lol rocks

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Re: lol rocks

Postby Helen Glover » Tue Dec 04, 2012 9:11:22 am

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    OfflineHelen Glover
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    Lurker Penny wrote:My point is I would rather go to the Final 3 and lose than take the risk of getting booted because of a stupid purple rock.

    This is why I won't even argue with you about it. If you're willing to "hand your vote over" guaranteeing that you can't win in any F3 configuration just so you don't get eliminated that night, then your objectives fundamentally disagree with those of most everyone else in the thread.

    You're right to say (and to plan to do) what you do because it most closely accomplishes your objective. What the rest of us our saying is that our objective is to win (not just prolong our day-count), and that move would be directly prohibitive to achieving it.

    Re: lol rocks

    Postby Lurker Penny » Tue Dec 04, 2012 9:20:57 am

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    OfflineLurker Penny
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    Of course my plan is to win. You cant win sitting in Ponderosa having just been eliminated from the purple rock.

    You stand a better chance of winning in a F3 with two unbeatable opponents than you do at Ponderosa being part of the Jury. You're assuming that everything is just going to go your way every single time and the fact is if you're willing to put your life on the line for rocks, then you really dont have winning on your mind at all because you're essentially perfectly happy to be eliminated by pure chance.

    A 33 and a bit% chance at being taken out of the game because of rocks at Final 6? You either 1) dont care enough, 2) happy with those odds or 3) stupid. I mean seriously? If you go home because of that rock your alliance buddies are most likely going to follow you to Ponderosa anyway. And if they dont, then you look like the dumb shit who went to rocks and got voted out and the players you were trying to protect made it to the end anyway.

    Leaving your fate in the game entirely up to chance when you've presumably worked so hard for 2/3 (whatever) weeks getting to that point? Sorry thats not my style at all.

    Re: lol rocks

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Tue Dec 04, 2012 10:09:11 am

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    Eh, I gotta back Helen on this one.

    There are times that yeah you can maybe work something out at five, but in all likelyhood, the fact that you are tied 3-3 in the first place means there is most likely no wiggle room. Then it's F5 and whichever of you & your ally (if they still trust you even) didn't win immunity is a goner. And you are left relying on final immunity.

    Essentially, in a case that B&W, even with everything else in your favour winning f5/your ally getting targeted first) you're actually worsening your odds from 1 in 3 (rocks at f6) to 1 in 4 (final immunity).

    There's a million variables of course, but in theory, rocks makes sense for the most part.

    Re: lol rocks

    Postby Lurker » Tue Dec 04, 2012 11:10:54 am

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    Not gonna lie, I love what this thread has become.

    Re: lol rocks

    Postby Lurker Joanna » Tue Dec 04, 2012 4:59:13 pm

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    Lurker Christy wrote:I don't agree with either of you lol. Drawing rocks at F6 is actually a risk worth taking. And it makes sense for everyone too if it's a final three. Risky yes, but if the lines are not as blurred anymore then imo it's clever. I commend those three for sticking their necks out.

    Especially for Lisa who is so kewt ;_; "

    No thx. I can't just flip on someone that always had my back. If I pull the purple rock then so be it. If I go out that way then at least it would be a unique way to go out :)" :fans So real. So fierce. So innocent. Win this for me babe.

    reading shit but yep. we get each other.

    Re: lol rocks

    Postby Lurker Joanna » Tue Dec 04, 2012 5:07:11 pm

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    Penny is essentially trying to justify Robs dumbass move and im loling at that.

    Re: lol rocks

    Postby Lurker Joanna » Tue Dec 04, 2012 5:12:34 pm

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  • Lurker Joanna
    omg would it be completely anal to dissect every post sharkpark has made or would that be overboard? i just cant right now. i might have to do it.

    Re: lol rocks

    Postby Lurker Joanna » Tue Dec 04, 2012 5:46:19 pm

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  • Lurker Joanna

    Sorry to side track. BUT, I would never, ever, ever resort to rocks and I would have totally flipped if we'd gone to rocks that Tribal. You can never truly predict what the next episode will bring, you could win Immunity, somebody on the opposing alliance may want to make a move etc etc.

