At me getting most trustworthy immediately after I betrayed almost everyone in the game over the past two nights. How does that even happen? The controlling the game and winner answers I honestly expected. But trust with your life? Really?
Ugh, I wanted to stick with Bobby Jon and Mia, with Chad slowly creeping into that group and Kim on the outskirts of it, but now it really seems like Bobby Jon just pulled some bullshit

which didn't even make much sense. Either that or Chad forged a PM (which actually isn't THAT hard to do, and is something I would consider doing myself if I thought it was necessary/I could get away with it) and is playing me brilliantly. If Chad is filling me lines of bull and they continue to work on me, holy shit I kind of want him to win now? These are the differences between me and the self-righteous Ibe and Jo

I like to see dirty gameplay if it works
Also, I'm seen as one of the biggest threats to win by the tribe AND am becoming a goat at the same time, unfortunately. If I make the end, god damn will I have to deliver in my jury speech. I've thought about it, and now I'm scared that I'll come across as an OTTN asshole during it and will sound cockier than I actually am. Not that I even think I'm making the end at this point, I've felt totally secure these past three TCs, but now somebody has lied to me and I have to be cautious from here. Honestly, I'm perfectly fine with just trying to lay low and let a Chorotega semi-Pagonging happen for now.