Kim wrote:Ibrehem wrote:Kim, my first question is for you. Following the merge, you did A LOT of backstabbing. (Which I'm sure is general knowledge by now. That's not good by the way.) A good portion of the jury, actually... I NEVER knew if I could trust you or not in-game (not even at the Mia vote like you claim I did, I honestly still don't know if I do trust you at all, and I never really did until the F6 vote because I had to). Even up until the tribal council before my elimination, you still voted for Bobby Jon. You flipped on NuChorotega to help eliminate Caryn. You backstabbed Chris, Jolanda, Gregg and Mia. I heard you targeted me at one point. Yet, in the end, my place in the game was decided simply on the fact that I would never backstab you. I have no doubt that I could have won that challenge after my elimination. But, I'm here because I couldn't find it in myself to backstab as easily as you can. My question is why do you deserve the votes and respect of the people that you helped decide to eliminate by flipping so much? It seems to me you're trying to pass it off by calling it "taking risks" and "oh, my strategy was just flipping a lot and letting Tom take the heat" ... when it was clearly backstab... after backstab... after backstab. And now, in the Final 3, Tom isn't here to take any more heat. It's just you. Admit it, what you said is fancy for saying you simply rode Tom's coattails almost the whole way here. Up until the Mia vote, but even after that you jumped RIGHT THE HELL BACK TO TOM. All you did was beat Tom in a tie-breaker at the Final 4, you didn't distance yourself like you claim you did, it still seemed you were riding his coattails. So, please explain why you feel you deserve ANY kind of respect or votes from the jury. Personally, I find a lot of trouble in giving you my vote because, as you say, it took you until the FINAL 6 to "officially settle on an alliance"... In my eyes, that really just makes you sound extremely untrustworthy, two-faced and mostly a follower in a social game like this, and hardly strategic by any means with the exception of the Mia boot, which Chad helped you with. All you did was convince Tom to vote a certain way, and you're draining that move for all its worth which is hardly anything truly amazing by the way since you two were together most of the game... Thank you, Kim.
(Also, remember to post the Britney gif after the winner is announced!)
Thank you guys and congrats again!
Alright fair enough. Firstly, I just wanna say that lying and backstabbing is an integral part of the game, and I just say right now point blank that I don't regret absolutely anything I've done in this game. The only thing I would change is maybe be a little more proactive in the pre-merge but even then that was like an entirely different game. But with the way I merged, backstabbing was inevitable considering I basically had an arrangement with everyone at the start of the merge except for Chad.
And I don't think I rode Tom's coattails at all. I think he was little more vocal than me and he was more aggressive but like I said, he wasn't making my decisions for me. We always talked things over together. I felt that I was closer with original Chorotega and Tom was closer to Guatuso, so we would basically gather all the information we could and relay it back to each other and then consider our options and make a decision from there.
In terms of the backstabbing.. like I said before, I needed to do it or I wouldn't be sitting here. Post-merge I essentially had two "concrete" options, stick with old Chorotega the whole way through (which probably would've ended up in me getting 5/6th place) or stick with the pact nuChorotega made before we got swapped the 2nd time (which again, probably would've resulted in me getting 5/6th place). So that's why I needed to flip back and forth. With Chris gone, my vote became more valuable for Ami, Mia, Lisa, and Chad since I picked off someone in the alliance who I thought was higher up on the totem pole than me. When Jolanda left, the same thing applies with you, Bobby Jon, and Gregg. I made a decision to take out the figure head of the Chorotega alliance because I know all you guys would've picked her over me at the end of the day. After the Jolanda boot, that's really when the Chad/Tom/me thing started, and Chad and I bonded over that because we both felt that we'd be at the bottom of any alliance if we just chose to lay down and stick with them to the very end.
The reason I "went right back to Tom" after we got rid of Mia is because you and Bobby Jon were targeting Chad for some reason and it made absolutely no sense. He wasn't as big of a threat as Ami, and he basically saved both you and Bobby Jon's asses and gave you opportunity to get really far and you just shut him out as soon as Mia was gone? I didn't agree with Chad going.. but had you suggested we get rid of Ami or Lisa I would've been done, and I'm sure maybe even Chad would've been too, and BJ wouldn't even have needed to play his idol. You and BJ just played the entire F7 round wrong and it would've been game over for both of you had Bobby Jon not had the idol.
And that was all part of my strategy. When Jolanda left, the BJ/Gregg/you really had no choice but to take me to the end game. When Mia left, Ami of course freaked out and I look a whole lot more valuable to her because with Mia gone Ami now needs another number in her alliance if she still wants to make it work.
I deserve respect because I played my flips smart. Bobby Jon "flipped" too early. Tom never flipped but perhaps he should have. All my backstabs were completely justified. With Jolanda still in the game, everyone in the Chorotega alliance would be looking out for her instead of me. In a nut shell with every single vote I was giving myself more options while at the same time limiting the options of others. That's when someone from my "alliance" went home I'd always be okay because I always had other options and relationships with people from the other "side" and back-up plans. And that's why I deserve to win over Bobby Jon and Lisa. Bobby Jon did not play his flips smart and had to rely on idols, (and realistically he made a bad move by not voting me out last night, cause had he voted for me, I'm almost positive all the Chorotegas would've voted for him on the jury against Tom and Lisa, I know I would have), and Lisa would basically be nowhere in the game without the two/three people she chose to have conversations with. If Ami/Mia left earlier in the game than they did, Lisa would've been screwed because she was too firm in her alliance and she didn't really have relationships with anybody outside of that alliance.
Alright, very good answer except I wanted to go further into the bolded part.
First thing after I won immunity again, I said Ami had to go at the F7.
And my voting for Chad was justified for a long time, by the way regardless of whether or not he "saved me" at the Mia vote (I had immunity).
But Chad was telling the other side -our- information and even though I knew Ami was a threat, we still took out Chad, he just wasn't trustworthy. And we had -just- made a F4 deal with him. In the end, whose side did you both vote with at F7? Exactly. Chad could go on and on and claim he would have joined us at the F6, but who's "us"? If he was trying to eliminate Bobby Jon? Me and you?
I did say I wanted Ami gone, then that changed to Tom, but it was going to be Ami again if Chad hadn't blabbed and said we were voting for Tom (which is how we knew he was telling the other side the truth) even though it was going to be Ami at F7.