Jeff - 18th Place - Suppis - (Survivor Sucks)Best Looking
Most Likely to Sleep through First Period
Highlight of the Season:
That Gregg vote

"It was disgusting to read how you wanted to quit the challenge and give the win to Guacamole or what ever they are and its even worser than me not showing up. If it's me tonight I hope you're the next one."
Julie - 17th Place - oohitsryanNicest Ass
Most Likely to Miss Graduation
Highlight of the Season: Sad to see, her application. I want to meet the man who invented Toaster Strudels now.
Wanda - 16th Place - DangerouslyDry (Survivor Sucks)Most Creative
Most Likely to Become American Idol
Highlight of the Season: Her wit. Why did no-body 'get' Wanda? She was hilarious!
Dolly - 15th Place - AluminumSeiren (Survivor Sucks, ORGY)Most Huggable
Most Likely to Raise Her Hand in Class... And Give the Wrong Answer
Highlight of the Season: Her & Brook snuggling behind the shelter where they thought no-one could see <3
John - 14th Place - Jimbo (AussieStranded)Biggest Bully
Most Likely to Run for Congress
Highlight of the Season: Loser lodge. That thread. OMG check it out as soon as you can. But in fairness John has about 5 other contenders for highlight of the Season. Arriving last to find himself leader. The first challenge. Starting the fake idol clue rumour. Leading the losingest tribe in Stranded history through defeat after defeat after.. you were awesome John!
Brook - 13th Place - TheDoctor (ORGY) / Parvati (AussieStranded)Cutest Couple (shared with John)
Most Likely to Get Arrested for Punching a Congressman
Highlight of the Season: His twin showmances with Dolly & John

Caryn - 12th Place - TheOneSurvivor (Survivor Sucks)Best at 4x4 Puzzles
Most Likely to Throw a Chair on Jerry Springer
Highlight of the Season: Ba-Linside! It's a real shame Caryn didn't PM more. She had some great schemes ready to put into action if only she'd tried to get a bit of backing for them. She was likeable not despite, but because of her negativity. I would be very afraid of playig against Caryn with a bit more experience under her belt.
Chris - 11th Place - Justincorporated (Survivor Sucks) / Justin (ORGY)Biggest Slut
Most Likely to Cheat (both meanings)
Highlight of the Season: Morphing from off the radar threat into COMPLETELY IN EVERYONES FACES THREAT to the real *merge boot* in one glorious round.
Jolanda - 10th Place - ChuckieTheDuckie (Survivor Sucks, ORGY, ¡HOT TAMALE!Most Talkative
Most Likely to… ¡HOT TAMALE!
Highlight of the Season: ¡HOT TO.. actually no. I really enjoyed Jo's directness/bluntness/honesty, call it what you like, it led to interesting game situations and addictive confessionals. Telling Ami her side were about to be Pagonged :D
Gregg - 9th Place - Gnarls (Survivor Sucks, ORGY)Most Colorblind
Most Likely to Make Out With a Hot Dog
Highlight of the Season: Does Gregg have just one highlight? Round 1 challenge? His entire time on NuGuatuso? Making a million and one deals come merge and getting very nearly away with it thanks to his humour? All of the above.
Mia - 8th Place- Vocal Fry (Survivor Sucks)Biggest Opinion
Most Likely to Be Friendly to Your Face and Then Secretly Tell Everyone That You Made Out With a Hot Dog
Highlight of the Season: She is worse than Gregg to narrow down to one. At least with him it was a series of highs you can define. Mia was just one long highpoint all game. Is that just a highline? idk

