Episode 10

Postby Helen Glover » Tue Nov 27, 2012 8:56:54 pm

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    Another blindside. Will the pattern continue after tonight?

    Is tonight's majority votes the group that you want to stick with? Do you think they want to stick with you?

    Will your relationship with tonight's minority voters (and their trust in you) play a factor in the rest of the game before FTC? Is it worth salvaging, or better to keep your distance?

    Re: Episode 10

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Tue Nov 27, 2012 11:22:43 pm

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    You were the most popular answer for a lot of the more threatening survey samples, most trustworthy, most likely to win etc. Tell me about your threat level in the eyes of others, and what you can do to manage that or make it a non-issue.

    Re: Episode 10

    Postby Tom » Wed Nov 28, 2012 1:52:01 am

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    icon_lol At me getting most trustworthy immediately after I betrayed almost everyone in the game over the past two nights. How does that even happen? The controlling the game and winner answers I honestly expected. But trust with your life? Really?

    Ugh, I wanted to stick with Bobby Jon and Mia, with Chad slowly creeping into that group and Kim on the outskirts of it, but now it really seems like Bobby Jon just pulled some bullshit icon_sad icon_Gizmo which didn't even make much sense. Either that or Chad forged a PM (which actually isn't THAT hard to do, and is something I would consider doing myself if I thought it was necessary/I could get away with it) and is playing me brilliantly. If Chad is filling me lines of bull and they continue to work on me, holy shit I kind of want him to win now? These are the differences between me and the self-righteous Ibe and Jo icon_lol I like to see dirty gameplay if it works icon_lol

    Also, I'm seen as one of the biggest threats to win by the tribe AND am becoming a goat at the same time, unfortunately. If I make the end, god damn will I have to deliver in my jury speech. I've thought about it, and now I'm scared that I'll come across as an OTTN asshole during it and will sound cockier than I actually am. Not that I even think I'm making the end at this point, I've felt totally secure these past three TCs, but now somebody has lied to me and I have to be cautious from here. Honestly, I'm perfectly fine with just trying to lay low and let a Chorotega semi-Pagonging happen for now.

    Re: Episode 10

    Postby Tom » Wed Nov 28, 2012 2:41:32 am

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    And I apologize guys, I'm pretty sure Tom wasn't supposed to be a flip-flopping goat villain. Not exactly the most accurate representation in the world icon_lol icon_whistling

    God, everyone hates me but I'll be damned if I am not having the time of my life right now. There is a certain thrill that comes with blindsiding, even if it does suck to remember that some people take it hard and view things differently, but I do believe that when I am blindsided (I expect it to be impending at this stage icon_lol Unless I really am the FTC no vote getter) I'll be able to at least take some fun in it and be glad that I was able to change up the game with my irrational game-killing (as in I'm killing my own game and taking my chances icon_lol )but fucking fun gameplay. God this has been fun, and I hope to continue, I want to continue.

    Guys give me an idol icon_razz icon_Gizmo

    Re: Episode 10

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Wed Nov 28, 2012 5:33:24 am

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    Tom wrote:I'll come across as an OTTN asshole during it and will sound cockier than I actually am.

    I never bought the Tom is a true hero forced edit, and that's kinda how I always saw the RL Tom Westman icon_uhoh Had he not won that Season, you can be sure they woulda shown us his arrogant bullying side a lot more.

    But anyways, this is your game, not Tom's. What exactly is this PM Chad sent you, and what exactly is BJ supposed to have done?

    And speaking of PMs, I couldn't help but notice in my lap through, Ibe assuring you both in the group and in your private chat that you could "never win" if you are sitting with a Guatuso get in the finals. How much stock do you put into this observation? How much of this goat/threat duality depends on who you are sitting there with and how you got there?

