Re: Welcome, Ibrehem (6th Place)

Postby Ibrehem » Mon Dec 03, 2012 9:44:19 pm

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    Firstly, no it's fine Chad. :P I get it.
    I wish Mia was a less bitter juror though.

    Anyway, moves I made for myself. Well, I won 2 individual immunity's. It was my original idea to vote for Chris instead of Chad because Chad would never play an idol on anyone but himself. icon_laughing
    After Chris, Jo and Gregg's boots. Kim was pretty responsible for getting Chad and Tom to vote for you, Mia. That's what she told me.
    Uh, after that Ami messaged us and said Chad was playing both sides -- I tried getting Ami, Kim AND Tom to flip on Chad pretty much alone.
    Kim never gave me a definite answer. Tom and Ami said no. BJ never told me about the idol, so... I figured he would go.
    Then the shocker, Chad goes. I tried getting Tom to realize he's an idiot. No luck.
    Have you ever said that maybe I played more of a manipulator like Ami and Kim? :P
    I never tried to be an individual force, I wanted people around to make decisions with. They were my, you know, alliances?
    Had I made finals my argument would have been loyalty. The closest to backstabbing, like I said earlier, would be voting for Chad with Bobby Jon. But even then, it's kind of not backstabbing since Chad was backstabbing BJ anyway. And you know, almost always being in the minority.
    My plan for the original Guatuso's would have been to apologize for not making a huge effort in talking to you guys that much. But the reason I hardly ever did was because I knew none of you would ever flip (like, for good) to our side without flipping back (Chad). So... Yeah.

    Re: Welcome, Ibrehem (6th Place)

    Postby Mia » Mon Dec 03, 2012 9:47:19 pm

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    Ibrehem wrote:I never tried to be an individual force, I wanted people around to make decisions with.

    I think this answers my question.

    Re: Welcome, Ibrehem (6th Place)

    Postby Chad » Mon Dec 03, 2012 9:48:55 pm

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    You can't play the game alone, Mia.

    Re: Welcome, Ibrehem (6th Place)

    Postby Caryn » Mon Dec 03, 2012 9:50:23 pm

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    Chad wrote:You can't play the game alone, Mia.


    Re: Welcome, Ibrehem (6th Place)

    Postby Mia » Mon Dec 03, 2012 9:50:47 pm

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    I know I can't. Which is why I'm bitter.

    Re: Welcome, Ibrehem (6th Place)

    Postby Chad » Mon Dec 03, 2012 9:55:08 pm

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    Ibrehem wrote:Firstly, no it's fine Chad. :P I get it.
    I wish Mia was a less bitter juror though.

    Anyway, moves I made for myself. Well, I won 2 individual immunity's. It was my original idea to vote for Chris instead of Chad because Chad would never play an idol on anyone but himself. icon_laughing
    After Chris, Jo and Gregg's boots. Kim was pretty responsible for getting Chad and Tom to vote for you, Mia. That's what she told me.
    Uh, after that Ami messaged us and said Chad was playing both sides -- I tried getting Ami, Kim AND Tom to flip on Chad pretty much alone.
    Kim never gave me a definite answer. Tom and Ami said no. BJ never told me about the idol, so... I figured he would go.
    Then the shocker, Chad goes. I tried getting Tom to realize he's an idiot. No luck.
    Have you ever said that maybe I played more of a manipulator like Ami and Kim? :P
    I never tried to be an individual force, I wanted people around to make decisions with. They were my, you know, alliances?
    Had I made finals my argument would have been loyalty. The closest to backstabbing, like I said earlier, would be voting for Chad with Bobby Jon. But even then, it's kind of not backstabbing since Chad was backstabbing BJ anyway. And you know, almost always being in the minority.
    My plan for the original Guatuso's would have been to apologize for not making a huge effort in talking to you guys that much. But the reason I hardly ever did was because I knew none of you would ever flip (like, for good) to our side without flipping back (Chad). So... Yeah.

    WHAT???? icon_laughing

    I actually seriously contemplated it. Until Chris told me he told everyone I was going to. Then I figured you guys would all flip your votes to me thinking I would play it on Chris. So at that point I had to protect myself.