I can't believe this was only her first game. She needs to play more and more and more. I can't think of any game that couldn't use a bit more Mia in it.
Chad - 7th Place - Nic2200 (Survivor Sucks)Biggest Stoner
Most Likely to Still Hate You Ten Years from Now for Getting Valedictorian over Him
Highlight of the Season: Chad owned the fuck out of the merge to late game here. And then there was the incredible early underdog story after Brook and John screwed him out of any kind of power. But the truth is Chad asked who's confessional we all should visit first, I couldn't well just say "yours". The descent into madness is divine :D
Ibreham - 6th Place - JayJayBlue (Survivor Sucks)Most Persistent Debater
Most Likely to Bring Home to Mom and Dad
Highlight of the Season: Say what you like about Ibe's gameplan (and we did, um, maybe stay out of the host blogs for a little while Ibe) but he had one. He was sticking to it, and I'm quite convinced he was one non-purple rock away from an extremely good shot at winning outright :o
Ami - 5th Place - Brightside (Survivor Sucks, ORGY)Biggest Flirt
Most Likely to Throw a Hidden Immunity Idol on Jerry Springer
Highlight of the Season: Ami is maybe the most old-school gamer in the cast. And it showed. There is no happenstance about topping all of those surveys, and it's no accident it took an idol to take her out of the game. It really was a pleasure to watch just how far calmness under pressure can get you (even if she was this close to the boot on NuChoro four different rounds :P)
Tom - 4th Place - Taterman (Survivor Sucks, ORGY)Class Mob Boss
Most Likely to Overcompensate for Having a Little Package
Highlight of the Season: Tom was *the* defining character of the Season. And that's saying something in a Season this choc-a-bloc. For all the fan-favo status of the Mias of the world, and the sweethearts, and the schemers, and the strategists, and all the different gametypes, Tom was a little bit of everything. Tom was always in the controlling alliance of the game, an most of the time, seemed in control of that alliance too. Although thats not all good, since round one, his um.. decision making skills have been under close scrutiny :P
That's part of the charm too. I don't think this Season would have been half as enjoyable with a different player at the helm.
Lisa - Runner-Up - SpankyHotDog (SurvivorSucks)Nicest
Most Likely to Remember You in Ten Years
Highlight of the Season: Why does no-one respect a good solid loyal trusting ally anymore <3 Everyone wants to be a mastermind or a megalomaniac, but Lisa brought a purity to the mix here that balanced out all the madness. It was a shame to see her torn apart by some of you, when her nice simple approach reaped far greater results. Every bit as deserving of that runner-up slot as BJ. Maybe it's not quite the compelling arc, or wouldn't make for great TV, but don't knock it till you try it. You would kill for an ally like Lisa.
Bobby Jon - Runner-Up - Dirty Andrea (AussieStranded)Best Nickname (Boob)
Most Likely to Guess Your Locker Combination
Highlight of the Season: I was lucky enough to play with Bobbi in his very first game ever, and he just dominated. I knew right away I wanted him here in this for his second bite at the cherry, and he did not disappoint in the slightest. Always scheming away privately and with many options early, I think his game took a bigger hit than he knew at the time when he took a few days away. He didn't have the same amount of trust in NuChorotega than he did in the originals. But that in itself led to one of my favourite arcs of the Season - the Tom/BJ relationship breaking down. Tight allies are great to watch and all, but once-tight allies falling apart and going for each other head-tohead? Awesome. How complex were you two?? And that it bubbled on all the way to f4 is nothing short of astonishing.
Only just falling short of a little bit of Jury experience, he would certainly have been a worthy winner.
Kim - Winner - SeveC (ORGY)Best Rack
Most Likely to Escape a Food Fight Without a Mark Because She Used You As a Human Shield Without You Knowing
Highlight of the Season: I have a Brenda confessional to make.

About a week before the game began Jeff asked me about Seve and whether to cast him. I had just come out of a game with him and I was a bit, meh, he's likeable, could be a decent player, but doesn't really play to win though. :/ Make him first back-up in case you have a drop.. and on the surface, the more casual viewers will probably only see that much too. But omg, watching Kim's game from the inside was perfection personified. There aren't even words.
How can I even try. Kim's game was all about releasing controlled amounts of whatever was needed at the time. Loyalty, strategy, ignorance, friendship, challenge strength Everything was carefully weighted. Not too much, not too little. People get hung up on "having a number one" in these games, and indeed she spent a long time looking for one, but in the process landed herself as nearly everyone's number 3-4 pre-merge. Just off of the radar. Not someone we're gonna have to look at booting any time soon, she'll be a loyal vote for us.
Everyone, and I mean everyone (yes even Lisa :P ) was in serious danger of going home at some point during the game. The only time Kim was in any danger were the ties that you guys saw on the outside. Even then, that was not because they wanted to, they were only because other people's hands were forced. There is a constant theme in every players confessional about how they think they'd like to go to the end with Kim. nobody saw her threat until it was too late. Bobbi Jon fell victim to it but the rest of you were planning to as well :D Once you read around yes you'll find a bit of "hmm, I'm not sure where Kim's head is at" but it always turns into "Kim is with us, for sure" in next to no time. She kept her distance from everyone, but in doing so she never overcommitted. She stayed away from the bottom, but she stayed well away from the top. A big part of her game relied on staying in Tom's shadow, but as soon as he was ready to drop her and commit to a different final three, she fucking spidersensed it and cut him off at the pass. Then when she needed immunity out comes controlled bursts of immunity.
Buffer play <3 And let me tell you - nothing about Kim's positional play was accidental. Information trafficking <3 Watching her different PMs simply flow, how much to send that guy, what does she need to know right now? How little can I say to him and still keep him with me.
k I'm rambling now, but she was just that good.
Oh, and one more thing, Kim has played over 20 times. This is only the second time ever she made FTC.
And this is her very first win <3