    Re: Episode 10

    Postby Tom » Wed Nov 28, 2012 11:26:17 am

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    Oh, the OTTN part wasn't talking about me right now, it's me saying that if I make it to the end my plan had been to try to convince people that I had controlled most of the game

    Honestly, if the vote last night had been 7-3, I wouldn't be worried at all. But now I need to think about who may have tried to at least stir the pot, and while it's obviously one of Chad or Bobby Jon, I'm really not sure which one. Here, I'll just quote Chad on this:

    No. I voted Jolanda, but I was freaking out because you were not online and I got this PM from him:

    Bobby Jon wrote:Chad, you have to promise not to let this get out, but I've managed to flip a couple of people away from voting for you and voting for Lisa instead. That is where the majority is now. We can try to get Jolanda again next time - I couldn't pull it off sorry.

    Vote for Lisa and you will be safe. Trust me on this.

    Is he trying to set me up to make Ami, Mia, and Lisa don't trust me? I was panicking when he sent me that and you weren't online thinking the votes flipped or something.

    Mia already asked me if I was the Lisa vote. icon_sad I just can't catch a break here.

    Which actually sounds like Bobby Jon just fucking with Chad, but then someone actually did vote Lisa. So I think Bobby Jon either just fucked with Chad about the vote, it worked, and Chad isn't having it and is blaming Bobby Jon for it in retaliation, or Bobby Jon actually attempted to tie the vote and failed.

    Re: Episode 10

    Postby Tom » Wed Nov 28, 2012 11:33:29 am

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    I feel like if I make the end either so much will rely on my FTC speech and what I can say to make people understand that this is just a game, or I'll pretty much already be a lost cause =/ Because I am taking some ridiculous heat right now, and I get it, but Ibe and I never had that trusting of a relationship. He never gave me that detailed messages and was hiding stuff from me. Which is fine. It's a game. But don't give me that "family" bullshit and act like a self-righteous hypocrite when I betray you because of it. For what it's worth, when I went against Chris I wasn't that mad at him (the only reason I was kind of mad was that I actuallywanted to go to the end with him if I could trust him), and I didn't disrespect his gameplay. But I was wary of it, and if I was playing against myself I would be extremely wary of me as well.

    I do think I'm becoming a goat, and for the longest time I had been planning on going with goats if I could (Chris and kind of Mia.) Now I'm starting to wonder if Mia is less of a goat then I realize. I don't expect her to necessarily give a fantastic FTC speech, but considering that this jury could easily walk in decided that may not even matter. Right now, because of the new "who voted Lisa" thing, I don't have enough power to be setting up my ideal endgame like I was earlier and need to go with the people who can take me there and who I at least stand a chance of beating. Mia's in that category. Kim could be as well if I really can trust her. I want Bobby Jon and Chad to BOTH be in that category honestly, but obviously only one of them is =/

    Re: Episode 10

    Postby Tom » Wed Nov 28, 2012 4:25:45 pm

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    Chad has told me a lot right now about how I'm supposedly being blindsided at Final 8 and it is something to think about... I'm a bit scared Ami DOES know about Mia's idol, but I don't really have power anymore and need to just roll with this.

    I'm beginning to realize that I may have fucked up by voting Chris, and perhaps it was in my best interest just to go with Jo at the Final 11, which I was THIS CLOSE to doing >_>

    Re: Episode 10

    Postby Tom » Wed Nov 28, 2012 4:50:19 pm

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    Well, a very small part of me is considering trying to get me-Chad-Gregg-Ibe-Bobby Jon to blindside Mia, but I don't expect that to work between Gregg and Bobby Jon. I... think I just need to lay low for once icon_blink Hoping I'm not signing my own death warrant by doing it, but man I am certainly not even close to "controlling the game" right now.

    Re: Episode 10

    Postby Tom » Wed Nov 28, 2012 6:32:42 pm

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    Ok. Even if they aren't in my favor, thanks to Chad and Kim I'm starting to at least get a feel for the dynamics of the group again. Ibe-Gregg-BJ want me out. Mia-Ami-Lisa are tight. Mia and Ami are feeding Chad Old Guatuso stuff, and me/Kim NuChorotega stuff. Kim is with me. Chad is on the outside of Old Guatuso. Mia-Ami-Lisa would like me gone soon, although Ami may be trying to delay my leaving. So I feel more comfortable now than I have all day because at least I'm starting to know where people stand.

    And if Chad is making all that up, wowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowow Chad wins.

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