10 of 18

Postby Brenda Lowe » Tue Jan 08, 2013 10:03:57 pm

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    Shit I shoulda done bullet points. This got overlong fast. I'll do an actual rank by want in the next post.

    The ORGY Regulars

    KMK; I find it hard to imagine him as anyone but Yve, but Marty or even HoHo would fit too? The reason I say Yve is that the one time we played together he was her and it is kinda his most famous role. It won the 'biggest backstabber' award last year, and deservedly so. Now the trouble with Yve was that while she was great at being sneaky and luring in people and being social - her overall plan was so terribly flawed. Great at the little things, not so much at the bigger picture. Good time to point out he is the first app that the Courtney Yates comparison is legitimate, he is snarky and cliquey as fuck, if you are not his bff, you are instantly scorned and will be the butt of his jokes within his harem. Hmm, maybe even Dan.

    Kate; I'd really like to see how she tackles Stranded, but I think she talked to you about how 8pm starts are undoable for her, even 9 is a bit of a struggle. Kate is a quare fish of a player, she's gotten into the habit of notching up internet conquests rather than actually playing to, you know, win icon_laughing Think Chelsea from OW. This post and the following argument are a bit cruel & crude, but also accurate to her playstyle; http://z13.invisionfree.com/GTFO/index. ... p=22066114
    Much as I love her, I don't think we can fit around her schedule or visa-versa :/ If she were to play I guess she might be a good fit for Jane :D which would also be hilarious since when she said she only plays as females, she neglected to mention she really means hot young females she can flirt as :P But Jane's sweet old lady exterior/bitter twisted interior at least half-fits. And if she does play, srsly don't give a guy rep. I've seen her before just lose all interest in a game because of it.

    Blueberry We were talking about Bloo on AIM and you were pushing WendyJo as a good rep. I couldn't quite explain why not at the time, but it's like, two years ago that would have fitted Bloo - not really any more. Bloo's MO is to gather as many alliances as he can (srsly he hoards them and keeps count) bu never focus on 90% of them. He'll make them, then forget about everyone except the one or two people he's pledged undying loyalty to. You should be warned he's very quickly IDd by most too. Also he sucks at challenges. I'm getting real Jane vibes here, with a slight chance of Yve perhaps.

    Bitch Pudding; Crazy bitch #2 after Punx. Only she'll go crazy just for fun. Short and snappy PM style and prefers to do her bonding out on the main boards. Will call out shit if she thinks she sees it with no shame or thought that this could hurt her game, kinda Mia-esque. Maybe Jane? idk, she's more like Abi from the latest Season than any of these older (& supposedly wiser) heads. I stuck her in this section because even though he is not really an ORGY regular, his style is well known and kinda obvious by anyone there. Some of the players in the other sections do have ORGY accounts but they are either brand new, old & forgotten, or just plain fringe members over there.

    ztar hmm, ztar is tricky. I hosted him a few times and he's typically just not all that exciting. He likes UTR and he's a very capable player, but if you want fireworks ztar is not your guy. Saying that, he could snap out of his ORGY habits with the right cast around him. I'd like to see him in Stranded, but I think this is not the Season for him with the open-ID vets there. Plus he's gonna be hella busy with school by the sound of it. If he does go in, he's got Jill written all over him. Decent in challenges, capable socially, very much a follower and not a HBIC.

    The Aussies

    Duck - If Duck can play, cast him. End of. He will kill the challenges for a start and the noob tribe need some of that, he will be pretty good strategically too until... the best thing about Duck is that try as he might he will not be able to keep his cool. Him + Punx together oh lord if they don't get on it'll be amazing. I riled him up the smallest bit in that US v Aus game he mentions, and he is still talking about it :P This is the same Duck that was host for some of the AusStranded games and later went on to lock the rest of the admins out and hold the boards hostage icon_laughing I kid you not. Tyrone or JimmyT would best fit I think.

    coolcoolcool; Seems very level-headed. Could be a good fit for Jill or maybe even Yve?. I've talked to Penny about him and seen some confessional snippets from him over there. Seems like a bright young noob eager to get into these sort of things. Although with that Season still running, his commitment might depend on how he fares in that.

