Fallen Comrades

Postby Tom » Wed Dec 05, 2012 12:55:44 pm

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    Well, this is it. The proof that after almost an entire month, this game is really and finally coming to an end. I'm proud to have made it as far as I did, and I'm grateful to all of the people who played beside me and who made this the experience that it was. And now, it's my turn to recognize those people (even if they don't get to see it until Post game, which is weird.)


    Jeff, you left this game because, due to timezones, you never really had a chance to play. It was unfortunate to see you leave so soon, since you did seem like a pretty cool guy and one of the more active inactives on our tribe, and it seemed like you did really want to play this game. Also, your voting confessional to Gregg was friggin hilarious and had me really sad that you had to go, because I was dying when I read it. You were good and I'm honestly sorry that you had to leave so early due to circumstances.


    Julie, you're one of the people who I never got to meet in this game, and it sounds like you just never got into it, not showing up for either of the first two challenges.


    Wanda, although you at least occasionally made an appearance, you also never seemed to really make an effort in this game (I think you sent me one PM.) When I saw you leave NuGuatuso, I was more scared for Ibe and Jolanda's survival than I was sad that you left.


    Dolly, I hate that so many of my early write-ups be similar, but it seems like the first four boots either weren't able to compete as much as they would have liked (like Jeff) or didn't care that much, and considering the fact that it sounds like your boot was basically a quit, you seem to have fallen into the latter category.


    John, I left you a not-so-nice tribute in my confessional icon_lol and I wanna say that I gave you a bit too hard of a time in it considering that everything I posted in it was fake for the purpose of getting us to throw the next challenge (a good plan, by the way) and once Chad gave me a rundown of the Old Guatuso alliances it became apparent that you had been made into a BIT of a scapegoat. That said, you still lied about some unnecessary things in this game that I still don't understand, particularly the lie about leaders giving someone on the other tribe a clue to the HII. But either way it sounds like you were the early villain of the season, which I have to respect considering that I feel I became the late-game villain of the season icon_lol


    Brook, I've heard mixed stories about you. It sounds like you were played by Gregg pretty hard when he somehow got you to flip on John, but it sounds like you might have also done that due to some sort of moral compass that made you angry at John for his lies and deceit throughout the game. Either way, you made your move too early, and unfortunately I think that's what caused you to be the last person to leave without making the jury, an awful spot to leave in (almost as bad as being the last person to leave before the FTC icon_surprised icon_laughing )

    I'll start the jurors next!

    Re: Fallen Comrades

    Postby Tom » Wed Dec 05, 2012 2:14:55 pm

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    Caryn, you were never that active despite being the first juror, and that's part of what made it easy to vote you out at the merge without riling much opposition (since at the merge I wanted to keep people connected as long as possible before I had to start betraying loads of people at once, since I had an alliance with pretty much everyone except for Chad at that point.) Still, when you did show up you were able to provide some laughs with some of your snark, and your random hatemance with Gregg was always something worth watching.


    Chris, you were wrapped up in another game for most of this, so even on NuChorotega when we formed a Final 3 alliance, it was more because Mia connected us then because you and I formed a huge connection. Eventually I kind of showed that when I sent you over to Guatuso instead of Ami (even if it was because I wanted Ami as a potential boot option, I also knew I could rely on her and she was less of a wildcard in my eyes.) And then when we got back at the merge, you were playing a lot harder, doing things like warning Caryn that everyone was voting for her and trying to throw my name around as a threat. And you also knew I wasn't as close to you as some people since I sent you to Guatuso. You had a mind of your own, and I began to see you as a threatening player down the line, so I couldn't miss the opportunity to take you out.


    Jolanda, you were really nice throughout this game, and I know you felt betrayed by me, but you were a threat, and the longer I waited to go after you, the harder it was going to be for me to organize a flip back to Guatuso, which I did feel like I needed to do. You were nice and I did enjoy talking to you,but I always felt like you were closer to Ibe than me, something that he ended up admitting to me when he told me that you and him had basically discussed your alliances with me. I hope you understand that taking you out was a game move, because you were a nice and threatening player, and I feared letting you get too far in this game because you could have easily won it if you did.


    Gregg, you were definitely entertaining. At the beginning of the game you basically lost us the first challenge and had everyone infuriated at you, staying in the game only due to Jeff being unable to ever show up at challenges. Then, when you swapped to Guatuso, you basically began to HDIC the place, initially seeming to flip on Chorotega by voting out Wanda, but then collecting Brook under your wing and convincing him to turn on John, only to cruelly slit his throat at the next Tribal Council. I loved it man! icon_lol icon_bow And then you continued that gameplay into the merge, forming alliances with everyone that you could and being a complete wildcard that not even I could predict.


