TatermanI am a member of the following forums: Survivor Sucks, ORG Yuniverse
Are you available to check messages throughout the day? Yes
1. How much time can you devote to the game? What are your problem hours of the day?
I generally believe I would be able to devote three hours a day to the game, give or take. My "problem hours" would be nothing unusual, I pretty much have class 12-4PM pretty much every day and those are my consistent busy hours. Thursday nights are generally slightly busy as well though.
2. What is your main motivation for playing?
I loved my first ORG, but had planned to take a break for a while, but then I kind of got taken out prematurely, so I'm itching for round two! I'd also like to actually be able to play a Survivor style ORG, since Survivor is the reason I'm even on these boards to begin with.
3. Have you played in other online games? If so, how many/what type?
I've played in a few (~6) games of board Mafia, but as far as ORGs go I only just played my first. It was a hybrid, and it's not technichally over yet so I can't really say more.
4. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants match your personality the best and how?
Hmm, the first two are obvious. I'd say Jim Rice in that we're both extremely analytical and think similarly, plus I think we're both still a bit trigger happy when it comes to making "big moves". I like to think I have a bit less of a temper than Jim, but overall we're not that different. I think we're both very forward about strategy as well while still being sneaky. I'd also go with Yul Kwon for pretty similar reasons, in the sense that we think very similarly, only unlike Yul I think I'm a little less PC. The third is less obvious than the first two, but I'll go with Deena, since we're both kind of down to earth in our approach of the game but still have egos that could lead to overplaying.
5. Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants are your favorite and why?
Hmm, tough one but I'll go with Rob Cesternino, Sue Hawk, and Jonny Fairplay. Rob Cesternino is far and away my favorite player ever and I loved watching him on Amazon, especially after the Alex blindside when he talked to Jenna and Heidi and explained his reasonings. Sue gave some of the greatest speeches ever and helped to establish the theme of the entire show, and her speech on how everything we do is based off of an alliance is one of my favorite moments in Survivor history. Fairplay is hugely responsible for Pearl Islands being a great as it is, gave us another one of the greatest moments in the show through the grandma lie, and did a spectacular job of both playing an amazing game AND providing a great show.
6. If confronted by a fellow castaway, what would your initial reaction be?
It would depend on the situation. If I could save the confrontation for when I had thought about my response, I would. If that wasn't an option, and I would probably try to bullshit my way out of it, but I admit that I might fail. I would still try though.
7. How would you like to be portrayed on the real show if you had the option?
I wouldn't mind being portrayed negatively at all as long as I was portrayed in a complex way and as a great player. My best case scenario in terms of edit would be to follow the steps of a Fairplay or Cesternino and basically be a season long villain who run the show both in screentime and in the actual game.
8. How do you think you would actually be portrayed?
I think I would be shown as overconfident/arrogant, and would probably end up fitting into the recent Marty/David/Jim/Jonas mold of characters who would get a decent amount of screentime, be shown as good at the game, but still be shown as having some personality flaws and being not as good of a player as I thought I was. Either that or if there was already enough strategy going on in my tribe and I didn't end up playing a pivotal role in the game I could see myself getting a Dawsonish slightly crazy yet fun superfan edit.
9. What personality types do you typically get along with?
Basically anyone who isn't constantly putting others down. I'm perfectly fine with people who have huge egos, it doesn't bother me, and I can get along with most people as long as they aren't hypocrites or complete downers. My favorite types of people though are probably those who are constantly open to other ideas and cheery, while still having a reserved side.
10. What personality types do you typically clash with?
It's not a personality type persay, but hypocrites. I fucking hate hypocrites. As for personality, generally just people who are down on everything and are so damn negative. As long as you remain positive around me we'll probably get along.
11. What style of game play do you most respect?
A semi-agressive style that shows a wilingness to make big moves and act within a game, while still not being stupid/arrogant and making oneself into a huge target.
12. What is your strategy going into the game?
Early on, I want to talk to everyone early on, and then find out who everyone else has bonded with. If there's someone I've bonded with who isn't being mentioned by everyone else, I'll probably approach that person with an agreement to look out for each other and if a big alliance forms to try to make sure the other person is in on it. From there I'd like to be included in a big alliance that somebody else made, preferably with my partner as well, particularly if we hid our closeness. I would always make sure to keep a steady stream of communication with everyone though just to make sure that if a big power shift ever were to occur, that I would be on the right side of it.
Take this opportunity to tell us anything about yourself that you would like us to know.
I think I pretty much got everything I wanted above! ^_^