    XfactorAUS In honesty I know very little about him, I know he was Kathy in the AusSeries and I know he was an early boot but one of the few from that Season that hung around long term. Isn't going to rock the game to the core or anything but hero-type for sure, think Jake with a little more experience (like 2-3 games). Could be a very good Dan if someone else hasn't filled that slot already/

    Aliago This was a troll app right?
    In the case that he is available, he is a very good player. Calm & cool & collected. Decent in challenges - he is the Aussie Greg Buis so think Jill/JimmyJ. It is his drunken application and he can't play I'm pretty sure. I will double check with him.

    Robb Ugh Robb :/ I feel like giving him a spot would be a waste. but on the other hand this is his second season in a row he wants in. Just from seeing him in another game he just never got into it and got dragged a long way through it. Although in fairness that was during a big storm that took him out for a few days. he never recovered, but he never really tried to either ykwim?

    The Ghost; ahh, the one Aussie I've seen before. Very intelligent strategically, pretty good in a challenge yet not overly exciting, but still good to watch. She lacked a little in the game I hosted her in due to being the only Aussie. I had a good rapport with her in her confessional, but a lot of the time she was at the board and no-one else there, or everyone else was and she wasn't. Would be a really good fit for Ho-ho. Intelligent & well meaning and a good all-rounder. Maybe JimmyJ, but again, Aussie so misses all the football refs :P

    The Others

    Jeremy I don't know much about Jeremy outside his app but I do know he and Kate are close IRL, so I would steer away from casting them both. It would be a nice payoff if they didn't spot each other and either clashed or loved each other, but the risk is too big. I know he is old-school, and a very competent player, and someone I'd personally like to host and watch. But I don't know enough about him to match him to anyone. Wannabe villain and capable - Marty? I think he could fit and adapt to any of Jill, Jane, Marty, Tyrone, Yve, or even someone more positive like HoHo or JimmyJ. I would certainly cast him, maybe use him to fill in whatever role is left over once everyone else is mopped up.Point of note 8pm starts would be difficult for him though not impossible.

    Draylen; I actually know Draylen pretty well despite having never played with him. He is terrible at ORGs, he is just too shy and just socially awful. There is good reason he is dead last in Quid's rankings thingie. But the flipside is that he is hyperintelligent. Like he is the type that first thing he'll do when he sees the twist is go and gather every last bit of statistical info on all the open-ID players he can grab, but at the same time completley neglect to actually PM his fellow noob tribemates. *If* he can find his niche he could blossom - he can be sneaky, and he can definitely understand the strategical element to the game, it's just such a massive *if* that's it's kind of a risk to cast him. I would still take the chance.
    He's got Wendy-Jo written all over him. Personality wise he could *possibly* fit JimmyJ, but it'd be a stretch. Also, he wouldn't get the sport references - IRL he is a LARPer and D&D player and organiser, not exactly a football fan.

    Punx193; I think I've made my devotee status of Punx pretty clear. He is a must-cast. Grab him now before he becomes an ORGY regular and gets into their more stable habits. He'll spice the game up x10. I see him as a good fit for Tyrone maybe? Should be level headed and seem stable until he gets crossed, then will shift into jdgaf mode icon_laughing Could also be Dan Lembo maybe, but that's a push, I only say it because last time out he became a goat that no-one on either side really liked.

    Savaii;I like the sound of Savaii. He is one of this new wave of dA people that found ORGY recently (also a suckster) but I don't know much abut him other than his stats. One win & three shittily low finishes. Since he's been to ORGY though he's on there daily. Same as Punx, I'd say cast now before he gets too regular and picks up the same habits as the rest.

    The Brand Spanking New

    Gumshoe; Don't know him at all. He wants JimmyT you say? He seems a little nuts from his app anyway :D Plus he'll help offset the overabundance of ORGY types. This is short, but definitely cast him.

