Lurk, you beautiful motherfuckers, LURK!


Postby Lurker » Sun Nov 25, 2012 2:41:10 pm

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    Isn't Penny an attentionwhore? Seriously. This isn't funny, nor endearing. It's just pointless postwhoring. Posters like YOU are the absolute worst. No substantial posts just pointless chit-chat, and unsuccessful attempts at being a semi-funny troll. It is just pathetic, and I pity you with every one of my fibers. Grow up Penelope and go out, have a life. Don't spend hours in front of lurkerden, trying to come up with ridiculous topics such as the last ten you have made. They are not even relevant to the game. It's just you, crying for attention. Let's face it Penelope, you CANNOT take when the limelight isn't on you. YOU have to be the protagonist, even when it's other people's turn, am I right? Just admit it.

    So, to finally put an end to this sort of behavior, I've arranged this little meeting. An INTERVENTION, if you will. Here every other lurker, host, and player can air their grievances about your unfunny demeanor. I'll start:

    Dear Penny,

    You make me sad. I don't like it. We are supposed to be best friends, yet I feel like that you are consciously erecting a wall between the two of us with how you act at lurkerden. What happened to us? What happened to you? I ask myself the question every day. You used to be genuinely funny, endearing, light-hearted... and look where are you now. I care about you, Penny. I do. Did I do anything to deserve this kind of resistance from you? Why are you distant?

    I love you to bits and pieces and I feel like that our time in Greece together really was something special, despite never ever voting together. I want everything to be like it was.


    Christy :)


    Postby Lurker Penny » Sun Nov 25, 2012 4:48:22 pm

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    OfflineLurker Penny
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    But the attention IS on me still. Isnt it?

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