lol wut? No. Jeff just sucks at English. It is a knock on effect from seasons & seasons of people writing walls of text where a few questions would suffice.
You'll each get one post to do whatever you want to do to help you decide your vote. If you want to rant/give a speech, that's your perogitive. Or maybe some advice. Or you can ask them something to put their game into perspective. Or you can get them to guess the number you're thinking of. Whatever the hell you want.
We will ask that you
do not tell them where the Jury's head is at too much - like "Wow you think you were a mastermind but you're coming across as just plain arrogant" is okay, but saying "Bobbi, x, y & z are voting for you" is not. In addition to this please try keep your votes a little mysterious in here, even if your mind is fully made up already. And God help if anyone announces their vote after FTC and before the reveal - you do not want to deal with bitchy Brenda.
Outside of those two things (which are really just to keep the whole thing unspoilered & hopefully understandably so?), remember we have nine of you to get through. So it'll be a one-post in, one post out deal. You go in, you ask your questions or whatever, they each answer, you announce that your satisfied or not and we'll move onto the next in line.
Just on running order, ideally we'd go Caryn first, and work along the boot order, but if anyone knows they need to be accommodated let us know and we'll shuffle things around a bit. Also if you have your question pre-written in your confessional, and we know it's a good one to ask directly before or after someone else, we might mix up the running order a little for dramatic effect too :P
And of course, if anyone's gonna miss it entirely leave a statement and we can post it for you. Or if you feel you'll miss the start, we can always post it and you can read over it later when you arrive.
And prevote! Just in case.
All clear?