    Skinny Ty; Another one I'd say cast purely because he sounds brand new to these. My query here is where the hell did he come from? He says Aussie yet never played an ORG? That makes no sense?? Now we discover his AIM leads nowhere.. I told you about Aliago's troll app. This is hardly it, and the other is legit, is it?

    Phant0m Another brand new player, sounds sneaky & snarky too. Yve maybe?

    Re: 10 of 18

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Tue Jan 08, 2013 10:28:19 pm

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    ↑ Most Want ↑

    1. Punx - crazy awful
    2. Bitch Pudding - crazy
    3. Duck - crazy stubborn & crazy awesome at challenges
    4. Phant0m - new & sneaky
    5. Gumshoe - new & nutty
    6. Jeremy - an old hand to steady the ship
    7. KMK - schemer
    8. The Ghost - solid & capable all-rounder
    9. Blueberry - social but too emotional
    10. Draylen - potential flop, but also major potential for likeable outsider.

    11. I'd actually like to see Savaii in there somewhere, but I can't seem to make him fit.

    12. XfactorAUS is someone I'd like to see, and would bring a bit of good-naturedness to balance all the crazy but same problem, who to take out? Maybe instead of Draylen?

    13. Robb doesn't excite me, but might surprise if casted. I've two Aussies already there too, plus at least one on vets in Chase

    14/15. Keep for next season/seem busy; ztar, coolcoolcool;

    ↓ Least Want ↓

    Maybe switch in somewhere if not actually troll apps? icon_laughing Aliago, Skinny Ty

    Can't - Kate

    Re: 10 of 18

    Postby Jeff Probst » Tue Jan 08, 2013 11:24:44 pm

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    Thanks Brenda. I'll be taking the list in the utmost consideration!

    Re: 10 of 18

    Postby Helen Glover » Wed Jan 09, 2013 8:23:55 am

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    I'm halfway done with my write ups so can probably post tonight

    Re: 10 of 18

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Wed Jan 09, 2013 10:07:59 am

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    Just to be clear, Aliago definitely can't play due to timezone. Talked to him again last night, and the one with his name was his drunken messing. he had nothing to do with Skinny Ty so I still don't know what to do with that. Always good to get new players, but if you've no way to contact him.. iconmystery

    Re: 10 of 18

    Postby Helen Glover » Thu Jan 10, 2013 1:48:11 pm

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    I skipped Kate for the reasons above. Roundup coming momentarily...

    Score: 6
    Schedule: USA (with classes after opening weekend)
    Adorable yet bitchy behind the scenes
    Doesn't seem to follow the "don't tell: show" mentality since there was a lot of seemingly empty mentions of traits without any reinforcement
    Seems entertaining, but fairly one-note

    Score: 4
    Schedule: AUS
    Has a fifty percent chance of surviving the first boot, historically?
    Doesn't seem to acknowledge his own weaknesses (perhaps his "loudness" turns people off, hence poor performances in the past) and as a result, hasn't grown as a player, making the "will he or won't he [survive the first boot]" considerably uninteresting IMO

    Score: 4
    Schedule: USA
    Reading this application elicited absolutely zero interest from me

    Score: 8
    Schedule: USA (with work until 7 CST)
    Seems very balanced (rational, reasonable, villainous, humorous)
    Even though there isn't much reason for me to be excited about him from his application, there's something about the vibe from him that is very comfortable

    Score: 3
    Schedule: AUS
    Not serious

    Score: 9
    Schedule: USA
    As soon as I saw the name "Blueberry" from Sucks, I put my hand on my forehead, rolled my eyes, and groaned
    The best part is, I'm not even sure why, but I feel like he's about as well-respected as Tennis Ace once was
    With that being said, he is definitely a character, possibly delusional, and borderline psychotic, so I am so excited to watch him at play
    Essential inclusion to the cast

    Skinny Ty
    Score: 3
    Schedule: AUS?
    Not serious?

