Haha this is funny.
Back on NuChorotega, Tom and I went on a big campaign against John. John played me really hard in the first 2 vote offs, and luckily I got switched before he could do anything about it. I had a feeling something was up at out Julie TC, and then miraculously Tom picked me and we hit things off by comparing notes.
I was ready to throw Ami under the bus on NuChorotega, but as soon as we went on that winning streak and as soon as it became clear that NuGuatuso was probably one of the biggest clusterfuck tribes ever, Ami suddenly became an important ally again because I knew Jo/Ibe would make an honest attempt at pulling Tom back in.
Originally, Tom and I aligned, and Tom pulled BJ in, but BJ never did anything because he was gone for a few days, so I never really trusted him. I pulled Chris in, and Chris spilled all the beans and confirmed my suspicions about John, Brook, and Chad, and let me know that Ami was at least semi-guilty. So we had a four-man alliance with Ami and Lisa thinking they were in on one side and Kim and Caryn thinking they were in on the other side.
Caryn or Ami would have gone first. It would have depended.
My strategy at the merge was to keep original Guatuso together and get the numbers on Chorotega. YOu guys have basically confirmed my suspicions that most Chorotegan jury members are only looking to vote for other Chorotegans to win, so I wanted to force a Chorotega jury block that would be foreced to vote for Guatuso. I knew that my chances might be slim, but I didn't want to lose to a Chorotegan just because there were a bunch of them on the jury.
Anyways, once Caryn was gone, it was 5/6, and the plan was to get Tom to agree to voting out Jolanda. Then for some reason Chris fucked things up and went crazy. And Chad kind of did too. If Chad didn't play the idol and Chris never messed up so much, I'm sure Jolanda would have gone then.
After that, being 4/6, I still wanted to take out Chorotega members, so luckily Jo and Gregg went. Chad brought up Ami and my plan to vote out Tom at some point. The reason we didn't do it was because BJ had turned on our four-man alliance (The Fourskins) at that point, and Tom was still appearing to be semi-reliable, so BJ was the target.
That's when Chad fucked things up and kind of made it apparent to me that he wasn't on my side, and I sort of expected that Ami might flip over with Chad too, so I did the idol bluff. Tom knew I had the idol as soon as I found it, and I told him I woud be saving the idol for the next night. If anything, that was my worst move in this game. So Tom was able to screw me over.
But if BJ had gone, Tom probably WOULD have been next, but now that Chad has shown us all how much his gameplay literally was all over the place and that he had an alliance with Tom/Kim, I guess it wouldn't have happened. I guess I was just dumb enough to assume that Chad actually realized that his best shot was with Guatuso members.