It is also true that my idol plays benefited Kim just as much as they benefited me. If I had been voted out at the final 7 instead of Chad, Kim and Ibe would have been the next two to go.
Kim wrote:Okay I first just wanna say that it's been a blast playing with everyone. From nuChorotega dominating all the challenges pre-merge, to well... calling the post-merge unpredictable would be an understatement. It was so crazy and so much fun the entire time. I just wanna say thank you to whoever had to drop out of the game last second cause if you had not, then I would not be here!I was only an alternate in case some of you guys didn't know. I wanna thank the hosts, Brenda and Helen for always giving me thought-provoking questions in my confessional, and Jeff for showing me some tough love the entire time cause that only helped fuel my fire!
Coming into the game late, I really just had to roll with the punches at the very beginning. I missed the first night and wasn't part of electing Tom our leader, so I thought I was just in a bad spot. But I saw who the more active people on our tribe were and got to work immediately. In hindsight, I don't think coming into the game late was that big of a disadvantage at all but it did force me to kind of have to be in the background for a while.
Post-swap I didn't have to do much because nuChoro kept dominating the challenges. I guess no one can really predict what would've happened had nuChoro lost some of the challenges, but I feel like I was active enough, social enough, likable enough, and strong enough to at least survive a few tribals.
By the time the merge came around, I was in a huge pickle. By that point, I had been on a tribe with everyone. I had conflicting alliances. NuChoro was insistent on getting rid of the Jolanda/Ibrehem/Gregg power trio, but my original alliance from the beginning of the game was with the old Chorotega. When I saw people pairing up, I knew that I had a lot of options and that's when my strategy finally revealed itself to me. I knew I was more towards the bottom in an alliance I would've stuck with permanently, so I knew the only way I had a chance of getting to the end was flip. By this point, Tom and I had established a pretty strong bond, which I knew was great. Even though we were seen as the "flippers" the entire game, Tom was always more aggressive and taking all the bullets. We were making game moves that were benefiting both of us but he was taking all the heat. By this point I also had a side-deal going with Gregg and that was one of the first official "end-game" alliances I made.
So I played with this strategy for a while. Caryn was an easy choice. Chris was getting me really worried because he had always been kind of quiet pre-merge and then once we swapped to nunuGuatuso I saw a whole new strategic and hardcore side to him and it just didn't sit well with us. Tom, Bobby Jon, and I decided that by that point, although he wasn't the hugest threat, getting rid of Chris was a good move because A) it kept the numbers for original Chorotega B) we were getting rid of someone who was close to the then-outcast Chad and C) we could always flip back later if we decided that was for the best.
When it was time to vote out Jolanda, I was probably in the best position in the game. When we flipped, the Chorotegas were way more pissed off at Tom then they were at me. When the 4th Lisa vote came through, the Guatusos got pissed at Bobby Jon because they thought it was him. There were basically two sides of the war and neither side was worried about me.
After Jolanda, I needed to stop thinking so short-term and get down to real business. Tom suggested that since we could no longer trust Bobby Jon, he decided to replace him in our "Flippers Alliance" with Chad, which I was always hesitant about. For me, I couldn't find any reason why Tom would wanna align himself with Chad, unless Chad was close to Ami and Mia. I knew Tom was always close to Ami and Mia too so I assumed there could've been something going on that I wasn't a part of. I reluctantly voted off Gregg but I knew something had to be done immediately.
At Final 8, I knew it was time to commit to a side and ride it out. Ibrehem at this point was essentially powerless when we voted out two of his biggest allies back to back. Bobby Jon's stock had gone down tremendously after the Lisa-vote debacle (which he didn't even do by the way). For the longest time I suspected that either Ami or Mia had an idol, and I just felt this was the prime opportunity to get one of them out. I tried to convince Chad, and he was hesitant to make it a tie. At that point I really needed to get Tom back on my side. By this point, my conversations with Mia and Ami decreased tremendously. I can't be sure, but maybe this is what caused Mia to freak out and post her idol in public? Despite this, Tom was really ready to just lay down and vote Bobby Jon, but after some more campaigning and going through all the options we figured Mia was just bluffing. So at the Final 8, in a major move instigated by me when I picked up free agents Bobby Jon and Ibrehem, got one of the biggest strategic and challenge threats out of the way with an idol in her pocket. And in the back of my mind I always knew that this wasn't really the best move for Chad and Tom since they had to get rid of someone they really liked and trusted.
I continued to keep my options open. Things were looking bleak for Bobby Jon and Ibrehem but I never closed the door on them. I continued to be their friend. In the toughest vote for me yet, I was forced to vote Bobby Jon, who I had spent a lot of time getting to know and we essentially played the entire game together when you look back at everything. Luckily, Bobby Jon had the idol, which sent Chad home, who I was never able to fully trust. In addition to this, even though I flipped too, Bobby Jon and Ibe seemed significantly less pissed at me than they were at Tom, again- all part of my strategy.
At this point, I really had exhausted my "options" strategy. I knew it was time to take a risk. I officially aligned with BJ and Ibrehem, which was a huge risk. I ended up getting votes, but luckily I had enough trust in my allies that they would pick a rock for me (thanks Ibe!) Even though my atempted plot at getting rid of Ami didn't work, I know we had another shot at 100% getting her out as long as I won immunity, and you guys saw me, I was literally on my computer for like 12 hours to secure that immunity win. We got Ami out, then we got Tom out, and now I'm here.
I just wanted to really outline my strategy since yeah- I have been low key. But I took a lot more risks than Lisa, and was more talkative than her, and I won challenges, and although Bobby Jon won more and overcame more odds- I had a lot more control than him over the course of the game. Essentially I had aligned with everyone post-merge and I pretty much stabbed everyone in the back at some point, but due to my meek personality and generally hidden game, no one ever pinned the blame on me.
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