    Score: 7
    Schedule: USA
    Based on the application alone, he'd probably be on the "seemingly entertaining but lacking application content" category which would have him on the better side of the cusp of making it through
    However, based on Yog's interest in this fellow, and his previous behaviors, he's gotten a boost

    Score: 7
    Schedule: USA
    Just like KMK fills the bitch role, he fills the sarcastic role
    Bonus points for actually admiting that set strategies rarely come to fruition
    I love people that hate people and own it
    Being against people with moral compasses should offer some potential for conflict with that right group

    Bitch Pudding / AlwaysAwesomeAdam
    Score: 8
    Schedule: USA (but only free after 8 CST? Sunday-Tuesday)
    His honesty about "taking out his frustrations of the day" on people and general sadism is hilarious
    Should offer a considerably refreshing point of view in that he seems dedicated while still being willing to take enough risks and exhibiting douchiness
    He strikes me as the by-product of Blueberry's recklessness with KMK's bitchiness, and probably fits right in between the two for desirability, but it would be interesting to see how well he'd get along with each of them, and gives more of a case for KMK to be cast for the potential friendship/rivalry than KMK's own application IMO

    Score: 6
    Schedule: AUS (but evidently free all the time)
    He seems like the naive kid with naive opinions and without experience
    Still seems interesting, although redundant, but interesting is the only trait needed to get moved from the "should not be approved" pile into the "compelling cannon fodder" pile

    gumshoe86 (Jimmy T)
    Score: 5
    Schedule: USA
    This application is awful, however, if gumshoe is a reference to Carmen Sandiego, automatic +10
    He has experience (and outside a Mole win, experience failing), so depending on the rest of the applications, seems like someone who could just barely get nudged into the "yes" list as the "wtf let's try it" candidate

    Score: 5
    Schedule: AUS (at work during challenges)
    He brings a lot of content to the table, so I'd normally be a fan, but the whole "being at work" thing makes me considerably hesitant
    I'd be more prone to push him though in spite of scheduling if not for the fact that he's non-vocal and wants to be Earl from Fiji

    Score: 8
    Schedule: AUS (with uni holiday probably until the game ends)
    Game theory +100
    Can we be friends?
    Casting him and Jeremy in the "normal guys" role to poke fun at all the other freaks just feels absolutely obligatory

    Score: 5
    Schedule: AUS
    I'm really not sure what to think of this one so I'll deliberately put him on the border of making it in or not
    I'll defer to Yog/Poody here since the only parts of this application that weren't completely run-of-the-mill were those bitching about Stranded AUS/Lisi/Penny/other random shit that is completely irrelevent as to why you're worth being casted
    He's probably a better candidate than the other "5"s I've marked down, but he just comes across as unlikeable in an unentertaining way

    Score: 6
    Schedule: USA? (does his 9-10:30 refer to AM or PM?)
    Ignoring potential scheduling issues...
    Sounds bitchy without really being willing to openly acknowledge it
    I'm sure there's a lot in this application that I'm glossing over, but saying he'd play like Sugar with the influence of emotion on gameplay is probably the most compelling part of his application, and his ability to work alongside phant0m's hatred of the moral compass

    Score: 5
    Schedule: USA (with daytime commitments on Monday/Wednesday)
    While he seems like he could be more valuable than some of the other applicants, his bitchness/argumentativeness seems outdone by some of the more standout applicants (Blueberry/KMK/phant0m/BitchPudding) making his inclusion kind of redundant
    I don't have anything against him, and would be fine with him being cast, but putting in a redundancy who goes out of his way to forewarn how busy he'll be seems kind of like an unnecessary risk

    Re: 10 of 18

    Postby Helen Glover » Thu Jan 10, 2013 2:32:49 pm

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    Summary of Helen's Scores

    Brenda's #9 Blueberry

    Brenda's #6 Jeremy
    Brenda's #2 Bitch Pudding

    Brenda's #1 Punx193
    Brenda's #4 phant0m

    Brenda's #7 KMKinCB

    Brenda's #5 gumshoe86
    Brenda's #8 TheGhost
    Brenda's #3 duckfarmer0000

    Brenda's #10 Draylen

    Skinny Ty

    Brenda/Helen Comparisons


    Similarities: Blueberry. Jeremy. BitchPudding. Punx. phant0m. KMK.