    Did Kim tell you about the F3? Or did she conveniently leave that part out? icon_wink Originally it was my idea to get Mia out, but then (I don't know what happened in my brain) I flipped that to BJ. And Kim was like.... I think that's a really bad idea. And then I realized that was a really bad idea too. So yea... she really is the one who brought me back to reality. I was so worried about you and Ami comparing notes and I wanted Ami to trust me so we could use her votes and prevent her from running off to you and telling you what I was doing and I was afraid she wouldn't trust me if I voted Mia off without telling her. I knew Kim didn't feel 100% comfortable with the BJ boot last night. But she still did it. You guys must have done a job on her to get her to come back though. icon_razz

    And who says Ibe wasn't playing the game?????

    Re: Welcome, Ibrehem (6th Place)

    Postby Ibrehem » Mon Dec 03, 2012 10:00:32 pm

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    Chad wrote:
    Ibrehem wrote:Firstly, no it's fine Chad. :P I get it.
    I wish Mia was a less bitter juror though.

    Anyway, moves I made for myself. Well, I won 2 individual immunity's. It was my original idea to vote for Chris instead of Chad because Chad would never play an idol on anyone but himself. icon_laughing
    After Chris, Jo and Gregg's boots. Kim was pretty responsible for getting Chad and Tom to vote for you, Mia. That's what she told me.
    Uh, after that Ami messaged us and said Chad was playing both sides -- I tried getting Ami, Kim AND Tom to flip on Chad pretty much alone.
    Kim never gave me a definite answer. Tom and Ami said no. BJ never told me about the idol, so... I figured he would go.
    Then the shocker, Chad goes. I tried getting Tom to realize he's an idiot. No luck.
    Have you ever said that maybe I played more of a manipulator like Ami and Kim? :P
    I never tried to be an individual force, I wanted people around to make decisions with. They were my, you know, alliances?
    Had I made finals my argument would have been loyalty. The closest to backstabbing, like I said earlier, would be voting for Chad with Bobby Jon. But even then, it's kind of not backstabbing since Chad was backstabbing BJ anyway. And you know, almost always being in the minority.
    My plan for the original Guatuso's would have been to apologize for not making a huge effort in talking to you guys that much. But the reason I hardly ever did was because I knew none of you would ever flip (like, for good) to our side without flipping back (Chad). So... Yeah.

    WHAT???? icon_laughing

    I actually seriously contemplated it. Until Chris told me he told everyone I was going to. Then I figured you guys would all flip your votes to me thinking I would play it on Chris. So at that point I had to protect myself.

    Did Kim tell you about the F3? Or did she conveniently leave that part out? icon_wink Originally it was my idea to get Mia out, but then (I don't know what happened in my brain) I flipped that to BJ. And Kim was like.... I think that's a really bad idea. And then I realized that was a really bad idea too. So yea... she really is the one who brought me back to reality. I was so worried about you and Ami comparing notes and I wanted Ami to trust me so we could use her votes and prevent her from running off to you and telling you what I was doing and I was afraid she wouldn't trust me if I voted Mia off without telling her. I knew Kim didn't feel 100% comfortable with the BJ boot last night. But she still did it. You guys must have done a job on her to get her to come back though. icon_razz

    And who says Ibe wasn't playing the game?????

    A lot of the talking Ami and I did was in the like two-faced, I have to talk to you but I don't want to...way. icon_laughing
    Yeah, we just convinced her that Tom didn't deserve to be helped by her and she agreed she was being played and would be better off trying to get to the finals with me and BJ.

    Kim didn't tell me about a F3. And I was playing the game way more than people seem to think. I guess you'll see in confessionals.
    I also agreed with Chad that Mia would try to use her idol to outsmart us rather than actually play it. So even though I was always wary of Chad, I just knew he wasn't lying about Mia, though. But I'm glad she talked you out of voting for BJ.

