Episode 14

Postby Helen Glover » Mon Dec 03, 2012 9:11:46 pm

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    OfflineHelen Glover
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    That's a Tribal Council for the record books. Congratulations on making it!

    What was going through your head during the time where votes could be switched? What did you think about the other player's attempts to persuade voters during the deliberation period?

    With that behind us, what's your plan walking into the F5? Stay loyal to the alliance of three from tonight (all the way to the end)? Or do you stand better odds bringing Kim or Bobby Jon further than either Tom or Lisa?

    Re: Episode 14

    Postby Ami » Mon Dec 03, 2012 9:36:44 pm

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    Helen Glover wrote:That's a Tribal Council for the record books. Congratulations on making it!

    What was going through your head during the time where votes could be switched? What did you think about the other player's attempts to persuade voters during the deliberation period?

    With that behind us, what's your plan walking into the F5? Stay loyal to the alliance of three from tonight (all the way to the end)? Or do you stand better odds bringing Kim or Bobby Jon further than either Tom or Lisa?

    I'm so happy to be part of the first deadlock vote in a merge in Stranded history. So amazing icon_wub

    I didn't have access to my messages for several hours leading into TC so I had no idea what was going to happen. I knew of Tom and my plan to make it seem like Ibe was getting our votes in case of the idol...but I could never be sure. It was the most stressful part of the evening for me. Once the votes were revealed as a tie I was sooo relieved icon_wub I know Tom is a flip flopper in this game, but at that point if he did flip his vote to vote me out? There would literally be no way he would win in any shape or form...and he knew this. Lisa I know I can count on her. She has been the least active for many rounds now, but she's as loyal as shit. THAT counts for something in my book, and I would have no problem voting for her if I happen to make it to the jury house.

    I can't not be loyal to Tom and Lisa. They are my ideal F3 and I really hope I can get there with them.

    Re: Episode 14

    Postby Ami » Mon Dec 03, 2012 9:40:19 pm

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    Re: Episode 14

    Postby Ami » Tue Dec 04, 2012 1:07:49 am

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    I'm not budging, Kim icon_wub

    Re: Episode 14

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Tue Dec 04, 2012 2:23:54 am

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    Not the first deadlock, just the first one that went all the way to rocks icon_chaos

    If you get time between your minutes, can you give me some sort of idea what you think the Jury perspective is?

    Like, so you see anyone who is a sure vote for anyone? Any Juror who will not vote for x no matter who the opponents? Which jurors do you think will base it on the game? Loyalty? Strategy?

    Give me as accurate a summation of each of the final five's games as you expect them to present it.

    Re: Episode 14

    Postby Ami » Tue Dec 04, 2012 2:59:49 pm

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    Brenda Lowe wrote:Not the first deadlock, just the first one that went all the way to rocks icon_chaos

    If you get time between your minutes, can you give me some sort of idea what you think the Jury perspective is?

    Like, so you see anyone who is a sure vote for anyone? Any Juror who will not vote for x no matter who the opponents? Which jurors do you think will base it on the game? Loyalty? Strategy?

    Give me as accurate a summation of each of the final five's games as you expect them to present it.

    Ohhhh I see, I must have misunderstood what Jeff said icon_laughing Well to be part of the first time this series ever drew rocks...that's pretty amazing. EVERYONE remembers Paschal getting fucked over in Marquesas.

    As far as my perspective of what the jury might be thinking....I think there's obvious visible hatred towards Tom from a few of them (Caryn, Jolanda) and there's DEFINITE hatred towards Lisa. I'm not sure how sensitive she is as a person, but I think she is going to get slaughtered when she gets to the end/jury house.

    I could be wrong, but I see Bobby Jon getting Ibrehem/Jolanda/Gregg's vote without a doubt. Without sounding cocky, I could very well have Mia/Chris' vote. Maybe Chad, unless he and Tom had some kind of gay sex in pm. Kim is seen as another Tom I think....but HE is getting the hatred...and the credit. But I also can see her getting the Chorotega votes for being loyal to BJ/Ibe in the end.

    Tom will tell the jury he was the aggressive take no prisoners player (Will hope to get respect for his control in this game)
    Kim will try to do the same as Tom but will come up with some bullshit as to why she was better than him since she never got flak.
    Bobby Jon won't have to say a fucking thing and he will get the majority of the votes. He's the golden boy icon_rolleyes
    Lisa will do her best in front of the jury and try and say she played a great UTR loyal type of game
    As for myself....I'm not sure what my angle will be if I make it to the end. But I've been a strong player since the very beginning, and everyone knows it. I know I will at the very least give someone else a run for their money as far as votes.

    There is absolutely no way I can catch up to Kim, and I feel like I would be wasting my time if I did. There's always the chance that she screwed up early and continued on without knowing so she isn't THAT far ahead....but that bitch is a machine, so I doubt that. I am desperate to see if Bobby Jon will have an idol tonight. His lack of trying in the challenge is making that very apparent, and it's scaring me icon_weep I don't want to go out 5th! I can't!

    Re: Episode 14

    Postby Ami » Tue Dec 04, 2012 5:38:49 pm

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    I am fully expecting Kim to win the Immunity challenge tonight, and Bobby Jon playing his idol. I believe it will be:

    BJ - Tom, Ami, Lisa
    Ami - Kim, BJ

    Then I leave. The very last time an idol can get used and it is used to tame ME out icon_redface I'm gonna flip my shit, you better believe it icon_mad

    Re: Episode 14

    Postby Ami » Tue Dec 04, 2012 8:38:39 pm

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    This whole "Ami getting idol'd out for being a huge jury threat" truly completes my arc in this game icon_wub

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