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Ibreham wrote:Oh, remember I mentioned that pact I made with Tom? Because Jo had one with him? We made it at like original Chorotega. That's the only like official deal I've made this whole game, (minus the one I had with Jolanda), and I was afraid it would come back to haunt me. And Tom broke his with Jolanda. (I bet he thinks I didn't know about that.) So I messaged him and I told him I thought he was untrustworthy, I reminded him that a Guatuso will win if they make it to the end, and that I wanted to respectfully end our pact, officially. So, that's over. Because Tom's an unloyal ass.

... good job? icon_confused icon_lol
Last edited by Helen Glover on Thu Nov 29, 2012 12:30:17 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Episode 10

Postby Brenda Lowe » Wed Nov 28, 2012 7:41:40 am

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    Bobby-Jon dun fucked up bad last night short-term, although it can and will play to his favour should he make the FTC. He has no clue how deep the doodoo he stood in is though.

    Chad's confessional is where it's at right now. Seriously, that is how to write a quality long post. Info-rich and personalised.

    Re: Episode 10

    Postby Helen Glover » Wed Nov 28, 2012 8:24:35 am

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    I'm pretty sure I've LOLed every time I've checked Chad's confessional since the merge. He's awesome.

    Re: Episode 10

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Wed Nov 28, 2012 9:24:30 am

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    You here for a while Helen? ngl, we've both sucked in the blogging department, and this would be a good time for a rankdown. I am gonna put one together over the next hour. Would be interesting to see how yours works out.

    Re: Episode 10

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Wed Nov 28, 2012 9:31:53 am

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    One of my favourite PMs all game. Chad to Ami re: Gregg;



    He is the biggest fucking liar. I should post the PMs he sends me in a thread for the world to see after this game is over. The lies he tells are so ridiculous there is no point in them. He has lied to me about EVERY SINGLE VOTE. And just stupid shit like does he think I'm an idiot? I just play along and act dumb. I think he thinks that I am his puppet or something and he thinks I am working with him. After all the shit he has pulled on me he either thinks I am the biggest dumbass on the planet or he has delusions of grandeur if he actually thinks I believe a word he says. Just play along with him if you want to. But I cannot stress enough that you cannot believe one word that comes out of his fingers. And do NOT tell him anything. He told me that I was getting voted off tonight. I even sent him a goodbye PM and I'd talk to him after the game was over. icon_laughing I mean it's seriously on the verge of mental illness. icon_laughing

    Mia asked me if I had to pick who should go next and I replied FUCKING GREGG. But that is all personal and I haven't even thought a little bit about strategy. But I would dance in my living room if he got voted off.

    Re: Episode 10

    Postby Jeff Probst » Wed Nov 28, 2012 10:04:10 am

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    Chad XD

    Loving chad as a character. I know all pre-merge I was saying I was waiting for him to emerge and now he has. He's definitely one of the more colorful characters. He's a hero this season, and it's funny taht he's not really playing the game so much as playing with 100% emotions, which I LOVE and it's working for him so he should keep it up...

    Mia is amazing. She went from almost being the first boot of Guatuso to controlling the game. She's highly entertaining and I can't wait to see what she does in the end game. She very well could win this whole thing.

    Tom has gone from probably the most honest and likable leader in the game, to the most corrupt and potentially villainous. I don't think he will win, but he has played a good game. He's just too much in the lead and that's going to bite him in the ass.

    Who is the best player? Definitely Bobby Jon. I think if he made it to the end right now he could win depending on who he was sitting next to. I do wish he was making bolder moves, and he's going to need to to win, but I think as of now he's the best player in the game and he's really calling the shots, or at least... he's letting shots be called as long as it benefits him. Which is very smart.

    Ami is still my underdog favorite. I don't know why but I can't help but feel sorry for her because she has dont literally nothing wrong and has not been threatening at all, yet she has been the constant target of Tom/Mia/etc... That being said, she's still fucking here, so she's doing something right... I just hope she catches on sooner rather than later and can really make some moves to improve her position.

    Kim has stepped up into the Erinn role from last season. She's still boring, but at least she has a great storyline in that she wins Immunity a lot. Maybe that can develop into a strategy, right now I don't see it. She's just a boring challenge whore to me. I'm hoping that changes though.

    Lisa and Ibrehem don't get a bio, zzzz.

    Gregg was always the biggest character this season from the beginning, but it's starting to slow down some. Which is really great for Gregg... or is it? I love his and Chad's storyline and I love Gregg's control of the game, but now he's lost it a bit. In some ways its good because he's not a target, but I do think he was playing at his best when he was the swing vote and in control of NuGuatuso.

    Jolanda - So sorry to see her go. She was an all-star this season, a survivor and she should be proud of that. It sucks that she went before Ibrehem, but it's interesting that she got blindsided by her own tribemates, shady. Jolanda can be the martyr of the season. It's when Tom went from a noble leader to a shady player and I think it will bight him in the ass very soon. Especially since he's got some bitter jurors to worry about now.

