May as well complete the unholy underdog trinity with Gregg.

Now Gregg is not a big confessor, and it's very hard to tell what he's planning at any given time. When he
does post it's one-liners and they're usually golden, like so;
Gregg wrote:Oh yeah Ibe is the only original person from chautaoterssjs or whatever who is not a tard. What kind of imbecle tries to do a vote split with 11 people.
Despite his pidgin English, that might clue you in to just what an astute player Gregg is in reality
despite his goofy persona. In fact I'd say creating such a persona has allowed him to get away with what he has done so far in the game. Blaming his colour-blindness for that image slice clusterfuck? I lolled for hours. in reality, Gregg arrived to that challenge drunk, and not very good at it in the first place, was lumped with Caryn and then just fell to pieces. But challenges are not his strength anyway. Social and strategic is where Gregg shines.
I will let John and Brook's stories of what the hell happened at Guatuso fill in the gaps but look at it this way. Gregg, Ibe & Jolanda formed a Day 1 alliance straight out of the bat which BJ, Tom and eventually Kim were added to. He completely blows the first challenge (by a hour) yet avoids first boot. He lands at NuGuatuso, and blindsides his Day 1 set-up by booting Wanda. Using that as a springboard, he then convinces John & Chad that booting the 100% loyal Dolly is the best next move - not only winning back Ibe & Jo's affections,
and getting tribal lines back to even, but also alienating Brook from his orig tribemates to set up for a John boot, then a Chad/Brook one and so on..
Now you tell me if knowing just when to zig and just when to zag is genius or madness?
What Gregg does next is a bit of a mystery - just because I refer to him as in a trio with Ibe/Jo, he doesn't seeit that way at all. Gregg is loyal to Gregg alone. His plan is simple as;
Hopefully people will see that keeping someone who is not so set in their vote is a good idea if they ever want to make a power shuffle.
But since he sucks at confessing hw about a taster of exactly how he works his charm. He knows Chad is a gun for hire, and if that is what it takes to get past the next stage he will work it hardcore. And if anyone is willing to just vote the other way to save their own skin and figure it out later, we've already seen it in Gregg. Better to apologise after than ask permission beforehand

Gregg: Wow people are giving you the cold shoulder.

Personally for my own game I would like to work with you but it seems like people whatever they have in place they are already working towards. In general I feel like people clearly must have been making some kind of long term deals when they were a tribe of 8 on new Chorotega and unless someome slips or tries to make some kind of move me and you are gonna be picked off. I feel just as much out of the loop as you.
Chad: We need a twist or something!!!!

Oh and BTW....... do you know who those two votes for Jo were tonight? One of the messages said "I have to protect myself if an idol is played". So I'm assuming it was Lisa and Chris. But as soon as I saw that I was like OH GREAT! They're going to pin that shit on me. And no one has said a word to me. It was obvious that Caryn was the Lisa vote, so it wasn't her...
Gregg: I really have no clue. I figured Caryn was the Lisa vote or someone pretending to be her. Some people are not talking to me either I am still waiting for a simple reply back from the hellos i sent to people like lisa and kim.
I think I'll ask around about that tomorrow. If they try to pin it on me to make Jolanda even more mad at me Imma be
Gregg: Alright dude. If you hear any info let me know. And if I hear your name as the target I will let you know.
Chad: OK. Sounds good. I did *hear* from someone when we first got here that if we were not immune, they were going to split the vote between you and I in case one of us had an idol. I think Ami maybe said that to me.... asking me what I did to piss everyone off so much? I think it may have been Ami. But that was days ago and I haven't heard anything about this vote since that. I did send out a few PMs to try to make amends with people. But obviously no one contacting me first makes me feel great about any of this....
Gregg:It's shortsighted though. And then what? I don't get why people are not trying to get either you or me on their side and use our vote how many people really think they have the numbers.
Chad: That's why I'm worried. I mean I'm a dead man walking right now. So why aren't people trying to use that and pull me over for a vote? Why get me out? It doesn't make any sense. Unless there really is a plan and I just don't know about it because no one trusts that I won't spill the beans. That is quite possible too. And if they really think you aren't part of anything either.... it's the same for you. No one from Chorotega has PMed me AT ALL. Except you. And Kim sent me a hi tonight because I had never even spoken to her. And Jo just sent me a very short PM and clearly did not want to engage in a convo telling me everyone was voting for Caryn. That's it. And obviously the old Guatusos PMed me saying OMG HI I've missed you kind of stuff. And trying to get info about what happened over there during the swap. But they haven't told me ANYTHING about nuChorotega at all, so it was pretty clear to me that there were alliances that formed and they were all keeping pretty hush hush about it.
I really feel like we are dead men walking now unless I am just reading too much into things and certain people are just not very social or really busy this weekend. Pretty much besides Ibe,Bobby and you I am like almost getting no replies from people its pretty frustrating.
Also, Gregg was totally the vote they are talking about
Some people completely effing love Gregg (srsly - Ibe/Jo/Kim) and some people despise him (also srsly - Chris/Tom/Caryn), but if he keeps this game going all the way to the end it is gonna be very hard to argue with how he navigated & single-handedly orchestrated NuGuatuso. His trouble is, most of the people who GAF about that portion of the game are out pre-jury, and with Ibe/Jo as the two that most want to go all the way with him, that's two more people that can't give him their Jury vote for it. He is gonna need to continue to be impressive and continue to walk that fine line to win this thing.
ETA - this just in (why are so many people online at this hour?)
So right now since I think my original cuateugor or whatevers are disorganized I am gonna let people from original Guatuso know Greggs loyalty is open for business. Right now I will open myself up to as many votes as people need.