Episode 02

Postby Jeff Probst » Tue Nov 13, 2012 9:39:45 am

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    It's been a long time since I've loved a season this much THIS EARLY. So many great storylines I don't know where to begin.

    First off let me just say I am so fucking glad the tribes are making the right moves in terms of votes, Booting Jeff and Julie are the smartest moves they could make. It's never a good idea to take out an active tribe member before an inactive and it's cowardly. So for that, no matter what happens, the players have instantly gained my respect.

    Let's start on Chorotega since they're coming off the Jeff Boot.

    I'm sooooo glad that Gregg gets to stay around because he knows he has to make a move. I don't think he's in as much danger as he was during the last Tribal Council because he performed well during the Immunity Challenge tonight. His dig at Tom during the challenge was HILARIOUS "I guess it all rests on my shoulders." He's hilarious. I was literally LOL'ing to the point of having to explain why i was laughing to my girlfriend, who then proceeded to think I was a huge loser. The whole "let's negotiate with the other tribe" bit was so fucking funny. Already a Stranded legend and we're only 4 days in.

    Bobby Jon is another interesting one. Loving him. I love that he is Tom's number one, yet he's taking idol clues and being all around duplicitous. He'll be one to watch for sure.

    Tom is one of my favorite characters. He's for sure a good guy. He may be arrogant and what not, but he's got his head in the game, he's a natural leader and people genuinely like him. I'm interested in seeing how he does. He could get cut early simply for being the leader of the tribe should the swap go down poorly.

    Jolanda, I love, she is so into the game. She's probably the biggest presence on Chorotega and she's running shit. I love that she dominated the challenge bringing Chorotega their first win and I love taht she has multiple alliances. She is the Ami of Chorotega.

    Ibrehem and Kim are in the same boat for me. Great supporting characters, we'll see how their games play out. Ibrehem has a slight edge in terms of intrigue because he is Jolanda's #1 and she is in control. We'll see what happens with him after the flop.

    Caryn. I'm so glad Caryn has had a few legs to stand on, I LOOOOVE her storyline with Gregg during the challenge adn I love her fight when she was furious with him after Tom's epic slip saying he wanted one of them to pay for it (despite neither of them paying). I really want Caryn to mix things up and I think the swap is really going to benefit her for that. She's one of my favorites this season and I'm secretly hoping for her to go far and really shake things up because I think she could be epic.

    On Guatuso there are so many strategic deviations that it's mind numbing. What interests me most, of course, is the overall story arc. First we have John who majorly fucked up the first Immunity Challenge. I mean they were FURIOUS with their late-coming leader. instantly John became one of my favorites from his foul mouthed shenanigans. I love that he was able to blow up multiple spots in the alliances on the tribe within his first few minutes on the beach. He came in late, but damn did he make an impression. I can't see this season going down without John so I'm really interested in following his story. I'm hoping he can make the merge at least.

    Today, we had another epic arrival of a character which I knew was only a matter of time: Mia. She started out really well, but once that fiery side of her came out, which we all saw coming, all hell broke loose. No one likes a hot head in the challenges, and she was one of the hottest we've had in a long time. For that, she is instantly one of my favorites. She's fucked for right now, probably a target going into Tribal Council, but I think they will boot Julie which is really lucky for MIa. I just think Mia is a character that deserves to go a bit further if only for the sake of the overall storyline. The best part? Mia and John both realize they are on the outs in a big way after their challenge performances. That's a huge advantage for them going into a swap. It also shows that Mia's not dumb, she is self aware enough to know that her actions in the challenge hurt her game status. (although I hope that doesn't stop her from blowing up in the future and I'm sure it wont because le'ts face it... it's mia). <333

    Ami, of course, is the HBIC around Guatuso. The only problem with that is that everyone knows it. This is where she fucked up. It's so early that it wont be a factor for a long time, but it will make it hard for her to win the game because she's already marked as a threat who's running the game. Love that she IS running the game though.

    Chris and Brook I put in the same group. They both know Ami's in charge and theyre okay with that... for now. They are going to be the real threats to look out for, although they may both end up overplaying it. I'd be interested to see what happens if their backs are against the wall in the swap. I think they'd reek havoc and it would be delicious.

    Dolly... is dolly. Sweat and cute, maybe a bit of a devious side? I don't know we'll have to see. Hasn't stepped up as a character just yet. But according to Yog, it's coming.

    Chad, same boat as Dolly, but maybe a bit more chris/brook in him. I don't know. I said I will keep watching chad and I will. He's definitely apart of the game in a big way, could very well end up winning. I'll have to delve deeper into his strategy to see.

    I'm sure I've missed a few people, but never fear, no one can hide in Stranded. I'll get to them soon enough!

    Re: Episode 02

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Tue Nov 13, 2012 8:34:48 pm

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    Gregg's PM's have me in stitches right now. He is ever-so-unsubtly ensuring Wanda is a bigger target than him due to her inactivity, while being very humourous and endearing about it. He has several PM chains on the bounce about how she has done a runner with Jeff, or that she used her flirtatious ways (and some sexual favours icon_surprised ) to charm her way into getting a spot on the Season in the first place.

    Kim's latest confessional impresses the hell out of me as well. She fully knows that if she gets into bed with the four top-dogs she will be fifth in that alliance, and her rationale for not taking any clues is that she just needs to stay off the bottom for now, and the less disadvantages they are hit with, the better.

    I am excited to see where those two land come shuffle. They are not buddy-buddy right now, but you can bet that all changes if they land somewhere together.

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