    Chris - Definitely a player, I think he was tied up with other games and that's why he didn't do so well. He was just kind of waiting around to make a big move and the big moves happened without him. Should have been more proactive after the merge especially after displaying such strength pre-merge in the challenges. He was right to cool down his threat level, but at the same time, that really cost him the game so... I don't think only PMing 4 times a day was a wise decision.

    Caryn - Gosh I wish she was more of a loser than she is, because if she was around more, she would be the best character potentially in Stranded history. The good thing is that she wasn't around more which made her a non-threat which meant she could make the merge. However, If she had been around more I think she could have owned Teresa-style (superstar teresa/arasfromexile). Shame.

    Re: Episode 10

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Wed Nov 28, 2012 10:36:09 am

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    You've clearly not been keeping up with PMs. This is so wrong in so many ways, icon_laughing Gregg is about 95% the preferred target of Tom, and even though all of Kim/Ami/Mia are looking to booting Ibe or even BJ first, they are not putting their heads together and trying to appease him to gain the numbers more solidly.

    The other big case right now of people not putting their heads together is that Ibe & Gregg would boot Tom right now like a hot snot. They think they have BJ (who might actually do it) and Kim (who probably wouldn't). What they are completely missing is that Ami & Mia would jump on it if they thought they had numbers. Instead they are approaching both Lisa and Chad, who are most unlikely to even consider it, and are the two most likely to run it right back to him.

    Correct ranking incoming!

    Re: Episode 10

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Wed Nov 28, 2012 2:21:04 pm

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    Okay I sucked at getting a ranking done and got totally distracted by another project here. But let me point you in the direction of Chad's right this hot minute PM to Tom. the same Tom who just decided Chad was his most trustable ally today.

    Chad just told him how Mia and Ami want to take out Tom after Gregg.

    icon_chaos will ensue.

    Re: Episode 10

    Postby Jeff Probst » Wed Nov 28, 2012 2:27:57 pm

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    Can I just say LOL @ Tom's loyalties... he completely changes with the newest person to enter his game.

    Re: Episode 10

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Wed Nov 28, 2012 2:45:14 pm

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    He read it then logged out.. laaaame.

    Unless he's composing such a whopper he dropped off the bar? I hope he jump two-footed into another awful decision tonight on the back of it. Be impulsive Tom! It is making the game kinda hilarious right now.

    Re: Episode 10

    Postby Helen Glover » Wed Nov 28, 2012 2:59:21 pm

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    Chad's current plan involves a pecking order of Gregg-Mia-BJ-Ami-Kim-Ibe with Tom joining him and Lisa in the finals... WHAT?

    Now, (at the behest of my work productivity) I'm going to try to focus on each player's character instead of their positioning within the tribe, since I haven't been following closely enough to name all the different factions in play right now. And let's use Chad's order to approach each of them, in turn.


    Gregg is playing far too reckless of a game to be in a position to win, so no surprise that he's on the block now or soon.

    I like him and Kim as a pair, a lot, and frankly, a lot of people *should* want to pick up Gregg as a number or someone to bring to the end, but he's proved himself to be far too untrustworthy far too early to really make it like that.

    Prediction: Could leave tonight, could be a goat in the end, really no telling, but one thing's for sure: the kid ain't winning without changing his tune. And if Gregg has shown one thing so far, he won't change his tune. Not now. Not ever.


    Mia. What's there NOT to say about Mia...

    I feel like pointing this out: it seems like Penny loves Mia because Penny thinks Mia acts like her. While they both share one key similarity (people find them fucking annoying because of their behavior), it really ends there. Mia was playing far shittier of a social game at the get-go, but have proved to be far more strategically sound as we're approaching the endgame. Mia knows what is in Mia's best interests, and she isn't doing every batshit crazy thing she can come up with in hopes of some spitball sticking to the wall.

    Prediction: I see her the best fit for a player who is both (a) most likely to make the F5 finale and (b) having a chance to win it.


    Bobby Jon is so hard to get a read on. He seems to me like he's playing Gregg's game but doing a helluva lot better because people don't see through him since he didn't meaninglessly sacrifice people's trust in him early on.

    He does tend to do some off-the-wall-things which threaten a strong likelihood of blowback, and while last night's seemingly failed, if he keeps trying, he might end up with a success that can really bolster an FTC argument.

    Prediction: Safe for now. Good winner potential, since he seems to be straddling the median of being neither too threatening to take to the end nor too weak to win once there.


    Ami definitely pulls at my heartstrings because, after being a force to be reckoned with in the beginning, she has been so resilient since then after being dealt so many shit hands. She responds just how she's supposed to, almost each and every time.

    As long as the power keeps shifting, she will keep getting overlooked and manage to continue sliding on by, but the second that an alliance stabilizes to ride it out to the end, her and Tom are both toast because they're perceived as being too good. If they find themselves in the minority when that stable alliance comes to power, they'll get hit. Even if they find themselves in the majority of that stable alliance that ascends, they'll be toast as soon as they're no longer needed as a number. That wouldn't always necessarily the case, but the people that they're up against (namely, Mia, Gregg, Bobby Jon) are far to wary of them.

    Prediction: Safe for now. Probably booted soon before the F5 finale. But if the stars align, and the power keeps shifting for long enough, I'd love to see her make the endgame and take the cake.


