Final Words

Postby Jeff Probst » Tue Dec 04, 2012 8:42:18 pm

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    OfflineJeff Probst
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    Hey Ami, please take a few minutes to give us your closing thoughts on the experience, your game, regrets, tonight, etc.

    Also be sure to leave a list from 1-10 on who you want to win the most to least. I know it's a pain but it'll help incase you forget to come back for the finale.

    Also, I really wanted you to know that you were seriously my personal favorite throughout the entire game for reason's I can't explain at this stage, but I just wanted to thank you for playing and let yo uknow that you did not disappoint me and you should nto be disappointed in yourself either!


    Re: Final Words

    Postby Ami » Tue Dec 04, 2012 9:48:25 pm

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    Jeff Probst wrote:Hey Ami, please take a few minutes to give us your closing thoughts on the experience, your game, regrets, tonight, etc.

    Also be sure to leave a list from 1-10 on who you want to win the most to least. I know it's a pain but it'll help incase you forget to come back for the finale.

    Also, I really wanted you to know that you were seriously my personal favorite throughout the entire game for reason's I can't explain at this stage, but I just wanted to thank you for playing and let yo uknow that you did not disappoint me and you should nto be disappointed in yourself either!


    Well, first of all Jeff, I really REALLY want to thank you for letting me play in this game. It has been an absolute pleasure finally entering into the Stranded family and to be able to represent as the character of Ami? It's perfect, I'm so pleased to have been able to play as her. After this I do plan on taking a break because for the most part, I let this game take over all of my free time. But no regrets!

    I am proud of the game I played. Right from the gate on Guatuso I gave it all I got with my social game. I was part of almost half a dozen alliances and I really felt like I was one of the go-to people there if you needed someone to trust. I really thought I could have sailed far on that tribe had there been no swap. Then there was a swap. First of all....who was voted in first for EVERY category? Me. Even when it made sense to put someone else there. It was ME that was voted first. And don't you forget it. When I wasn't initially picked after Chad by John you could have fried an egg on my head because I was HEATED. But it turns out, that I strived on NuChorotega and it helped me further my game immensely being there. Honing in on Tom being a huge threat and making sure that he thought he needed me was my prime objective, and I think even though he he knew he could rely on his original Chorotega's....I could have been another plan for him. I banked on that potentially happening.
    From the merge on, all I could do was make sure that NuChorotega was what I wanted to stick with, with possibly who was left of Guatuso banning together to at least make a tie. Turns out Chad was my biggeset obstacle in that he gave away way too much information as he played both sides. I'm not sure how big a role I played in Chad's demise, but I choose to think I assisted the ball rolling in his direction. At the F6 it was my best option to make sure Tom believed that he wouldn't stand a chance with BJ-Ibe-Kim in the end and that they would slaughter him or take him out right before the F3. Some things made it easier to convince him of this like the jury posting emoticons that I used to support my argument. Having a deadlock with the biggest odds of choosing a rock and leaving over me at F6? Those are great allies and I think it says something about my social game that they were willing to flat out lose just to keep me here.

    All in all, I'm sad that I lost....but as long as my boot was dripping with irony, it dulls the pain of actually losing. I always knew an idol would play a part in me losing the game icon_laughing

    1-10? I guess I'm posting how I feel on them generally:

    TOM - 9
    LISA - 8
    KIM - 6
    BJ - 4

    I think all four would be acceptable winners for ME...but as it stands right now, this is my ranking. BJ would have been a lot higher if he didn't idol me out icon_evil

    Thank you Jeff for saying that, I really did want to make a good impression on you so if I did? Mission accomplished. GREAT game. Hope the ending is as good as the rest icon_wub

    Re: Final Words

    Postby Helen Glover » Tue Dec 04, 2012 9:54:30 pm

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    Ami wrote:1-10? I guess I'm posting how I feel on them generally:

    Jeff neglects the detriments of thoughtless copy/paste.

    Re: Final Words

    Postby Jeff Probst » Wed Dec 05, 2012 9:06:38 am

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    OfflineJeff Probst
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    XD At least I only copy/paste the first two sentences. The last part was from duh hart.

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