    No see this is absolutely all wrong because, with the exception of twists that players can’t control, a good player CAN predict what will happen next episode. That is essentially what it means when good players say they can think 2/3 steps ahead. Besides the Ted boot, which I think was the only true Helios error, I was able to understand how every player would rationalize each vote. Being around the players, I knew how they would vote IF they were to play for their own benefit and in an intellectual manner. (That is why idiotic players are the biggest wildcards in the games see Rob/Daniel and if I DIDN’T have to play with them, I wouldn’t). So if I knew that going to a final five would not benefit me whatsoever and take me out of the running for the final three, why in hell would I do it? To survive one more round? No that’s fucking stupid. If you cant think long term, then you’re doing it wrong.

    Putting yourself in the position to have your fate essentially decided by luck is the most retarded thing you can do seriously and it would totally not be worth the risk.

    False. A smart player willingly putting themselves in a minority with three people whose best interests are to go to a final three together, that is the most “retarded” thing ever.

    My proviso has always been my survival takes priority, then my alliances survival is secondary.
    This is such a stupid saying. Loyal alliances are the best way for consistent survival and leaving it up to banking that something might switch up next episode is absolutely insane and irrational.

    At F6 you're two Immunity wins away from the Finale. Im not about to be voted out because of a stupid rock after playing hardball for 20 something days.

    So you’d rather leave it up to thinking that you can win two immunities in a row? Not all ORGs will you have your Robs still around at final 6, I’m sure you know that.

    Also at F6 I couldnt care less about my alliance, im weighing up who I can beat at the end

    Not smart, you have to get there first. When alliances are solidified by that time, you can’t afford to think like that.

    Uh…. Maybe more later

    Re: lol rocks

    Postby Helen Glover » Tue Dec 04, 2012 7:41:13 pm

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    OfflineHelen Glover
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    Jojo, I know that you hate me (even though I think you're amazing), but this post and your return in general are so many kinds of glorious. Sorry I robbed you of winning icon_laughing

    Re: lol rocks

    Postby Lurker Penny » Tue Dec 04, 2012 8:53:49 pm

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    OfflineLurker Penny
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    The whole Rob fiasco probably shows how desperate I was to avoid rocks. And its not a case of "Oh ill just flip my vote now kthx" its that very last second where I've tried everything and nobody is going to budge and im not going to leave my hands in the fate of chance.

    No we very rarely see rocks in Survivor and certainly this is the first time its happened in Stranded in however many seasons we've had, clearly I am not the only one who is keen to avoid rocks if its possible and its just a matter of finding out who that insecure person is and playing it on them.

    Re: lol rocks

    Postby Carl Bilancione » Tue Dec 04, 2012 9:40:22 pm

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    Lurker Penny wrote:The whole Rob fiasco probably shows how desperate I was to avoid rocks. And its not a case of "Oh ill just flip my vote now kthx" its that very last second where I've tried everything and nobody is going to budge and im not going to leave my hands in the fate of chance.

    No we very rarely see rocks in Survivor and certainly this is the first time its happened in Stranded in however many seasons we've had, clearly I am not the only one who is keen to avoid rocks if its possible and its just a matter of finding out who that insecure person is and playing it on them.

    They haven't been around in Stranded very long.

    Re: lol rocks

    Postby Lurker Joanna » Tue Dec 04, 2012 10:07:56 pm

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  • Lurker Joanna
    Jojo, I know that you hate me (even though I think you're amazing), but this post and your return in general are so many kinds of glorious. Sorry I robbed you of winning

    Oh my gosh I don’t hate you! I hated you in the game and yes made it my goal to aid in your humilating demise but all in good fun of course. I was just bitter you let Penny have her way and not me. : )
    The whole Rob fiasco probably shows how desperate I was to avoid rocks. And its not a case of "Oh ill just flip my vote now kthx" its that very last second where I've tried everything and nobody is going to budge and im not going to leave my hands in the fate of chance.
    No we very rarely see rocks in Survivor and certainly this is the first time its happened in Stranded in however many seasons we've had, clearly I am not the only one who is keen to avoid rocks if its possible and its just a matter of finding out who that insecure person is and playing it on them.
    Just because it hasn’t happened in survivor often doesn’t mean it is bad. History shows that the people who flip have had little success. Bottom line is, you’re most likely going to be expendable regardless, so why not take a chance to get majority? Like you always have to understand the best course of action of all the other players. If one is shaky, which is, like, unheard of in a 3v3 stalemate then yeah maybe avoiding the rock would be better, but I doubt that would ever actually happen.