    Main difference: I'd most want to make a case for coolcoolcool. I'm not sure what the timetable for Stranded AUS looks like (or how long he's likely to make it)? But I really like his application, and as an aussie student, it strikes me that December-February is the best time to pull this kid into Stranded USA. Plus, it's still summer there, so he might even handle two games if the overlap were minimal. Point being: I really want to see this kid play, and with the next season of Stranded USA probably being during his exams, and the season after that being all-stars, and the season after that being during the school year again... I'd be preferable to scooping him up when most convenient even if it has potential risk associated with it.


    Similarities: In spite of a Score: 5, I'm totally against Ztarfish for the reasons I've said above (redundencies, busyness). Also totally against Aliago/SkinnyTy. Obvious reasons are obvious.

    Main difference: I think putting XfactorAUS as the standby is a mistake since this kid chronically sucks, and while I agree he seems decent enough to put in somewhere, it shouldn't be a season with only ten new cast members. I'd say reconsider next year.

    Helen's Top Tier - The Essentials

    {TIE 1-7} Blueberry (USA) - the lunatic
    {TIE 1-7} Punx193 (USA) - the other lunatic
    {TIE 1-7} KMKinCB (USA) - the bitch
    {TIE 1-7} phant0m (USA) - the sarcasm
    {TIE 1-7} BitchPudding (USA) - the sadist
    {TIE 1-7} Jeremy (USA) - the reasonable veteran
    {TIE 1-7} CoolCoolCool (AUS) - the reasonable n00b (subject to availability / Stranded AUS conflict)

    Helen's Middle Tier - The Questionables

    After reviewing the material, reading what's Brenda's written above, and evaluating what "roles" need to be filled and how well the rest of the applicants would fit with those of the existing cast, I've amended my ratings/rankings of the cusp candidates as follows.

    {8} Robb (AUS) - the fodder
    {9} Savaii (USA) - the emotion (subject to availability)
    {TIE 10-11, but barely better} Draylen (USA) - the hyperintelligence
    {TIE 10-11, but barely worse} duckfarmer0000 (AUS) - the one who kept bitching about Stranded AUS and Shark Park
    {12} gumshoe86 (USA) - the random
    {13} TheGhost (AUS) - the quiet one (subject to "at work" availability)

    I don't think that the possible contributions of gumshoe or TheGhost warrant their inclusion (boring, droll, bleh and coming with conditions).

    I do think that Robb and Savaii fill enough of a niche to be included with the rest (being the super naive kid and the possible source of morality).

    This leaves duckfarmer and Draylen. Brenda's remarks about Draylen actually make me like him more, just because duckfarmer really, really, REALLY rubbed me the wrong way. His application sounded presumptious and entitled (and we have enough mental cases as it is). But again, if you guys say he's good, he's good.

    Comparing my Top 10 with Brenda's, I would be including CoolCoolCool, Robb, and Savaii at the expense of gumshoe, TheGhost, and either duckfarmer or Draylen.

    Re: 10 of 18

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Thu Jan 10, 2013 3:43:11 pm

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    Re: Duck
    I want him in because he is so dislikeable icon_lol All of Punx/BP/KMK are trolly or bitchy but someone will like them. Duck has the capacity to be hated by every single other player, while also the challenge speed to go on an unstoppable immunity run till he hits something social. Here is a good taster of Duck (he is Kenny) http://z13.invisionfree.com/strandedusa ... t&p=605808 (log in with user/pw of Lurker/lurker)

    Re: coolcoolcool
    I can't predict his finish over there, but from my lurking he is on the tribe with a full six (against a 3 and a 4), for some reason the four are teaming up with the six instead of with the three so he's safe for a while so long as he makes merge. The pro is all events happen a few hours out from ours, the con is because of their more relaxed pace, even though their game is five boots down, it'll probably run for three more weeks yet.

    Re: 10 of 18

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Fri Jan 11, 2013 12:43:41 am

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    More re: Duck

    He must be cast. Events that occurred in the last 24 hours absolutely require it. I can't tell you what I'm talking about right now but it will come out in the wash in a few weeks time. It is juicy scandal of a ridiculous nuture :o Also pre-book him into some future Season alongside Lisi/Penny and you'll have a feud for the ages. Mark my words.

