Episode 15

Postby Helen Glover » Tue Dec 04, 2012 9:01:38 pm

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    OfflineHelen Glover
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    And then there were four.

    Do you still have a shot to win it? Who needs to be sitting next to you?

    What do you think the jury thinks of each of the F4? What is still within your power that you can do to curry favor with the jury?

    Do you think anyone still in it is ignorant to which players they should be sitting next to in the end for their best chance of winning? For each of the other three players: who is it in their best interests to take out?

    Re: Episode 15

    Postby Tom » Wed Dec 05, 2012 12:18:48 am

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    Question: If Final 4 is a tie, is there a chance to change one's vote? Or not? This might not even matter but I want to know.

    Re: Episode 15

    Postby Tom » Wed Dec 05, 2012 2:01:59 am

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    Ugh. If I am the Final 4 boot/last juror AGAIN.... I might just cry. Even if it is a compliment, making it almost all the way to the end, only to NOT, twice in a row would be almost too much to handle. If this goes to a Tie breaker, I HAVE to win it. I have to.

    Right now I'm kind of worried since I'm thinking my best case for winning is Lisa leaving, but I don't see how that will happen. Kim and Bobby Jon are my biggest threats, yeah, but if they both are in the end with me they split four potentially locked vote, and if it's just Bobby Jon he has five potentially locked votes. So that's unfortunate. Considering that my only possible Final 3 may be me-Bobby Jon-Lisa, I may not actually have a shot to win if Bobby Jon will win that Final 3. But I won't give up, and will fight tooth and nail to change some votes. And if that doesn't work, I'll fight tooth and nail in a Tie Breaker challenge and at FTC. I am NOT giving up in this game or ever going to become "resigned to my fate."

    I'll say more later. And Fallen Comrades.

    Re: Episode 15

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Wed Dec 05, 2012 5:19:33 am

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    So now we know it's a Final Three. And we know Bobbi Jon is there regardless. If you end up on Jury this is all irrelevant, so lets, assume you and Bobbi Jon are both sitting there. Talk me through the pros and cons of facing Lisa or Kim.

    Re: Episode 15

    Postby Tom » Wed Dec 05, 2012 12:15:25 pm

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    Brenda Lowe wrote:So now we know it's a Final Three. And we know Bobbi Jon is there regardless. If you end up on Jury this is all irrelevant, so lets, assume you and Bobbi Jon are both sitting there. Talk me through the pros and cons of facing Lisa or Kim.

    If I go with Lisa-Bobby Jon, Bobby Jon most likely wins locking up all of the Old Chorotega votes. If I go with Kim-Bobby Jon, they have four votes "locked" but they'll probably be splitting those four votes.

    Unfortunately, it doesn't really matter since Bobby Jon has told me he's voting me tonight and if I try to push him to change to Lisa too hard, he could use that against me and end up having more ammo to turn Lisa to vote with them. So... I have to rely on a tiebreaker. I hate it, but it's my best option, I just need to make sure Lisa doesn't vote me out.

    In that Final 3, I believe Bobby Jon comes in with more "locks" but I come in with a better argument. Bobby Jon relied on immunity for the last FOUR rounds to get where he did, and if I make FTC I will be MILKING that fact, along with the fact that despite being perceived as such a huge threat and the predicted winner of the game in the Episode 10 or whatever polls, I never even received a vote until Final 4, and I always made active moves for the sole purpose of bettering my game and never left myself in a position where I was relying on somebody ELSE's vote, but where they were relying on my vote. Up until this point, I managed to be the perpetual swing vote, and a huge part of the reason people didn't vote me out is because they KNEW how flexible I was throughout this game and that they could work with me.

    Gotta go do Fallen Comrades now.

    Re: Episode 15

    Postby Helen Glover » Wed Dec 05, 2012 6:39:17 pm

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    Have any of the other players still remaining surprised you? Have their actions proved them to be better or worse at the game than you expected them to be from, say, the merge?

    Would you expect any of the other three to be particularly articulate with the jury? (Or fall flat on their face trying to explain and defend their game?)

    Re: Episode 15

    Postby Tom » Wed Dec 05, 2012 6:44:56 pm

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    Helen Glover wrote:Have any of the other players still remaining surprised you? Have their actions proved them to be better or worse at the game than you expected them to be from, say, the merge?

    Would you expect any of the other three to be particularly articulate with the jury? (Or fall flat on their face trying to explain and defend their game?)

    As a player, I respect Bobby Jon much less than I did coming into the merge, and I probably respect Kim a lot more than I did. Bobby Jon turned out to be one of the worst liars in the world as the game went on, while Kim showed a serious amount of adaptability while still being able to make her own decisions, and had me unsure of whether she was with me or not once she turned to Bobby Jon and Ibe, as opposed to when Bobby Jon was no longer with me and he made it ridiculously obvious. If I lose tonight, I think my vote is almost locked for Kim.

    As for jury speeches? I expect Lisa's to be short as usual, and I expect Kim and Bobby Jon to give fairly strong ones.

    Re: Episode 15

    Postby Helen Glover » Wed Dec 05, 2012 7:18:23 pm

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    How was your lying (and alliance shifting) different from that of Bobby Jon's (being "one of the worst liars")?

    Re: Episode 15

    Postby Tom » Wed Dec 05, 2012 7:33:25 pm

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    Maybe I've exaggerated, but when Bobby Jon voted for Lisa, he denied it afterwards despite it being obvious. But he didn't just deny it, he denied it with ridiculously short PMs which just... on a general rule, if you want to lie to someone, you CAN'T suddenly act so drastically different in your conversations with them. Kim followed this rule, and Bobby Jon couldn't have followed it less. That's what frustrated me, I felt insulted that he thought I was that dense that if he suddenly changed from sending me three paragraph to one sentence PMs, that I wouldn't notice. If he had kept sending me three paragraph PMs, I wouldn't have been mad, and I probably would have fell for it too.

    If any of what Chad was telling me was a lie, I give him credit for it because he was SO in depth with his messages and gave so much detail. Bobby Jon did the same until he started lying to me.

    Re: Episode 15

    Postby Tom » Wed Dec 05, 2012 8:19:07 pm

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    Mia is so righteous as a juror Image

    Re: Episode 15

    Postby Tom » Wed Dec 05, 2012 8:20:58 pm

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    And god I am SO nervous right now. I don't wanna be the Final juror again, I don't I don't I don't icon_weep

    Re: Episode 15

    Postby Tom » Wed Dec 05, 2012 9:22:57 pm

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    Words can not express how devastated I am. This one hurts.

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