    Re: Welcome, Ibrehem (6th Place)

    Postby Chad » Mon Dec 03, 2012 10:11:56 pm

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    So how did Tom, Ami, and Lisa end up voting for Kim instead of you knowing that would force a tie???? That's what I was completely baffled by.

    Re: Welcome, Ibrehem (6th Place)

    Postby Ibrehem » Mon Dec 03, 2012 10:18:10 pm

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    Chad wrote:So how did Tom, Ami, and Lisa end up voting for Kim instead of you knowing that would force a tie???? That's what I was completely baffled by.

    Maybe they thought I had an idol and Kim was less likely to have one?
    Because BJ and I had been working on that idol ALL DAY. icon_lol
    I knew Tom would force a tie too, just not with Kim. I was Britney Haynes-shocked.

    Oh, and Chad sorry about the uber-dramatic voting confessional I left for you. icon_lol I figured even though I was being kind of mean, you would enjoy it for entertainment value alone. icon_razz

    And I was the one who left Ami the "I'm pregnant and you're the father" voting confessional. icon_lol
    Because somehow I just knew I would end up going tonight, so I decided to leave a joke. :P
    And I apologize if I left you any hate in the confessionals.
    Oh, and did any of you see my middle theory?! icon_biggrin

    Re: Welcome, Ibrehem (6th Place)

    Postby Chad » Mon Dec 03, 2012 10:41:54 pm

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    icon_laughing OK first of all..... icon_laughing

    I actually didn't leave you much hate in my confessionals, I don't think. I mean I pretty much ripped on everyone at some point, but most of my hate was focused on Gregg. Oh and Brook. Yea. I tore Brook a new one back in the day. But I understand why you would hate confessional me. I fucking lied out my ass until I couldn't lie any more to you. On two different tribes. I kinda suck. icon_cry Am I Gregg???? It's funny... but you and Jo are probably the only two who knew what a freaking bullshit artist I was. Everyone on Guatuso thought I was a chump. And I'm pretty sure BJ and Gregg did too. That's why I wanted to get you the fuck out!!!

    I don't want to ever hear any shit ever for all of eternity about my idol stunts after what you people pulled. Ever. icon_redface

    And actually on the voting comment.... I just icon_rolleyes because I didn't know if you were serious. "This is for Brook." icon_laughing WTF??? I DIDN'T vote Brook out. I voted your ass out. And failed. Twice. icon_wink

    No..... what is the middle theory? Or was that just how you had figured out that I was playing both sides and was in a really good position in the game? Ami told Tom about that and Tom told me. It was clear you had figured out what I was doing. But what you didn't figure out...... There was a reason I was doing what I was doing..... Wait for it.....

    Tom, Kim, and I had a F3 deal and we were flip flopping back and forth to each "side" to use your votes and get you all out and both sides were telling me everything so I had all the information and I could try to influence their moves to protect the three of us. Like.... we needed you to boot Mia. But then we needed to reel Ami back in to get her to vote you and BJ off. Then we could take out Ami and Lisa. That was the plan. And until BJ pulled an idol out of his ass last night... it looked like it was working. icon_smile

    I kinda wanted to sit next to Tom in the F3. Because you guys were making it clear to me how much you loathed him. So I thought he would be the perfect goat for me to win. That's why I picked Tom when he offered me the deal over you and BJ or the Guatuso girls, and Kim and I started getting close because of the F4 you tried to set up. And we were pulling it off. Fucking idols. icon_redface I really think Kim probably flipped because she was always wary of Tom's relationship with both Ami and Mia. And I know she wants to fight her ass off to get to the end. So she probably thought she was looking at a situation where she was going to get cut at F4 if she stayed with them. She probably would have because Ami had the best chance to win immunity probably and she would have cut Kim if I had to guess. Ami thought Kim was 100% with you and BJ and therefore probably a jury threat. Kim probably made the right move tonight. And I don't know why but I'm rooting for her. Luck didn't work out on your side though tonight. icon_sad

    Anyway... it's kind of fun to talk about this for real without lying my ass off anymore. icon_smile

    Re: Welcome, Ibrehem (6th Place)

