I mean, it's true that Lisa hasn't done anything to really piss anyone off either, but I think that even a bitter jury wouldn't vote for her to win. She just doesn't talk. Like, I know I'm not really the most aggressive strategist, like if I had to compare my game to someone else, I'd probably be like... Danni Boatwright or something, Lisa is like a Natalie Tenerelli or a Becky Lee. It's not my fault I'm not really in control but I can't help it, at least I'm trying.
I mean, I know Tom and Chad are "big threats" or whatever, but I have a lot of tricks up my sleeve if I make FTC. For one, if we never swapped to nunuGuatuso and nunuChorotega, and we didn't merge at 12, and nuGuatuso had lost yet again, Chad wouldn't even be here. Tom is basically treating the Chorotegas as votes and not people since he continues to lie and lie and lie to them. Plus he had originally planned to go to the F3 with Ami and Mia but they were actually playing him the entire time and were about this close to blindsiding him a couple rounds back.
As for the other question, yeah I've made the FTC once in FML's Vampire game back in like, February of 2011and I lost 4-3

It's been a very, very, very long time since I've made the finals.