Fallen Comrades

Postby Bobby Jon » Wed Dec 05, 2012 2:39:11 am

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    OfflineBobby Jon
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    Jeff was a nice kid, but he wasn't cut out for this game. His muscles were all for show and he was no help at all in the challenges. We quickly grew tired of having to refer to the host as 'Probst' in order to avoid confusion with Jeff, and the second that Jeff rolled his ankle on a coconut there was no question that he would be Chorotega's first boot.

    Julie's only alliance in this game was with our beloved host, Jeff Probst, which many of her tribe mates considered to be unfair. I never met Julie, but I enjoyed looking at her. I hear she went on to do a photo shoot for Maxim. I'll have to check it out.

    When Wanda wasn't singing at the top of her lungs, she was a quiet, troubled soul. There was fear in her eyes. Fear that her forced smile could not hide. Unable to relate to her initial tribe, Wanda hoped that the tribe swap might save her. It didn't.

    I never met Dolly, but I have been told much about her. She was an outcast on her original tribe and was prepared to jump ship to make an alliance with Gregg, Jolanda, and Ibrehem. However, it seems that Wanda's exit greatly affected Dolly as she plummeted into a deep depression and asked to be voted out of the game. I hope she's doing OK...

    The leader of Guatuso, John was a douchebag above all others. He instigated the fake Guatuso fight and became hated by all of Chorotega for his behaviour. John was blindsided by his best friend, Brook, and said it felt like he had been punched in the face. Just thinking about his smug face makes me want to show him what it really feels like.

    Brook was thrown under the bus when Chad chose to take immunity for himself and send his tribe to Tribal Council. He is best remembered by his hilarious one-liner during the fake Guatuso fight: "My power went out. What i miss?" I understand he is making a fortune by selling t-shirts and coffee mugs with this quote on it.

    Caryn was known for her wicked temper. She was not afraid to speak her mind or call people out. Her poor performance in the merge challenge cost her tribe immunity and ultimately earned her the position of first jury member. Many were concerned about joining her at Ponderosa after they had voted her out, but I have not seen any blood or bruises on the other jury members.

    Distracted for most of the game, Chris' downfall came when he suddenly showed up and started playing in overdrive. He was acting like an excited school boy peeping into the girls' locker room. Many felt he had simply gone crazy. I got on well with Chris and did not enjoy blindsiding him.

    Unlike the background in this photo, there is nothing fake about Jolanda. She was a genuinely kind and intelligent player in the game whom I have the utmost respect for. I didn't vote her out and it got me into a fair amount of trouble, so I hope I can count on her jury vote.

    There's no denying that Gregg was the tribe clown. He was a lot of fun to have around and his presence has been missed. Gregg and I shared many a laugh, but he was also strongly strategic when necessary. Voting for Gregg in order to be with the majority was probably the most difficult vote I made in the game.

    Mia was a useless player. She was in danger on her original tribe, was saved by the switch, failed to follow basic challenge instructions, and had a poor social game. She thought she was feisty and important, but really she was just pathetic. I took pleasure in sending her home with her idol in her pocket.

    I met Chad after the second tribe switch. He was perpetually a free agent and did a great job at making everybody think he was with them. However, he played both sides for too long and it caught up with him. Chad and I got on well and I have a lot of respect for the guy. No, not just because he has one leg.

    Ibrehem's game was as smooth as his head.
    He was loyal to a fault.
    The underdog of the season.
    If it weren't for the purple rock he would still be here.
    I'd be shaking in my boots at the thought of sitting next to him at the Final Tribal Council.
    He wrote like this.

    I thought that Ami was a sweetheart with a good head on her shoulders. We shared a sense of humour and despite voting for each other a number of times, we always got on well. It wasn't until my idol sent Ami to the jury that her true colors came out. Frankly, her outburst was way over the top and really disappointing.

    Tom and I were close for much of the game until I stepped out of his shadow and started making moves of my own. It's regrettable that we most likely won't be in the finals together, but he poses too much of a threat to me. Tom is the player I got along with best and liked the most in this game. I have nothing but respect for him. Well, except for that time he called me a "dumbass". It's only fitting that I include the symbol of our alliance and friendship here: icon_Gizmo

    Lisa is a nice person, but a terrible player. She has floated to end by doing nothing and being an easy beat in the finals. I feel bad that I have been badmouthing her; she was an easy scapegoat for me to use to try to shake my status as a likable jury threat. If Lisa somehow wins it will be a travesty.