    Obviously it just stems from the different types of players. Helen, Christy, and I are more behind the scenes strategy where Penny is more brute force so we are going to think differently. I don’t respect the idea but that is one of the difficulties of strategy based games.

    Sidenote: I kinda see Helen’s frustration in the FTC against Penny now that would be exhausting. LOLz. Regardless Helen still wasn’t articulate or compelling so I’m not saying she deserved it or anything.

    Re: lol rocks

    Postby Helen Glover » Tue Dec 04, 2012 10:14:20 pm

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    OfflineHelen Glover
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    Loser lounge thought otherwise! Eh, idc. I was tired out after arguing with Penny non-stop for four weeks. Let me guess, Penny: that was your pre-meditated strategy, too, huh? icon_laughing

    Re: lol rocks

    Postby Lurker Joanna » Tue Dec 04, 2012 10:18:07 pm

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    Loser lounge was full of idiots, at least from our side. Um guys I cant remember my PW and I really wanna get back on the board and read it.

    Re: lol rocks

    Postby Lurker Penny » Tue Dec 04, 2012 10:39:59 pm

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    OfflineLurker Penny
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    Helen Glover wrote:Loser lounge thought otherwise! Eh, idc. I was tired out after arguing with Penny non-stop for four weeks. Let me guess, Penny: that was your pre-meditated strategy, too, huh? icon_laughing

    Believe it or not I liked you the whole game too! In my confessional most of what I had to say about you was positive. You were fantastic pre-merge and the only time we disagreed was on the few things post-merge in my opinion. I had no idea you wrote the stuff you did in your confessional, which was funny to read. But then at Final Tribal Council I just went for it and I knew I had to persuade the Jury about my game because I knew the point of view over there would be that you'd done better to that point. So I really just emphasized my key points of the game over and over again. icon_wub

    I did a little bit of debating at school and that was one of the key things we learnt; just to focus on your key arguments or strengths as much as possible and bring them up all the time.

    Re: lol rocks

    Postby Helen Glover » Tue Dec 04, 2012 11:04:48 pm

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    Oh, Penny. You know it's all water under the bridge. icon_wub

    I gave you job well done and all the congrats in the world on clearly owning me in FTC. No debates.

    For some reason, my URL at the top of the page says some bullshit "costarica" instead of "greece", so I guess it's finally time to move on. Not wanting to be that old geezer who always talks about "back in my day..." (Kinda like how Brenda just re-told me the Malaysia F6 story, for the third time. HI BRENDA. LOVE YOU!!! icon_biggrin )

    Re: lol rocks

    Postby Lurker Penny » Tue Dec 04, 2012 11:06:54 pm

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    OfflineLurker Penny
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    Oh of course. I gathered in Refuge we were both back to being besties anyway. <333

    But we definitely need to be old geezers and continue discussion about 'our' day. Its so much better than way. icon_yes

    Re: lol rocks

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Wed Dec 05, 2012 2:50:56 am

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    OfflineBrenda Lowe
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    Helen Glover wrote:(Kinda like how Brenda just re-told me the Malaysia F6 story, for the third time. HI BRENDA. LOVE YOU!!! icon_biggrin )

    I feel like I'm PM snooping in Greece all over again icon_unsure

    Re: lol rocks

    Postby Lurker » Wed Dec 05, 2012 2:51:08 am

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    Greece reunion :')

    Re: lol rocks

    Postby Lurker Ryan » Wed Dec 05, 2012 3:34:05 am

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    OfflineLurker Ryan
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    Lurker Christy wrote:Just ask Ryan about going for rocks at F6 :O

    icon_surprised That was only the back up plan. You were SUPPOSED to throw you vote away icon_rolleyes But yeah obv I would go to rocks at f6. I actually think its more worth it deeper in the game then at any other time? So I pretty much agree with everyone saying go to rocks.

    Also Helen makes me all kinds of hot icon_wub

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