    Mia icon_sad You were amazing in this and I really did want to go far with you in this game. At the second challenge, you were loud and obnoxious and everyone on our tribe was agreeing on how much of a bitch you were icon_lol And when I picked you in that first swap, it was out of hopes that someone would flip to get rid of you. I had no idea that it would be the complete opposite of that and that I would form a genuine connection with you, and even though Chad said he doubted it I do believe you planned to vote Ami off if we had lost one of those challenges as NuChorotega. The merge came and due to me becoming wary of Chris, I had to flip on you. Even though I flipped back, I knew that I had broken some of the trust between us by blindsiding you. And even if it was an unneeded fear, I did began to fear your and Ami's growing relationship. So at Final 8, I turned on you and voted you out of this game with an idol in your pocket, knowing that was the only way I could be sure that I wouldn't be a target anytime soon.


    Chad icon_sad Although we were on NuNuChorotega together, our relationship didn't truly begin until I was the only one to tell you that Chris was going home at Final 11. From there, you kind of became a partner in crime to me, and we watched each others backs and reported back to each other from both sides. Although I was always aware of the possibility that some of the things you were telling me weren't true or were exaggerated, I still knew you would stick by me as long as I continued to tell you information and I actually planned to be true to you til the end if I was sure I could trust you. Although I was glad that I wasn't the one to be targeted by Ibe and Bobby Jon at Final 7, seeing you leave due to an idol was too fucking cruel because you were having an amazing underdog story since the merge and were beginning to put yourself into a great position to win the game.


    Oh, Ibrehem. Even though we liked each other on Chorotega, and I did root for you to survive on Guatuso, there was never a point when I was ~IN LOVE~ with you like with most of the people I'm doing write-ups on at this point, and I didn't really appreciate your self-righteousness or a lot of the attitudes you took about the game, such as basically saying that there was no point to talk with someone if they weren't voting with you. You spilled bitterness when I voted against Jolanda and never seem to truly grasp the fact that I was not letting the connections I formed with people take priority in this game, and when you finally did start lying (telling me that Ami was down for voting Chad and vice versa, even though neither of us had agreed to it) I hope you were at least aware of it and dropped the self righteousness, because if you didn't then you really were a massive hypocrite in this game and the only person in this game who I really disliked.


    Ami, it's probably no secret at this point that I had been trying to get you out since a few days after that first swap, and that I never truly intended to go to the end with you until Final 6. But I still ALWAYS liked you in this game, and a small part of me was even glad that we never lost a challenge because if you had gone pre-jury you would have been absolutely robbed in this game. You had crazy social skills, and managed to make it really far despite being a massive threat, and I always enjoyed my conversations with you, only to enjoy them a little more when we both got a little bit more pissy about all of the idol bullshit that was going on. Your final words were amazing and hilarious, and I hope you're rooting for me and Lisa from jury house, and if I join you there tonight I'll at least be glad to speak with you again and bitch about us being screwed over by an idol icon_weep

    I'll try to get to the Final 4 later today icon_wink

    Re: Fallen Comrades

    Postby Tom » Wed Dec 05, 2012 3:37:04 pm

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    Lisa, you got a lot of flak in this game for "not doing much", and while I admit that I felt that way as well, you've made the Final 4 and you appear to basically be a lock for the FTC. And it's hard not to respect that at this point. You've always been loyal in this game, and while that's completely different than how I chose to play, I think it's hypocritical and ridiculous for the Chorotegans to be bashing you for your loyalty when if you had been on their side they would be praising you for it. Apparently they only approve of loyalty if you're being loyal to them icon_glare You were someone who I would have never have pegged as an endgamer, but you made it there anyway, and no matter what people say about you you SHOULD be proud of yourself for making it this far.


    Kim, even though I didn't expect this, once the merge hit you basically became my partner in crime until we finally officially parted ways at Final 6. I think we both were a little cautious about the other and never had complete faith that we would be going to the end with each other. But despite that, we still flipped together four times between the Chorotega and Guatuso sides, and until Final 6 we always voted the way that we told each other we would vote. It sounds like one of us will be leaving tonight, and regardless of who it is I have respected you as a competitor in this game, and won't be bitter if it's me tonight, and I expect you to be the same.


