Episode 05/06

Postby Jeff Probst » Mon Nov 19, 2012 12:45:28 pm

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    OfflineJeff Probst
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    So some interesting things are happening all around. For one, I love Jolanda and Ibrehem and I love their story. I love that they're kind of playing both sides of the fence and I love that John has no idea he's about to get blindsided, or is he? Will they take this chance to boot Brooke in favor of better challenge odds going into the next challenge... or will Brook and Gregg seize this chance to take out John and flip the game... I don't know. On one hand, John's my supervillain and I really want him to stick around as long as possible, much more so than Ibrehem or Brook. That being said, the game becoming more unpredictable is always a good thing and John's time's probably limited anyway. Hopefully he would come back for second chance next season because I would totally have him if he is booted tonight.

    With this, Brook could really step up from the shadows and become a front runner in this game, and a huge character to boot. Is it too soon though? I don't know...

    Chad and John, will be interesting to see what happens should John be booted and Chad grabs immunity at tonight's dilemma. Gonna be a fun one tonight...

    On Chorotega... I really don't want to see Ami go this early. I think she deserves to make the merge at least and I honestly can't imagine her going pre-merge. It would be weird. She's one of my favorites honestly. I think she's genuinely likable despite being in control and really forceful. I like the alliance with her/tom/mia, I just wish it was legit since they are some of my favorite players in this game. I can totally see her being an RC-esque boot. Someone that everyone in the game is threatened by and doesn't really fit in because of it.

    Tom and Mia will be fun int he merge since they both want to make big moves and are both a little duplicitous despite Tom being a genuinely good guy and leader, he's still playing the game and those two things aren't necessarily mutually exclusive. I think Mia and Tom balance eachother out since he's really even keeled and level-headed and she's ...not. Could be interesting if these two continue working together throughout the merge, i think they could go far.

    Chris... I haven't heard much from. Which is odd considering he's the challenge powerhouse and the tribe leader in terms of morale. I think without Chris, the tribe is significantly weaker. However, we'll have to wait and see what he does. I know he's planning on ousting Ami because she's a threat, and that right there shows Chris's colors. I just haven't seen enough of him to know what he's going to do in a merge or be invested in him, sad as that may be. Will DEFINITELY be keeping a close eye on him to figure that out, though.

    Caryn, is fucking hilarious because she's such a miserable cunt <33333 Love her. I hope she steps it up and goes from being a small bit character to a leading lady in terms of her cuntiness because right now, she's just there and miserable. I'd like to see her run things the way Mia has and really become a Stranded All-star that I know she can become.

    Re: Episode 05/06

    Postby Jeff Probst » Tue Nov 20, 2012 4:38:41 pm

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    Whelp, John left, sad to see such an epic character go so early, but there are so many other characters and storylines going that it's just as well.

    The best thing to come out of this is that Chad is now scorned AND he was able to get his revenge. FINALLY Chad has stepped up as the character I knew he could be. He's almost adopted Gregg's role as Stranded's Cockroach™ but he'll have to do more and be in a bigger hot seat to earn that title. It's interesting though, Gregg's managed to not be in danger once and be the swingvote on most votes since the swap after almost going home first. Amazing.

    Tonight's boot will be incredibly interesting since Chad was able to nab immunity. Gregg's going to have to choose between Brook and Ibrehem, what's more risky going into a merge/swap and what might ensure a longer game status. I personally think that Ibrehem will be less interesting than Brook in the merge. However, Ibrehem shares a storyline with the more interesting Jolanda, and that's something that's fun to see both of them make the merge.

    We'll see what happens. My gut says Ibrehem goes home.

    Everyone left on Guatuso is a huge character at this point.

    On Chorotega, we haven't seen them play in a long time, so it's hard to assess those characters. One things for certain, after tonight we definitely will.

    Mia and Tom are the new powerhouse it would seem. I don't like how they're treating Ami. It's very reminiscent of the way that RC was treated by Pete and Abi Maria. I think Ami's genuine and not as threatening as people perceive her to be. Kind of a shame really. Maybe Ami can mix it up with the swap/merge that's happening tonight.

    It's funny because this storyline has been building for a long time and to see it come to a head will be delicious. I also think Mia's turned into one of Stranded's biggest villains which is a great void to fill now that John is gone.

    Funny enough, although everyone in the game hates Gregg, I think he's really likable. Certainly funny and doesn't take things too seriously despite playing his hardest. love it.

    Caryn, I really want to see step it up and get her hands dirty because I think she could join Mia in villain status if she did.

    Kim who?

    Bobby Jon is another one who is sneaky as fuck despite appearing to be squeaky clean. I think some people on the tribe are on to him about his idol taking though. I hope he's here to stay now that he's not away and he will step it up in a big way in the merge hopefully.

    Chris is definitely the odds-on favorite to win. Did I pick him in the winner pool? I think I did... anyway, he's playing a great game and I can't wait to see him step it up a bit in the merge.

    All of Chorotega has the same story really because we're just waiting for them to finally play. I think since theyve been holding back for sooo long we will see them play in a big way.

    Re: Episode 05/06

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Wed Nov 21, 2012 2:50:23 am

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    kk, so I'm not obviously telling Chad, but I've PMd him to say if he needs to confess he can just PM me while his thoughts are fresh. The idea being, if he were to want to claim the other idol, he could do so before you set up his confessional. So check PMs once that happens.

    ETA: Or not, seeing as Mia has it at last.

    Judging by the speed of the pick-up on clues on the tribal set, you might wanna do the merge idol Malaysian merge style like you were asking pre-Season. Hidden in a post on the main board I mean. With clues that point to that.

    Re: Episode 05/06

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Wed Nov 21, 2012 5:29:30 am

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    Wow, just about caught up on the Chorotega side of things at least. Chad has become the one to watch, Mia is craycray as ever. Tom is legit runnung the show right now 100% meaning Bobbi-Jon is in the best position in the game as his wingman.

    How is it possible that Ami is on the outs? 9 out of 10 tribes, she'd be completely in control.

    Re: Episode 05/06

    Postby Jeff Probst » Wed Nov 21, 2012 1:02:55 pm

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    It's Stranded baby, not all the same type of players, some of the newer players probably were turned off by her dominating. Also probably doesn't help that she has the character of Ami, generally threatening.

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