    Kim has been a bit of an enigma for a lot of the game. It wasn't until after the Tribal Council when Chad left that I felt I knew where she stood. Kim could give me a run for my money in front of the jury and if she wins she will have deserved it. She jumped between alliances to keep herself safe and was a force to be reckoned with in the challenges.

    Bobby Jon
    The perfect male specimen and the best thing to happen to Stranded in years, Bobby Jon is humble and not even slightly sarcastic. Honestly, I think I've played a good game, I've given it my all, and I've had a lot of fun along the way. I would have preferred to be where I am without having needed immunity, but I hope the jury can appreciate that there was a lot more to my game than guessing passwords and solving puzzles. Whatever the outcome, I am proud of what I have achieved.

    Re: Fallen Comrades

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Wed Dec 05, 2012 2:43:28 am

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    OfflineBrenda Lowe
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    So modest icon_wub

    Are you going to post these in public?

    Also, feed my ego, do the hosts! icon_excited

    Re: Fallen Comrades

    Postby Bobby Jon » Wed Dec 05, 2012 7:38:47 am

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    OfflineBobby Jon
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    No, I am not posting these in public. I don't want my opponents to know how I really feel.

    Fallen Comrades: Host Edition

    I didn't meet Helen until Brenda disappeared to the Middle East. I had always associated her with the godawful Guatuso tribe, but she proved to be a delightful and reliable host. The thing I will remember most about Helen is the way she would ask numerous question in my confessional just as the challenge was about to begin. I always felt as though I was letting her down by not responding immediately. I hope that one day she can forgive me.

    Jeff Probst intimidated the players in Costa Rica, but he was well respected. He ran the challenges seamlessly except for that one time he got distracted and posted challenge instructions in Tribal Council. That was awkward. Some of Jeff's more memorable moments include laying a smackdown on Kim for being so quiet, not being able to think of a question to ask Lisa, and shaking during the purple rock draw. Despite being frustrated by the cast for playing coy at Tribal Council, Jeff couldn't help but love them. Especially that young Bobby Jon chap.

    Brenda was my favourite host of all. She was there to welcome me at the very beginning, she was there to confirm both of my hidden immunity idol discoveries, and she was there to kill both the hangman and Terrabas Survivor games. Her follow-up questions really made me think, but sometimes they indicated that she hadn't properly read my initial answer. I never told Brenda how embarrassed I was when she said she had been reading our tribe's private messages. I just knew that she had seen Tom and I discussing how I should hit on her... Fortunately it didn't stop us from forming a beautiful host-player relationship that I hope will last well beyond the game.

    Re: Fallen Comrades

    Postby Helen Glover » Wed Dec 05, 2012 8:49:04 am

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    Bobby Jon wrote:I never told Brenda how embarrassed I was when she said she had been reading our tribe's private messages. I just knew that she had seen Tom and I discussing how I should hit on her...


    How much you wanna bet that she didn't read that one, at least until now? icon_laughing

    Re: Fallen Comrades

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Wed Dec 05, 2012 8:52:40 am

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    OfflineBrenda Lowe
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    Lol, yeah I totally skim half the confessionals. Especially early when there's 18 to cover. *spoiler* the follow-up questions are c/p'd across all the different players :o sometimes at least. I do try to make sure I'm actually focusing on everyone & personalising it for ye but it happens.

    Do the lurkers! :D

    Re: Fallen Comrades

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Wed Dec 05, 2012 8:53:25 am

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    OfflineBrenda Lowe
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    Wait wat?

    Damn I've been skimming again.

    *goes to Chorotega beach*

    Re: Fallen Comrades

    Postby Helen Glover » Wed Dec 05, 2012 8:58:22 am

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    OfflineHelen Glover
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    In Brenda's defense, and mine own, there are damn near 3,000 PMs on the merge tribe alone, much less those from Guatuso and Chorotega when there were 18 fuckers corresponding. The absolute worst is when you can't be here the first two nights of the game, and you come back to like 500 PMs (on each tribe)... just like... FUCK THAT...

    Re: Fallen Comrades

    Postby Jeff Probst » Wed Dec 05, 2012 9:26:47 am

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    OfflineJeff Probst
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    In the merge... I quit reading PMs XD So you'll read a lot of the host blogs and be like... wtf is he on about?

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