of now that's the gameplan that I'm going for, and we'll see if I can carry it out and don't decide I need to change it.

    Re: A confessional!

    Postby Jeff Probst » Fri Nov 23, 2012 10:43:52 pm

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    OfflineJeff Probst
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    It seems to me like the last 5 Immunity wins left you wanting Ami out. Why the fascination with getting rid of Ami? Is she threatening, is it a rallying point?

    Also, do you think that being immune so much leaves you out of practice when it comes to Tribal Council?

    Re: A confessional!

    Postby Tom » Sat Nov 24, 2012 12:45:10 am

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    I am playing so hard right now. Either something goes terribly wrong and I possibly get idoled out in these next few boots, or I go to the end and probably win the game. I honestly don't see another realistic option right now.

    Originally, Ami was threatening and could have legitimately reunited with Chad-John-Brook. Now, for me I view myself at the top of the pecking order if the game remains simple. So as a result, I would prefer to leave as few people pissed off after each vote as possible, because then they start wanting to shake up the game and do something crazy. I think Ami is close to Chad, and I think Chad has the idol, so right now it's more about Chad than Ami. If Chad were out of this game I honestly would feel a lot more comfortable with Ami, since her options have been leaving the game recently and she's being forced to put more trust in the Fiveskins, but I also think that if things go right then on Monday I can flush the idol (if Chad even has an idol) while still leaving eight people very pleased with me. I just have to hope that nobody tries to think too much and tries to shake things up from here.

    Re: A confessional!

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Sun Nov 25, 2012 2:58:36 am

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    OfflineBrenda Lowe
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    Give me a run-through of your different alliances, and how much faith you put into each one at this point in the game.

    Re: A confessional!

    Postby Tom » Sun Nov 25, 2012 11:45:57 am

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    I will tonight or tomorrow! I'm about to leave for the day and I need to get my pre-votes in sorry :(

    Can I just Pre-vote here? If so, then my vote is as follows:


    "Sorry Caryn, but it just felt like you never really became a part of this game."

    Re: A confessional!

    Postby Tom » Sun Nov 25, 2012 1:06:43 pm

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    Actually, I'll give a very quick run-down first:

    Pretty much every alliance I'm in has Bobby Jon in it. I have:

    Mia-Chris F3
    Mia-BJ F3
    Ami-BJ F3
    BJ-Jo-Ibe F4
    Ami-Mia-Chris-BJ F5
    Mia-Chris-BJ F4
    NuChorotega in general
    NuGuatuso in general
    Jolanda (haven't reaffirmed it)
    Ibe (haven't reaffirmed it)

    I think I outlined everything So I'm in some kind of alliance with everyone except for Chad :P And I'll talk more specifically, since obviously some of those haven't been talked about recently and are pretty much abandoned now, but I'll give a much more in depth post once I'm back, I have to go out for the day right now though.

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