Re: Bitter thread!

Postby Chad » Sun Dec 02, 2012 9:07:08 pm

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    Jolanda wrote:
    You would have been my vote in a Tom/Kim/you Final 3!

    Awww. Thanks Jo.

    Re: Bitter thread!

    Postby Jolanda » Sun Dec 02, 2012 9:09:02 pm

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    Chad wrote:
    Jolanda wrote:
    You would have been my vote in a Tom/Kim/you Final 3!

    Awww. Thanks Jo.

    Yw :) You were my number 3 behind Ibe and BJ overall!

    Re: Bitter thread!

    Postby Jolanda » Sun Dec 02, 2012 9:09:21 pm

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    Except now it looks like neither of them are making it very far...

    Re: Bitter thread!

    Postby Chad » Sun Dec 02, 2012 9:13:58 pm

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    Jolanda wrote:
    Chad wrote:
    Jolanda wrote:
    You would have been my vote in a Tom/Kim/you Final 3!

    Awww. Thanks Jo.

    Yw :) You were my number 3 behind Ibe and BJ overall!

    Really? Why? I was putting on the "I'm all alone and I suck" act. I really didn't think anyone would think I had a chance of winning until the big jury reveal where we laid it all out what was going on. icon_smile

    Re: Bitter thread!

    Postby Jolanda » Sun Dec 02, 2012 9:15:14 pm

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    Because I was angry with Tom, Lisa's useless, Kim's been riding coattails, and I don't really know Ami. So, that puts you at number 3!

    Re: Bitter thread!

    Postby Chad » Sun Dec 02, 2012 9:17:59 pm

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    Oh OK. LMAO.

    I hate to say this, but it would really bug me if Ami won. Only because I called that she was going to win the game like Day 2. For a second we considered voting Ami out on Thursday over Mia. But with the idol out there, we had to just go for Mia, knowing she was most likely bluffing.

    Re: Bitter thread!

    Postby Gregg » Mon Dec 03, 2012 12:41:53 am

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    At this point Tom is the only person I am in no way voting for. The dude shinned me with the silent treatment since the merge when he gave me his word the 1st week that we are f2 allies. I can respect the lying but the shinning is just rude.

    Re: Bitter thread!

    Postby Mia » Mon Dec 03, 2012 5:38:41 am

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    Jolanda wrote:Here is what my view of the game was from when I was out.

    My boot: Tom & Kim flipped with Guatusos.

    F9: Everyone against Ibe and Gregg. Duh.

    F8: This is where I got confused. I thought Tom/Mia/Kim/Ami/BJ were the power alliance. I was surprised when Mia was voted off.

    F7: (before the vote) Somehow Ibe got the votes to swing your way, you on the outside the whole time.

    So yeah, a little shocked :P

    I'm really glad that Chad decided to use the Tom plot against Ami and I, especially since he initially proposed it. Ami and I decided NOT to do it almost as soon as we planned it.

    I was only playing with Tom, Ami, and Chad. Obviously Chad is a dick and I'm glad he got burned, but whatever. Me, Tom, and Ami WERE calling the shots, and it still baffles me at how Chad worked his way in there. I figured I was getting booted when I did, and the only reason I didn't play the idol was that I would have had to miss the F7 TC, and I figured I would probably be going then if I wasn't safe.

    Bobby Jon and Chad were the two biggest snakes left in the game before last night. I wasp laying hard, but I wasn't snaking around NEARLY as much as they did. If someone was going home, I didn't bother to say a word to them. Chad and Bobby Jon went out of their way to make people feel like they were staying (myself included).

    Basically, the consensus was the Chad was turning into a goat. Bobby Jon is probably going to be one at this point too.

    Obviously a Lisa win would suck, but I'm not opposed to voting for her. In my book, her game is better than Chad's.

    Kim and Ami are playing the most honest games at this point. And right now, there's no way I'll be voting for Bobby Jon if he makes the finals.

    Re: Bitter thread!

