Episode 12

Postby Ami » Thu Nov 29, 2012 11:32:29 pm

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    I'm assuming you forgot to make me one of these so I went ahead and did it myself! icon_mad

    Re: Episode 12

    Postby Ami » Thu Nov 29, 2012 11:43:17 pm

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    You know....it's really hard to look at your winning chances or being considered one of the memorable people here when there's players like Chad and Mia kicking serious ass here. I don't find BJ or Ibe that memorable, but obviously I don't see everything...maybe they have amazing confessionals.

    Chad is seriously badass....he's taking this game by the balls and he's putting himself into the thick of everything so that HE makes the decisions. It's impressive. I'm jealous that he at this moment is the most powerful player in the game. Tom's star is fading...Chad is now the most dangerous player here.

    So....Mia left tonight. But more importantly...I was on the wrong side of the votes AGAIN icon_mad First Chris and now Mia. I really just don't know how good my chances are for making the endgame let alone FTC. I fully expect that Ibe and BJ will want to vote either me or Lisa on Sunday's TC. So with that in mind, I am just going to have to show them that I'm better to keep in this game over Lisa. Challenge wise, I'm not amazing. Lisa isn't too bad. Socially, obviously I am better than Lisa. I think an angle that would be best to approach IF the subject of Lisa comes up as a vote is that I would be a better ally and I would be good to discuss strategy with? I dunno. But I do know I have several days to sort of find a nook to place myself in. I've gotten out of worse scrapes than this, believe me.

    Chad is playing both sides, and he's telling me that it is for sure BJ on Sunday. Hmm, okay whatever. Anything can happen this weekend, and if I feel that an opportunity arises for me, I'll throw him to the wolves.

    Re: Episode 12

    Postby Helen Glover » Thu Nov 29, 2012 11:48:04 pm

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    Sorry! I got home late and am just posting them now. I didn't forget, I still love you! I bet you answered some of these above, but I'm tired and already scripted these JUST FOR YOU. So you get them anyways. You have the whole weekend ahead of you, so lots of questions that I hope you can give us some serious insight into where your mind is at, closing into this final week of potential mayhem.

    Mia's gone, and you voted with her and one other. What do you lose from your alliance without Mia? Were you surprised that five others kept you out of the loop?

    Let's look at those five for a minute. What do you think the dynamics are between them? Are they tight, or do you expect them to break? Who is on the top and bottom of their pecking order? Do you think they realize it?

    What connections do you still have in play, and who do you still trust? Are you planning on taking advantage of any of those bonds to infiltrate tonight's five-person majority and prevent them from picking you off?

    Who would you approach? Why?
    Who would you expect to target?
    How would you persuade them to turn? What're the odds of it succeeding?

    Finally, let's focus on jury. Who do you ideally want to be in the end with? Why? Who do you definitely NOT want to be in the end with? Why? If you make it to the end, who do you think you'd most likely be with? Based on feasibility of them making it that for, or working with you to get there?

    Re: Episode 12

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Fri Nov 30, 2012 2:58:15 am

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    Ami wrote:Id like to do a move against Mia shortly though but i have to weigh everything out after this vote.

    I'd like you to revisit this too. Seems to me that's not the first time something you've been half-planning has worked out, just not by your hand. Is there any way that Mia leaving is a good thing for you? Since you were maybe doing it soon yourself anyway?

    Re: Episode 12

    Postby Ami » Fri Nov 30, 2012 2:52:22 pm

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    Ill answer Helens questions this weekend.

    Since it was widely known that she and i were a pair...her leaving to split us up could only be a good thing for me. This happened in my last game and i got much further because of it.

    My plan as of now is to get Chad out of here. It might get me kicked out instead of Tom but everyone SHOULD be aware of the game he is playing.

    Re: Episode 12

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Fri Nov 30, 2012 3:30:24 pm

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    And where exactly do you plan on finding enough votes to "get Chad outta here"?

    What sway do you think you have with anyone here, being as you were most definitely left out of the loop last night, and have been several times by all parties barring Lisa?

    What is the info on the 'game he's playing' that you hope to use?

    Also, any thoughts on chasing down the Terribas idol by opting for a clue come the challenge?

    Re: Episode 12

    Postby Ami » Sat Dec 01, 2012 11:59:38 pm

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    Helen Glover wrote:Sorry! I got home late and am just posting them now. I didn't forget, I still love you! I bet you answered some of these above, but I'm tired and already scripted these JUST FOR YOU. So you get them anyways. You have the whole weekend ahead of you, so lots of questions that I hope you can give us some serious insight into where your mind is at, closing into this final week of potential mayhem.

    Mia's gone, and you voted with her and one other. What do you lose from your alliance without Mia? Were you surprised that five others kept you out of the loop?

    Let's look at those five for a minute. What do you think the dynamics are between them? Are they tight, or do you expect them to break? Who is on the top and bottom of their pecking order? Do you think they realize it?

    What connections do you still have in play, and who do you still trust? Are you planning on taking advantage of any of those bonds to infiltrate tonight's five-person majority and prevent them from picking you off?

    Who would you approach? Why?
    Who would you expect to target?
    How would you persuade them to turn? What're the odds of it succeeding?

