Helen Glover wrote:Well, that doesn't seem to have gone as expected.
Any regrets as to how last round played out? Any "what if"s?
Where does that idol move and Chad's departure leave alliances now? Who are you more or less prone to work with coming out of that?
Welp, that round was just...amazing
I couldn't believe like EVER that BJ would find an idol with no help at all. Just crazy, I can't believe it. I'm very glad though that yet again my original target for the round got the boot....without my doing in the end. I guess I played a part in steamrolling Chad's name getting out there, but I can't be sure.
I think even now at this stage of the game, they were afraid for original Guatuso to get the upper hand or something. I hope I'm wrong because really? Lame ass shit. At this point I HAVE to believe that at the very least Tom will vote with Lisa and I for a tie. I mean, I could be wrong, but I am hoping that he and Bobby Jon are still at war or something. Bobby Jon and Ibrehem are DEADLY if they are kept together, so I have to do my part with Tom and make him know for a fact that if we don't protect eachother, we will get taken out in two shots.
I apoligized to Kim, not sure if she bought it or not, but I was completely truthful in my answer to her. Up until the vote, I did in fact believe Ibe/BJ that she was voting with them. I don't trust her enough to think she will not resent me for what I said at TC tonight.
I am going to have to search for that idol in case BJ finds it. Super gross, I don't want it...but I'm going to have to.