    Oh Bobby Jon. We've probably had the most complicated relationship in this entire game. From the beginning we became really tight, forming an alliance based on our fascination with the Magui emoticon, and I planned to go far into this game with you from the start. But then once the swap came and I began to get closer with the Guatuso members than you were, you began to feel less secure with our alliance, and you weren't totally wrong to since I did begin to contemplate going to the Final 3 with Mia and Chris. I'll admit that I began to get a little mad when your lies were so transparent after your Lisa vote at Final 10, not because you were lying to me but because you were SO obvious about your lies. And then you made it to the end through being immune for four rounds, and so because of that I don't think I would be voting for you if I leave tonight. But if Kim leaves tonight, I do think you'll win. And regardless of how I feel about your gameplay, there would be something cool about the two members of the Magui alliance sitting next to each other in the end, and good luck if that does happen icon_Gizmo

    Re: Fallen Comrades

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Wed Dec 05, 2012 4:28:41 pm

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    Tom wrote:they don't get to see it until Post game, which is weird.

    Just think on RL Survivor, the Jury don't get to see those oh-so-touching tributes to them till later. Plus this way, people are more inclined to be legit rather than using them as jury bait, or as a prelude to their FTC speech (I am personally always soo guilty of the latter)

    Now I think you have forgotten that my massive ego needs feeding five square meals a day. Do the hosts!

    Re: Fallen Comrades

    Postby Tom » Wed Dec 05, 2012 6:18:39 pm

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    Brenda Lowe wrote:
    Tom wrote:they don't get to see it until Post game, which is weird.

    Just think on RL Survivor, the Jury don't get to see those oh-so-touching tributes to them till later. Plus this way, people are more inclined to be legit rather than using them as jury bait, or as a prelude to their FTC speech (I am personally always soo guilty of the latter)

    Now I think you have forgotten that my massive ego needs feeding five square meals a day. Do the hosts!

    Yeah, I'll admit that this is more realistic, since in ORGs I've kind of began to view FC's as the first part to the FTC speech. Still, I guess I kind of got used to that, but either way this is definitely different.

    I will, regardless of whether I lose tonight or not, I plan to do the hosts + me tomorrow! I figured those are write-ups that I could do without much changing regardless of whether I'm still in the game or not.

    Also, can you answer that question about if there are revotes tonight in a tie?

    Re: Fallen Comrades

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Thu Dec 06, 2012 5:45:31 am

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    Tom wrote:
    Brenda Lowe wrote:
    Tom wrote:Also, can you answer that question about if there are revotes tonight in a tie?

    I presume this was about F4 round and not Juror votes? icon_unsure

    Re: Fallen Comrades

    Postby Tom » Thu Dec 06, 2012 12:21:48 pm

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    Yeah, it was about Final 4. It didn't end up mattering, the reason I asked was I was beginning to feel like getting rid of Lisa might be my best chance of winning so Kim and Bobby Jon could split votes (turns out I may have been wrong on this though and underestimating some of the Kim support) but even if they told me they were voting Lisa, I was never going to vote Lisa on my first vote because it would have been fucking stupid to risk a 2-1-1 vote.

    Re: Fallen Comrades

    Postby Tom » Thu Dec 06, 2012 3:30:59 pm

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    You are one of the most self-righteous, elitist, ignorant, bitter, hypocritical, and downright vile players I've ever seen. You seem to hold the mentality that everyone should play for you to win, and if someone who you plan to betray betrays you first that they're a horrible person, when they're really just stabbing you before you get the chance to grab the knife. You actually told me at one point that YOU SEE NO POINT TO TALK TO SOMEONE IF THEY AREN'T VOTING WITH YOU, which made me throw up in my mouth a little to read and was one of the most ignorant things I ever saw. You say you got some friends for this, but it seems that for you everything is black and white in terms of who is with you and against you, and if someone helps you in the game they're a "good person" and if they don't then they're a bad person. You talk about how awesome you are, but then you actually root against people on a personal level FOR NO REASON and seem to not understand the most basic concepts of this game. Ugh, you disgust me with your "holier-than-thou" attitude over the most arbitrary of things. Possibly the only person I've played with who I downright dislike on a personal level (ok, there might be one more icon_lol but that person is at least lulzy, and a good player. You're just vile and an awful one who can't comprehend anything other than "this person is voting with me" and results-oriented thinking icon_sick .)

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