Penny's Stranded: Costa Rica Fan FIc!

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OfflineLurker Penny
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Day 01

On the first day of a brand new Stranded adventure. Jeff Probst arrived in the mysterious location of Costa Rica riding a mysterious unicorn. Behind him rode his fabulous co-hosting team, oh and Na Onka as well I suppose. Jeff Probst disembarked from his magical unicorn but the players were nowhere to be seen! This is because thousands of miles into the air the players were on the International Space Station, where they had to paradrop onto the mats in order to win Immunity. The players went one by one starting with Tom from the Chlorine tribe who actually ended up landing in the lost city of Atlantis and had to get a lift from a very bored level 99 Lapras with Ice Beam in order to make it back in time. The players went one by one until we got to the Guatemala tribe who didnt actually listen to the instructions and thought the idea of the challenge was to just randomly fly around space and wait to be rescued. However Mia was afraid of wide open spaces and so refused to jump from the safe safe environment of a rickety space station that had been up there for twenty odd years. Anyway, because Mia was the only castaway to not not land on the mat, she won Immunity by default, since everybody else didnt even make the mat at all and Bobby Job actually forgot to pull his parachute and tumbled to his death, forgoing the need for Immunity in the first place.

Upon arriving at camp, the castaways wee finding it difficult in putting a shelter together. For starters Caryn and Wanda wanted to do nothing but lounge around in their bikinis all day. Over at Guatemala, all the girls were jealous of John's luscious looking hairy legs and started to put together a plan to vote out anybody who wasnt a slag. This eventually backfired when the girls figured out that they were in fact the biggest slags in the game and the alliance leader Dolly ended up coming up with a brilliant plan to vote out the biggest slag in the Guatemala tribe; herself. Faced with stiff resistance from the rules (which stated that you couldnt vote for yourself), Dolly started going around telling everybody that she wanted to be voted out because she didnt want a slag to win the game. Ami meanwhile was very suspicious of her actions because she thought that Dolly was telling everybody to vote her out, but was actually going to vote for Brenda in an attempt to eliminate the powerful co-hosting alliance that hadnt done anything remotely threatening.

In the end. Na Onka quit the co-hosting panel and given that Bobby Jon's untimely death at the beginning of the day had thrown the entire schedule into balance, Jeff Probst decided they should all go back to camp before they had any more law suits to deal with.


The Chlorine tribe finds out that fishing in the ocean can have dire consequences when an Octopus grabs an unsuspecting castaway by the genitals. Over at Guatemala, someone goes hunting for a wild bore when they trip on loosely discarded banana peel and will Helolen's finally lose control and chuck a psycho when the players incompetence pushes her to the limit?


"What the fuck is this? Im glad I didnt turn up at all."
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OfflineBrenda Lowe
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Where is the segment about Dolly being adorkable?

Also where is Gregg's epic struggle with colour-blindness??
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OfflineLurker Penny
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No spoilers pl0x or I will sue you both for damages in excess of 8 million dollars kthx.
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OfflineBrenda Lowe
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Wut no, that was all in last night's challenge. Did you read it over?
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OfflineJeff Probst
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Y'know penny if youre willing to write summaries of what happened I would just let you read PMs and you could do that lol. But I knwo you're busy with stranded with prisoners or whatever it is you host.
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OfflineLurker Penny
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Haha Stranded with Prisoners.

I totally would if my personal life wasnt hectic as atm. Im usually at work when your events are going on for starters, so I dont want to say I will and then not do anything. :P
OfflineLurker Lisi
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If you've got time to do this, how about writing up season 1 of Aus Stranded or at least updating the Wiki for all the seasons :P
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OfflineLurker Penny
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I dont do the wiki and I will write it up if you give me money.
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OfflineLurker Ryan
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This being closer to finished than the Stranded in Greece fan fic <3
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Fuck Dolly and Fuck Lisa.

JOHN needs a love thread. If not for anything else other than being an active contributor to the Lurker and Loser lounge haha.

Was a Fucked up move in getting rid of me so early. I was voted out because of a suggestion which got someones knickers in a knot.

I started this game off with a BANG!

These remaining players are BORING and to think one of them will win fan favourite! I so hope Mia can pull it off!
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OfflineLurker Penny
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CBS cancelled this unfortunately Ryan. </3 Apparently we're not allowed to shove our contestants out of a shuttle in semi-orbit and expect them to land safely oh and we got in big trouble for the Tom getting lost thing as well.

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