Re: Welcome Chad (7th Place)

Postby Chad » Mon Dec 03, 2012 10:24:09 am

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    Mia wrote:Playing both sides is synonymous with both sides playing you. That's why you're here now. You stood no chance, and if you think your game was going to take you to the end on your own, you're delusional.

    Mia.... what are you talking about? The vote was 5-2 last night to keep me. No one was playing me. Then after that Ibe would have gone next and then we had two shots to get Ami out. I think I stood a pretty damn good chance. Someone randomly typed words into a password box and guessed correctly. That's why I'm here. Not because of my game moves. And I wasn't trying to get there all on my own. I had a solid F3 deal and nothing that either one of them did or told me makes me think otherwise.

    I understand you are bitter and I'm sorry. FWIW.... when I swore to you that I wouldn't vote you out, that was before Tom, Kim, and I talked and realized it was the best thing to do because there were three of you, Ami, and Lisa and only two of Bobby Jon and Ibe. I even said to them "Fuck, I swore to Mia I wouldn't vote her out. Remind me not to do that again until we all talk and decide what we are really doing."

    I really didn't think you would be this bitter. I knew you would be pissed off at me. But yea.... I realize you could have dragged me to the F3 as a goat, and I didn't want to play that way.

    Re: Welcome Chad (7th Place)

    Postby Mia » Mon Dec 03, 2012 12:08:06 pm

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    I'm honestly not that bitter, but I just think your gameplan was fucking stupid, and I want to harp on you for that.

    Of course you're here right now because you voted me out. And of course they weren't planning on voting you out- you were the biggest goat left in the game. All Tom wanted the whole time was another to take with him... He discussed BJ, Gregg, Lisa, Caryn, Kim even, but eventually you were the best choice for EVERYONE to take. So yeah, I would have been dragging you there as a goat too.

    And that's what it means to get played. People want you around because you stand no chance. As much as it was great that you really did believe you were in the driver's seat, and that you really did have control, you didn't, because all these people knew that you were just a vote they could use to get to the end and then not receive any jury votes. So of course they wanted to keep you.

    And what part about the idol do you not understand? Everything about that idol play was your own fault. I would have played my idol last night because I wouldn't have been here for the vote. So there would have been no idol to blindside you. BJ would have been gone. You wouldn't have. And you could have continued on with your pathetic goat game.

    Re: Welcome Chad (7th Place)

    Postby Chad » Mon Dec 03, 2012 12:26:20 pm

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    If that's what you think was going on.... that I was just the goat... then there's nothing I can do to change your mind about that. Maybe you will see after the game is over that is far from the truth.

    You certainly thought I was a goat and would do whatever you instructed me to do. BJ and Ibe certainly thought I was a goat and a vote for sale. That was the way I wanted it. I intentionally made myself a goat. Brenda thought I was nuts with my non-vote during the Chris boot, but it was intentional. You guys were all telling me things that I could then use. You can believe it or not. But Tom and Kim were not using me for a vote. Tom thinks I saved his ass. Which I very well may have if you and Ami tried to go through with that crazy 4-3-1 boot Tom plan. And the three of us were working together as evidenced by the facts here. You got voted out on Thursday. BJ was supposed to go last night (which he would have if not for the idol). Then Ibe. Then we had two chances to get Ami out. There is no reason for me to lie about this at this point. Look at the facts and what actually happened, not your perception of what was happening. Is there another explanation for the random flipping of votes from one "side" to the other "side"?

    The risk of voting you off, which we discussed at great lengths, was that Ami would get paranoid and start comparing notes with BJ/Ibe and figure out what was really going on... That Tom, Kim and I were working together and she wouldn't trust either me or Tom and they would join up to vote one of us off. And we needed her and Kim's votes to get Ibe and BJ out. And it sorta happened. She went and approached Ibe and told him that I was pushing for BJ to go which then clearly set Ibe off. But Tom and I reeled Ami back in and she trusted me again and she voted out BJ last night. Which is what I wanted her to do.

    As for the idol.... I guess you could say if we hadn't voted you out, BJ never would have an idol and I would still be there. So would you. And at what point were you gonna cut me? Or you were going to drag me to the end with you running the whole game and me saying baaaaaahhhhhh to the jury. That wasn't the way I wanted to play. And I would have lost. I'm not going to sit here and say I was playing a stupid game because I voted you out and someone else randomly typed the correct word into a box so that was a dumb move. Because it wasn't a dumb move. And the plan was playing out and if not for that idol, there is no doubt in my mind that the Final 3 would have happened.

    Re: Welcome Chad (7th Place)

    Postby Chad » Mon Dec 03, 2012 12:34:14 pm

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    And we needed her and Kim's votes to get Ibe and BJ out.

    We needed Ami and Lisa's votes to get Ibe and BJ out. Not Kim.

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