    Finally, let's focus on jury. Who do you ideally want to be in the end with? Why? Who do you definitely NOT want to be in the end with? Why? If you make it to the end, who do you think you'd most likely be with? Based on feasibility of them making it that for, or working with you to get there?

    I'm not entirely sure why I was once again left out of the Mia vote. I assume it's because people thought I would run screaming to her to use it because the votes were there. That's my only guess. What really burns my ass is that Tom once again left me out of the vote. Twice in a very short period of time. I gotta tell ya, if he makes the end and I am a juror....you better believe that the way he handled me in this game so far is going to completely affect my vote. I can appreciate a good game played and all....but when you butter me up and try to convince me that you're a top ally of mine....lie to me, then I forgive you and "we can move on like it never happened".....then do it again? You've lost my respect AND my vote.

    All I can assume at this point is that Tom/Kim are a pair, Ibe/BJ are a pair, and I think at this point I'm hoping that Lisa would feel like she and I are a pair. I have Chad on one side telling me that Tom and BJ are definitely voting Tom for Sunday's TC. Then I have Tom and Chad saying oh nonono, it's going to be BJ on Sunday. So on that information, I think I can expect a vote of:

    Tom - Ibe, BJ
    BJ - Kim, Tom, Lisa

    Chad is playing like all sides and I'm fucking sick of it. I am planning on voting for Tom on Sunday. If Chad votes out BJ and it's 4-3? Guess what...Tom and Kim don't trust you at all anymore because there's simply NO way loyal Ami would turn on Tom right? icon_shifty I've already proposed a F4 of Tom-Kim-Ami-Lisa to Tom, so there's a high possibility I will freak everyone out and remain golden. If Chad votes out Tom? Haha gtfo Tom. Lie to me twice? Die. I'm convinced though that at the F6 in this scenerio, people will want to get rid of Ibe for being a good competitor.

    When I get home from work on Sunday, I plan on speaking to BJ about some things. Assuming either he or Tom leaves I'll either have worked him for a jury vote, or I made a potential connection to him. Who knows. I've already sent him a message that he hasn't read yet about how Chad has been leaking info to everyone and playing a strategically great game. At this point I don't give a fuck if he tells Chad that. I didn't shit talk him, I have nothing to fear. And I don't fear Chad in this game. He will get his, it's only a matter of time.

    As far as *IF* I even have a shot of sitting in the end and facing the jury....the only ones I am afraid of sitting with at this point are Ibrehem and Bobby Jon. They have played clean games...probably the cleanest. I'm not afraid of sitting with Kim and Lisa who I believe are seen as followers of other players. Tom and Chad could go either way. They will either be reverred as BIG players who controlled everything...or be hated for their douchebaginess. So ideally, I would like to sit with Kim and Lisa.

    Re: Episode 12

    Postby Ami » Sun Dec 02, 2012 5:33:50 pm

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    This round is a clusterfuck icon_confused

    I don't trust Tom and I don't trust Chad.........yet I'm helping them...?

    I'm fucked up, clearly.

    Re: Episode 12

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Sun Dec 02, 2012 5:36:51 pm

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    I am reading along to your PMs and I have to say I'm confused to what your plan here is.

    Who would you actually like to see leave tonight? What is your read on the group dynamic as it stands?

    Re: Episode 12

    Postby Ami » Sun Dec 02, 2012 7:20:07 pm

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    Brenda Lowe wrote:I am reading along to your PMs and I have to say I'm confused to what your plan here is.

    Who would you actually like to see leave tonight? What is your read on the group dynamic as it stands?

    I suppose my thoughts I expressed to BJ when the weekend hit (about Chad) have made them believe I am a swing vote in this situation or something? Ibe and BJ and Kim are a for sure trio. I'm just not sure if Tom is with them or not. All I know is, I expect to be surprised tonight and be on the losing side of the vote. I'm so paranoid especially after not knowing about the Mia vote. I think this is some ruse to fuck with my head and a F4 is already in place.

    At this very second, I plan to vote out BJ.

    I've become so bitter in this game. Progressively.

    Re: Episode 12

    Postby Helen Glover » Sun Dec 02, 2012 7:25:44 pm

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    So you walked into the weekend planning and executing a coup against Chad, and now you're planning to vote to save him (though unsure if your vote will matter) from the very plan that you set into motion. Accurate assessment? What was the turning point that caused your loyalty (or simply short-term interests) to realign?

    Re: Episode 12

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Sun Dec 02, 2012 7:54:40 pm

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    I wouldn't mind one more quick update before TC if you can manage to pop one off. I'm particularly interested in your earlier assessment that what this situation needs is a public airing of the dirty laundry. Was that just a threat to be used in private, or is that something you are seriously considering right now.

    Re: Episode 12

    Postby Ami » Sun Dec 02, 2012 8:06:51 pm

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    I suppose the ONE thing that deterred me away from voting out Chad tonight was that Ibe/BJ/Kim were being sold to me as a trio. I don't know why, but that threatened me since those three are the most mute with me. Why should I join them?

    I am still considering speaking up at tribal icon_wub

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