    Postby Chad » Mon Dec 03, 2012 10:45:07 am

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    If you weren't playing like a snake and your real deal was with Tom, why did you send me a note before the Gregg boot saying that you and Ami had decided to get Tom out after him with that 4-3-1 vote split plan you came up with? And that was when I started pushing BJ by telling you what he was trying to do by tricking Kim and I into voting a certain way to get you off the Tom plan. You're saying multiple things here. You are saying that you were really working with Tom and Ami and I was just a goat. But then you say I would have made the finals with you if I hadn't voted you out. So who would you have cut? Tom or Ami?

    You and I never made any kind of deal, so it's not like I broke one with you. And when Tom approached me to work with me after the Chris boot, I was just about to do the same thing with him, so I took it. I didn't want to play the game as someone's goat and just used for a vote and sail along to the end. I would have no chance of winning at all and I didn't see the point of playing that way. I could gamble on the fact that you and Ami would drag me there. Probably not. You probably would have cut me at F4 for Lisa. If I was going to spend my time playing this game, I wanted to try to play it.

    And I already said.... I know I promised you I was not going to vote you out. For some reason I had it stuck in my head that I wasn't. The plan was get rid of BJ then get Ibe to vote with us to vote you out next. But after talking to Kim, I realized that was a really bad idea. But it was too late at that point, because I had already swore to you I wasn't voting for you. I know I messed that one up. And FWIW I am sorry because I really wasn't initially trying to pull a con on you.

    And if you weren't serious about voting out Tom... well then I apologize but there was no way for me to be aware of that. And it probably played a big part in Tom flipping on you when I told him that. I was panicking because I was like FUCK I just finally made another alliance and they are going to go out next.

    Re: Bitter thread!

    Postby Chad » Mon Dec 03, 2012 10:51:13 am

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    Oh.... and Tom also told me about how on nuChorotega your plan was to vote Ami out first if you guys ever lost. Did Ami know about that? Because I'm pretty damn sure she thought you and her were working together pretty exclusively and that she was in an alliance with you. So you were plotting with Tom, Chris and BJ to get rid of Ami, then you were plotting with Ami to get rid of Tom. And you're calling me a snake and saying that you were an honest player?

    Re: Bitter thread!

    Postby Mia » Mon Dec 03, 2012 12:17:15 pm

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    The plan to vote Ami out was legit up to a certain point. Chris and Lisa confirmed what I already suspected after the swap: that you and Ami (along with John, and Brook) were against me and would vote me out when necessary. The Ami vote was planned to prevent Ami from jumping back to you guys. And yeah, honestly, we even had planned to throw a challenge to make sure Ami didn't make it to the merge and jump back over.

    But then you guys continued to suck, and Jolanda/Ibe did the dirty work for us and took out John and Brook. You were alone at the merge, and it was basically then that your fate was sealed. Nobody really cared about you beyond the fact that you were a lone person who wasn't really a threat besides the idol. After that was played, you were a free vote who could easily have been picked up by anyone who made the best case. You were on the bottom no matter what deal you would have made with someone.

    And then you got a little power hungry, and got me voted. I'm really not bitter about that- nicely played. I was a threat to win this, and I hate to be cocky, but EVERYONE knew it. But the thing is, your move to vote me out wasn't a big move on your part. You just happened to be involved in it, and they just happened to need your vote. Like I said, your vote was up for grabs, and somehow you were smart enough to spill the Tom story (which he believed, apparently), and then your vote was used.

    For the last time, the only reason people voted to keep you around at this point was that you're no longer a jury threat. You have no real gameplay, and you've been played. Lisa is playing a better game than you right now. Lisa could actually still get votes if she was in the FTC. You definitely couldn't have.

    Re: Bitter thread!

    Postby Chad » Mon Dec 03, 2012 12:37:15 pm

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    OK Mia. If that's what you think. icon_laughing

    We'll wait until the next juror gets here to see if they agree with ya.

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