    Postby Ibrehem » Mon Dec 03, 2012 10:51:25 pm

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    Chad wrote:icon_laughing OK first of all..... icon_laughing

    I actually didn't leave you much hate in my confessionals, I don't think. I mean I pretty much ripped on everyone at some point, but most of my hate was focused on Gregg. Oh and Brook. Yea. I tore Brook a new one back in the day. But I understand why you would hate confessional me. I fucking lied out my ass until I couldn't lie any more to you. On two different tribes. I kinda suck. icon_cry Am I Gregg???? It's funny... but you and Jo are probably the only two who knew what a freaking bullshit artist I was. Everyone on Guatuso thought I was a chump. And I'm pretty sure BJ and Gregg did too. That's why I wanted to get you the fuck out!!!

    I don't want to ever hear any shit ever for all of eternity about my idol stunts after what you people pulled. Ever. icon_redface

    And actually on the voting comment.... I just icon_rolleyes because I didn't know if you were serious. "This is for Brook." icon_laughing WTF??? I DIDN'T vote Brook out. I voted your ass out. And failed. Twice. icon_wink

    No..... what is the middle theory? Or was that just how you had figured out that I was playing both sides and was in a really good position in the game? Ami told Tom about that and Tom told me. It was clear you had figured out what I was doing. But what you didn't figure out...... There was a reason I was doing what I was doing..... Wait for it.....

    Tom, Kim, and I had a F3 deal and we were flip flopping back and forth to each "side" to use your votes and get you all out and both sides were telling me everything so I had all the information and I could try to influence their moves to protect the three of us. Like.... we needed you to boot Mia. But then we needed to reel Ami back in to get her to vote you and BJ off. Then we could take out Ami and Lisa. That was the plan. And until BJ pulled an idol out of his ass last night... it looked like it was working. icon_smile

    I kinda wanted to sit next to Tom in the F3. Because you guys were making it clear to me how much you loathed him. So I thought he would be the perfect goat for me to win. That's why I picked Tom when he offered me the deal over you and BJ or the Guatuso girls, and Kim and I started getting close because of the F4 you tried to set up. And we were pulling it off. Fucking idols. icon_redface I really think Kim probably flipped because she was always wary of Tom's relationship with both Ami and Mia. And I know she wants to fight her ass off to get to the end. So she probably thought she was looking at a situation where she was going to get cut at F4 if she stayed with them. She probably would have because Ami had the best chance to win immunity probably and she would have cut Kim if I had to guess. Ami thought Kim was 100% with you and BJ and therefore probably a jury threat. Kim probably made the right move tonight. And I don't know why but I'm rooting for her. Luck didn't work out on your side though tonight. icon_sad

    Anyway... it's kind of fun to talk about this for real without lying my ass off anymore. icon_smile

    I posted my theory in its own thread.
    And really? You, Tom and Kim? In that situation, no offense I would vote for Kim. But yeah -- Jo and I knew you were a liar, but no one ever seemed to believe me until the tribal you got eliminated at. Er, not that I was frantically running around trying to get you eliminated. No, I really wanted Tom gone. Jo and I didn't really like Tom that much from the start. That's why we voted him leader of Chorotega. icon_laughing

    Oh, and I tried to convince Tom afterward that I wasn't really trying to target him. icon_razz

    And the "This is for Brook" was because the only reason he's gone is because you beat me to immunity by half a second. icon_laughing
    What a good season though. The tribals could be a little more dramatic, but it's still good. I hope it continues to be shocking.

    Re: Welcome, Ibrehem (6th Place)

    Postby Ibrehem » Mon Dec 03, 2012 10:52:18 pm

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    Er, Mia* not me, omg ***

    Re: Welcome, Ibrehem (6th Place)

    Postby Gregg » Mon Dec 03, 2012 10:53:18 pm

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    Can't we all agree that if Lisa makes the end her loyalty and honesty should be rewarded with winning jury votes. icon_smile

    Re: Welcome, Ibrehem (6th Place)

    Postby Chad » Mon Dec 03, 2012 10:57:42 pm

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    I FUCKING KNEW IT. I knew one of you fuckers was going to try to win/lose that challenge to get me out. I read the rules. I knew exactly what I was doing. I wanted one of you four GONE. I didn't misread it and accidentally win therefore lose. icon_lol

    But why did you flip to me instead of Tom? I thought that was kind of dumb for you guys because clearly Ami didn't fully trust me after I booted Mia and didn't tell her. It would probably be way more chaotic if I were there vs. Tom right now. I mean.... Tom, Ami, and Lisa are probably the F3 unless someone goes on an immunity run. But Ami could have been convinced to get me out later on. Not so much with Tom. Not now.