    Kim really should hook up with Gregg and Lisa and make a run for it whenever they have a chance. These three (or even Ibe, for that matter) need each other if any of them plan on beating the power players. She seemingly hasn't done enough in the game yet to warrant a win (and if she's up against anyone but the three I just listed, she certainly won't get one), but if she grows a backbone and plays her cards right, she's still got a horse in the race.

    I see the Erinn comparison, but in Refuge, Erinn's social game was balls. She'd potentially have beaten Lisi in the end (whose social game was worse, but idol goddess <3) or Alina (whose own actions made the jury hate her), but wouldn't have been that great of a winner. Here: Lisa is Lisi, and Gregg is Alina. But Kim has enough game left to prove herself such that a Kim-victory wouldn't necessarily taste sour.

    Prediction: Safe for now. Probably safe for later too. I could see her sitting in the finale or FTC, but her chances of winning once there are more in flux right now than anyone else, depending on who she'd sit there with and what she does from this point forward.


    Ibe seemed fine with Jolanda around, but frankly, he's so out of his league that he might think he's on a completely different show. Someone was giving him credit for putting on a superficial face so that you don't think he really knows what's going on even though he does... which is possible. But I don't really buy it.

    If we're making comparisons, I would mark him with the jury's perception of Brian in Greece (but not that ACTUAL Brian in Greece). If he makes FTC, I don't think the jury will care what he says about anything. (However, let it be clarified that ACTUAL Brian and his ACTUAL behind-the-scenes plans --- many which never came to fruition, including those against me, and his brilliant positioning pre-merge --- are LEAGUES above what Ibe is capable of.)

    Prediction: This kid was destined to fall on the wrong side of the numbers. Even when Chorotega took control last round, fate had a way of course-correcting, and if need be, it'll happen again. Tiny likelihood of being a goat, but is seemingly too likable to fit the bill.


    Tom screwed the pooch with this one. I do see a lot of myself in Tom. (Fuck.) And while from his POV he was right that a Chorotega F6 wasn't the best outcome for him (since Mia's pretty eyes have him keeping her for FTC), hindsight's fucking 20/20. There's a huge bounty on his head, and nothing short of a miracle would keep him in play through to the FTC since we're still only sitting at nine. Breathing a sigh of relief for the banal simplicity of Ibe/Jo/Gregg/Kim being dandy for a pagonging starting at F11, and then planting seeds for a switch-up at F8 or F7 (with a smaller alliance where he wouldn't be expendable) might've been his best option. Sure, there's a damn good chance he'll make F6 with the path he's taking now, but he will go down eventually.

    There's no doubt that Tom will think and overthink and rethink every decision that he makes from this point forward as though each is the most important decision in the game, but the fact remains that his most important decisions in the game are already behind him... those that made him that much of a threat to win. I'm damn guilty of it, too. He may have a Westman avatar, but he better pray that he can immunity whore like a Glover.

    Prediction: I'm going to group him with Ami with some slight modifications... Safe for now [but should start sweating sooner than Ami]. Probably booted soon before the F5 finale [probably meaning almost definitely]. But if the stars align, and the power keeps shifting for long enough, I'd love to see him make the endgame and take the cake [there're a helluva lot more stars that would need to line-up for him to make FTC than for Ami to].


    Lisa is still there. And she only gets one paragraph.

    Prediction: Does it matter?


    Chad is a STAR. The mere fact that he's still alive is amazing. To close out the comparison train, let's call him Ted. No matter how stressful this shit gets, I can see him always being entertaining and never getting neurotic.

    Chad is the biggest question mark in my mind because... I have no idea what will come of him. It would seem (?) he can breathe easy now. But... can he ever? Really? From him being against the odds for days now, I know so much about him, but now that the numbers may be (just for a second) back in his favor, it seems like I know so little because he now has an entirely new game to play where he's a wildcard.

    Prediction: He could be short for this world, or he could be long for it, no telling. In truth, if he makes the finals, he should be a shoo-in for the win. He has the best come-from-the-ashes story to tell bar-none. (Mia would give him a run for his money in terms of redemptive arcs, but I don't think she's actually aware of hers.) With that said though, I don't think people will pick up on him being an FTC threat just yet. Him making it that far is a totally different question because he seems wise enough to, but are the others wise enough to not let him. Hopefully... hopefully... the others will realize it all but too late.

    Re: Episode 10

    Postby Helen Glover » Wed Nov 28, 2012 3:05:08 pm

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    Also, Helen's favorite alliances (or simply conversation partners):

    8. Gregg and Kim
    7. Tom and Mia
    6. Ami and Chad
    5. Tom and his top-ally-of-the-day
    4. Gregg and EVERYONE
    3. Bobby Jon and ANYONE
    2. Ami and Mia
    1. Chad and his confessional

    Re: Episode 10

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Wed Nov 28, 2012 3:08:42 pm

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    I will actually do this, sometime before F6! But ftr Ami is my winner pick as of right this minute.

    Re: Episode 10

    Postby Helen Glover » Wed Nov 28, 2012 3:24:48 pm

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    Also, I think Chad is legitimately losing his mind.

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