Well that round went....in not my direction
I wasn't mad when it happened, I was a little surprised mind you, but not at all mad. Chris really was overplaying like hell for that round. After hearing from Chad and Kim and BJ of what he was up to and what he said.....like woah.
I took the initiative IMMEDIATELY following Chris' vote reveal to send a message to Tom, Kim and BJ separately, just basically saying that I hope we can move on from this speed bump together. I really want to continue working with you guys, blah blah blah. The majority of me knew by doing this, I start laying the ground work for self preservation mode.....but if I appear as a calm and cool player who understands everything, it should work out in my favor.
I think overall my trust in Tom/BJ/Kim took a hit, but from what I believe their perspective to be...they didn't want original Guatuso getting the upper hand. If they allowed Me/Mia/Chris/Lisa with Tom/BJ/Kim into the F7, they believed they would get pagonged. I wouldn't have let that happen, but I can see why they wanted to get rid of one of us just to be sure.
I really truly would love to make it past this coming vote, but I'm fully mentally prepared to accept my fate should they get rid of me. So far Kim has been the most receptive of still working together, and she knows that if they want to do Chad before one of Ibe/Jo after that, I'm down. I do have respect for Jolanda's balls for flat out telling me it is going to be a pagonging. At least she was honest, which I respect.
It's been 2 hours since TC and I've sent Tom 2 messages with no reply in return. If you're going to play the game, then play it. Don't be a pussy and ignore any player because you lied to them. Like, be a man