    Re: Welcome, Ibrehem (6th Place)

    Postby Chad » Mon Dec 03, 2012 10:58:35 pm

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    Gregg wrote:Can't we all agree that if Lisa makes the end her loyalty and honesty should be rewarded with winning jury votes. icon_smile

    Gregg... am I finally allowed to tell you to SHUT THE FUCK UP without it hurting my game? J/K Sorta. icon_wub

    Re: Welcome, Ibrehem (6th Place)

    Postby Mia » Mon Dec 03, 2012 10:59:35 pm

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    Ibrehem wrote:Er, Mia* not me, omg ***


    Re: Welcome, Ibrehem (6th Place)

    Postby Gregg » Mon Dec 03, 2012 11:01:32 pm

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    Chad wrote:
    Gregg wrote:Can't we all agree that if Lisa makes the end her loyalty and honesty should be rewarded with winning jury votes. icon_smile

    Gregg... am I finally allowed to tell you to SHUT THE FUCK UP without it hurting my game? J/K Sorta. icon_wub

    Chad I liked you in the game but you are showing some bitterness on the jury. Lisa outplayed us all why can't people accept that.

    Re: Welcome, Ibrehem (6th Place)

    Postby Mia » Mon Dec 03, 2012 11:02:47 pm

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    You two can harp on my game all you want, but it wasn't anywhere close to as complex as yours were. I can't follow any of this... But I guess it's making for a good season?

    Re: Welcome, Ibrehem (6th Place)

    Postby Ibrehem » Mon Dec 03, 2012 11:03:27 pm

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    Chad wrote:I FUCKING KNEW IT. I knew one of you fuckers was going to try to win/lose that challenge to get me out. I read the rules. I knew exactly what I was doing. I wanted one of you four GONE. I didn't misread it and accidentally win therefore lose. icon_lol

    But why did you flip to me instead of Tom? I thought that was kind of dumb for you guys because clearly Ami didn't fully trust me after I booted Mia and didn't tell her. It would probably be way more chaotic if I were there vs. Tom right now. I mean.... Tom, Ami, and Lisa are probably the F3 unless someone goes on an immunity run. But Ami could have been convinced to get me out later on. Not so much with Tom. Not now.

    Well, I figured you would keep flopping back and forth and I knew you were good at challenges, and since Ami was the one that suggested voting for you, I figured why not? icon_laughing And Tom sent me a message wanting to go back to "Choro-4" in the first place. Tom was also the one that told Jolanda after the merge to stay "Choro strong"
    I wanted to, yeah, but it wasn't my idea in the first place to remain Chorotega. Understand that, I figured me/Jo/Gregg was screwed if we didn't. And after Tom was the one that told us he wanted us to stay Chorotega, he voted Jo and then Gregg out? Wtf? icon_laughing
    I mean, that did it for me. He doesn't deserve to win this at all. I wish I kind of had voted him out over you at F7. Let's hope Kim and BJ can pull off something, lol.
    While I'm at it, I hope Bobby Jon can win the next two immunity's actually -- if I'm wishing for stuff.

    Re: Welcome, Ibrehem (6th Place)

    Postby Ibrehem » Mon Dec 03, 2012 11:05:14 pm

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    Mia wrote:
    Ibrehem wrote:Er, Mia* not me, omg ***


    Remember when Chad beat you to immunity by half a second?
    The first person to grab it, got it?
    Well, I accidentally said "beat me to immunity" when I meant to say "beat Mia to immunity" icon_razz

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