Episode 03

Postby Brenda Lowe » Tue Nov 13, 2012 10:30:37 pm

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    OfflineBrenda Lowe
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    Tribe swap leads to;

    Chorotega: Tom, Chris, Bobby Jon, Mia, Kim, Ami, Caryn, Lisa

    Guatuso: John, Jolanda, Chad, Ibrehem, Brook, Gregg, Dolly, Wanda

    John/Gregg/Brook/Dolly/Wanda alliance pls.

    Re: Episode 03

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Wed Nov 14, 2012 12:24:09 am

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    OfflineBrenda Lowe
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    So excited to see how this works out. On first impression Chorotega look like they will bcome the more exciting to watch tribe, while Guatuso has shed it's biggest schemers (bar John), and taken on a more feelgood vibe. But on the flipside, NuChorotega is definitely going to perform better in more challenges, so NuGuatuso will get very hot, very fast as they find they need to scramble.

    Re: Episode 03

    Postby Helen Glover » Wed Nov 14, 2012 9:23:24 am

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    OfflineHelen Glover
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    John wants to target Ibe and Jo for being good at challenges... with sixteen people left icon_laughing

    And with Gregg and Wanda, it just might happen.

    Re: Episode 03

    Postby Naonka Mixon » Wed Nov 14, 2012 6:38:38 pm

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    THE MOST ACTIVE HOST IS HERE BITCHES. Actually I will start being active once I get internet at my new place. :) I just barely log on anymore. Like every 3-4 days to a computer. Sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I miss this shittttttttttt tho. I haven't done an org in forevs.

    Re: Episode 03

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Thu Nov 15, 2012 10:13:10 am

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    OfflineBrenda Lowe
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    You missed a helluva opening Nay icon_wub

    Sooo, Chorotega update. Thanks to the win we were robbed of seeing the fallout from Bobby-Jon's pre-vote. He voted Lisa, and told the orig Chorotegas as much, but he told the orig Guatuso he had actually pre-voted Caryn. There were talks of 4-3-1ing Bobbi himself, and even some thoughts from Tom that he might just vote Caryn anyway, but now we might never know.

    Chorotega have certainly nabbed the better challenge performers, with all of Tom, Bobby-Jon, Ami, Mia, Kim able to hold their own, and Chris being maybe the only omega-level player in the game? With just two challenge duds in Caryn & Lisa, they have a definite advantage in that arena. It is impossible to call, but I think once Bobby Jon sees Mia is posting the clues in public, and that she is as far ahead as he is, he'll have no reason to continue nabbing them, and they might even have a round where only a single clue is taken. More power to them.

    The trouble with all this challenge dominance is that it's gonna make it near impossible to judge their true dynamic. Right now there seems to be the legitimate beginnings of a Tom/Mia/Chris cross-tribe alliance building, with Mia & Chris not too happy with the Survey results showing them out of the loop and Ami in. To Chris this confirmed his pre-swap worries about the ABCD alliance not being the true core of his old tribe.

    So there is a plan brewing that maybe Tom votes Caryn out, and maybe Chris/Mia vote Lisa out - but only if they lose within the next two. If a loss comes later than that, they are looking to chop Ami before they hit F12 with their predicted possibility of a merge. Mia/Chris do not want to give Ami the chance to hook back up with John/Chad/Brook (/Dolly).

    Now to scope out Guatuso before they hit tonight's Tribal. Are their dynamics as fluid as they were on swap night??

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