    Re: 10 of 18

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Fri Jan 11, 2013 10:51:51 am

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    Okay, so the Aussies actually posted this all over their boards so now I feel like it's ok to share? I am such a gossipy bitch icon_laughing

    So backstory is this, as summed up over in their lurker lodge by one 'neutral side' and the two kinda camps;
    Waka wrote:1. Kenny was this really abrasive guy, liked to troll but it was often seen as flat out complaining by a lot of people. Was very disruptive to conversation and would consistently tell people their opinions were biased/wrong/inappropriate because of some reason. Most threads were derailed by arguments regardless of topic.

    2. He was the creator of the Bhutan and Bermuda main boards. As far as I know he was in charge of running All-Stars 2 but due to some worrying news Probst wanted to give that job to Brenda and leave kenny out of it. As a precaution, Probst tried to double check all the game boards so that kenny couldn't retaliate by using hosting powers to commandeer the boards as leverage. When kenny did find out, he did just that except since he created Bhutan and Bermuda he was able to reclaim them and held them hostage. He was promptly banned.

    3. Fairplay was banned for changing his display name but was reinstated minutes later.

    This is the situation as far as I know, I'm sure there are clarifications coming but I'd appreciate it if they're kept to pm's or at least in a constructive manner and not defending either side.

    the halford wrote:Kenny was also told and it was made public by the powers that be that he would be welcome back if he unlocked the boards / given them back. As Parv pointed out weeks ago they were accessible 3-4 weeks ago and still are and he wasnt allowed back despite making the first move and keeping them open.

    Its a major mess and both sides are immature as fuck and not acting their age

    But kenny did make the first move that was ignored by all so that should picture the situation

    Our Lisi/their Jeff wrote:Correct, if he "gave them back". Which he hasn't.

    k? All caught up?

    Now, what's happened last night is Kenny was found playing in the series again. He set up a second profile at one of the forums they use to recruit from, hung around the Survivor forum a bit, and was eventually cast. He seemed to know the game inside out in advance, and hosts began to wonder why he always worked via proxy and eventually got onto said recruitment pool who were able to confirm Duck and the second profile shared IPs occasionally icon_surprised He has since been removed from the game, and the hosts told everyone exactly why - that said player was someone who'd played before and had been banned from the community - and as the only person ever banned from the Aussie board, it's common knowledge exactly who it was.

    Zesty wrote:A FUCKING LOL





    Yes it's an extremely shitty thing to do, and yes there's no way to condone it, but he will be an out and out villain I am certain. Pigheaded and stubborn if he doesn't get his way, and extremely speedy in that type of challenge so could go on an epic cockroach arc. There is a high chance we will hate him at some point during the game, but if you want legitimate emotion and villainy, and a huge chance to get sparks flying? Look no further.

    He must have been plotting this for weeks.


    Duckfarmer wrote:2. What is your main motivation for playing?

    Givea big middle finger to crows2/Lisi and any other dickhead Aussies who continue to poison people regarding my character over on the Aussie board. He copied this Stranded to do his Aussie one, he can't ignore if I win this one. And tell Yog I should have won {the} AUS v USA Stranded they [s]did[/s] {ran}.

    I will say me pushing him to be cast here is only partially for the capacity for a big villain this Season. The other part is me looking ahead to w/e you have planned for Season 20. I have to presume large pen-ID extrvaganza? (don't tell me, I don't want to know just in case :P) Looking ahead to something like that, and looking at the 10ish Aussies we'll have cast recently by that point, him +/vs. nearly any other Aussie in open-ID (but especially any of Lisi/Penny/Chase) and it's fireworks guaranteed.

    Re: 10 of 18

    Postby Helen Glover » Sat Jan 12, 2013 12:09:40 pm

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    Probst has disappeared...

    Re: 10 of 18

    Postby Jeff Probst » Sat Jan 12, 2013 10:49:30 pm

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    HElen, Carl please register at strandedgaming.com/patagonia/arena as full names.

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